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What are women marching about? [W:182] (1 Viewer)

Re: What are women marching about?

Your first sentence and your last paragraph

So you take something from a post that was posted AFTER you said what you did to try and make your case? One which fails btw.

discrimination against gays is a form of gender discrimination, and gender discrimination has a negative impact on women and LGBTQs. The reasons why gay men, bi-sexuals and queers --btw, many queers are female-- are included is because they are discriminated against for not conforming to gender stereotypes that are part of a patriarchal culture. Just as MLK saw race discrimination as something that also hurt white people, the people who organized this march see gender discrimination as something whose damage is not limited to women.

So you have to associate it to gender discrimination by saying its a "form" of gender discrimination. Funny. Whenever I talked about homosexuality I always referred to their sexuality. Not their gender. In fact I distinctly remember everyone (including me) specifically separating the two when arguing for their Rights and SSM.
Re: What are women marching about?

Straw man much? Seriously, point to a single time he said anything about racism or bigotry

He sure implied it with the whole "white man willfully" BS now didn't he? How about you use your own arguments to fight your own battles instead of trying to score points using something in which you are applying incorrectly.
Re: What are women marching about?

Strawman much? Seriously, point to a single time that I have said either sentence or implied either sentence.

Let's assume that you're right just for the sake of discussion. Why are they including gays wouldn't that be a men's issue since gays are associated with men and lesbians are associated with women? And the IA which are supposed to be, essentially, genderless. This is after all a WOMANS march. And overall LGBTQ issues has nothing to do with gender discrimination but with sexual orientation discrimination. Or are you going to only make it a gender issue in order to suit your purposes? After all, "gender" is a social construct isn't it? Lesbians and gays have no problem with their gender identities. Nor do bi-sexuals or queers. You have a case for Transgenders though. That is about gender. So they at least could join them. Not the others.....if they're really marching for women's issues. Though I would argue that transgender issues are completely separate from women's issues for the simple fact that women that are not transgendered do not have any of the same issues as transgenders.

Kal. Loads of men were at the two rallies I attended, nearly half at the smaller gathering. I heard 14 women speak over the course of the day. Black women, latino women who were affected by DACA, Native American women, lesbians, a transgender woman and an Iranian woman. Different groups may have very specific issues, but taken altogether, women stand in support of each other. That day and the intention is every day. As you can see from my avatar and my signature.

Everyone was welcome to attend. Why? Because Women's rights are Human rights and Human rights are Women's rights. Equality means equal rights for all, not just me and my identified group.

Re: What are women marching about?

Well, let's take a look at their stated reasons for marching:

Violence against women, or anyone, is against the law and prosecuted heavily. Violence against women is perpetrated individually, it's not an institutional issue that can be solved through protest. Fail

Women have the right to reproduce without restriction. The real issue is whether they have the right to kill an unborn child for personal convenience.

This is not a women's issue and LGBTQIAZRYTUIKLJDES have the same rights as those of us who don't need a dictionary to know whether we were born with a penis or vagina.

What rights do male workers have that female workers don't have? The answer is, none. As for the pay gap between men and women, that is pure propaganda. Men and women with identical jobs, who work identical hours, who work the same number of days per year, who are equally productive, who work for the same company and have an equal amount of seniority, generally make the same amount of money. Fail

Civil rights for women already exists... Women are afforded the same rights as men. Not a women's issue.

Disabled women are afforded the same rights as disabled men. Not a women's issue.

Women immigrants have the same rights as immigrant men. The real issue is that they want open borders, which is not a women's only issue.

This is a progressive political issue, not a woman's issue.

Conclusion: This is nothing more than a march to push the progressive political agenda that has little to do with women. It uses the false premise that women in America are being oppressed in order recruit supporters and gain national publicity.

AKA, it's a sham... Just like NOW is.


Well summed up. You're right on the money.
Re: What are women marching about?

More so by men, in my opinion.

Statistically, one HAD to be more than the other. They were never going to be even. There are millions of women jailed around the world for their vicious sexual crimes, don't worry. Aside from them, there are hundreds of millions of others who did the same thing and were not caught.
Re: What are women marching about?

It amazes me how threatened some folks on the right are when women stand up for themselves.

From my POV they appeared to be slithering on their bellies in the mud, like hippies at Woodstock.
Re: What are women marching about?

I disagree. I think some folks on the right wish they were living in the 50's when women were expected to submit to whatever came their way.

Women in the 50’s, like women in the Founders’ days, were very happy to raise their children at home and support their husbands, who went out to earn the money. Since then feminazis have changed history to make it look like something else, and you subscribe to that propaganda as it was taught in school. What feminazis didn’t tell you was that under that natural system families used to use, the greatest things (including the U.S. Constitution) were created. Things like that are now under attack because families have broken up under the leadership of the Left.
Re: What are women marching about?

Kal. Loads of men were at the two rallies I attended, nearly half at the smaller gathering. I heard 14 women speak over the course of the day. Black women, latino women who were affected by DACA, Native American women, lesbians, a transgender woman and an Iranian woman. Different groups may have very specific issues, but taken altogether, women stand in support of each other. That day and the intention is every day. As you can see from my avatar and my signature.

Everyone was welcome to attend. Why? Because Women's rights are Human rights and Human rights are Women's rights. Equality means equal rights for all, not just me and my identified group.


I have no doubt that many men attended the march. And yes, different groups have very specific issues. The problem that I am seeing is that this is being labeled as a "woman's rights issue". Something that you did in your own post by specifically saying "Women's rights are Human Rights". If we're talking about several issues, spanning across many different groups, then why is it being labeled as a "woman's rights issue"? By your own admission at least half of the people at the march you attended were men.

It seems to me that the women's movement in the US is appropriating other causes into their movement because there are less and less issues that are facing women. They're trying to use other causes to bolster their own in order to stay relevant.

What we really have here is simply Human Rights issues. Not Women's Rights issues.
Re: What are women marching about?

I have no doubt that many men attended the march. And yes, different groups have very specific issues. The problem that I am seeing is that this is being labeled as a "woman's rights issue". Something that you did in your own post by specifically saying "Women's rights are Human Rights". If we're talking about several issues, spanning across many different groups, then why is it being labeled as a "woman's rights issue"? By your own admission at least half of the people at the march you attended were men.

It seems to me that the women's movement in the US is appropriating other causes into their movement because there are less and less issues that are facing women. They're trying to use other causes to bolster their own in order to stay relevant.

What we really have here is simply Human Rights issues. Not Women's Rights issues.

Because women are leading this particular movement, it is called the Women's March. And women acknowledge that men are needed in the movement as well. Men were commended for attending.

In the view of the participants, there is no appropriation going on. It's joining in. It's inclusion. I'm sorry, I don't see that women in general are facing less and less issues eiter. The cut backs to and increasing cost of healthcare, effects women. Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, effects women. Restrictions on abortion, effects women.

Call it what you want and join in, Kal. However, I don't understand the need to rename it according to how you understand it. Millions of participants were very happy to join in "The Women's March". No explanations required.
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Re: What are women marching about?

Because women are leading this particular movement, it is called the Women's March. And women acknowledge that men are needed in the movement as well. Men were commended for attending.

In the view of the participants, there is no appropriation going on. It's joining in. It's inclusion. I'm sorry, I don't see that women in general are facing less and less issues eiter. The cut backs to and increasing cost of healthcare, effect women. Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, effects women. Restrictions on abortion, effect women.

Call it what you want and join in, Kal. However, I don't understand the need to rename it according to how you understand it. Millions of participants were very happy to join in "The Women's March". No explanations required.

Well Done Lady. :applaud
Re: What are women marching about?

From my POV they appeared to be slithering on their bellies in the mud, like hippies at Woodstock.

Awesome post! Your parents must be very proud! :applaud
Re: What are women marching about?

Women in the 50’s, like women in the Founders’ days, were very happy to raise their children at home and support their husbands, who went out to earn the money. Since then feminazis have changed history to make it look like something else, and you subscribe to that propaganda as it was taught in school. What feminazis didn’t tell you was that under that natural system families used to use, the greatest things (including the U.S. Constitution) were created. Things like that are now under attack because families have broken up under the leadership of the Left.

Do you also long for the days of segregation and the criminalization of homosexual lovemaking?
Re: What are women marching about?

Women in the 50’s, like women in the Founders’ days, were very happy to raise their children at home and support their husbands, who went out to earn the money. Since then feminazis have changed history to make it look like something else, and you subscribe to that propaganda as it was taught in school. What feminazis didn’t tell you was that under that natural system families used to use, the greatest things (including the U.S. Constitution) were created. Things like that are now under attack because families have broken up under the leadership of the Left.

And this is how conservatism is done. You take a snapshot of a moment in history, declare it to be the perfect moment, and do whatever you can to preserve the moment. If you can just get the right combination of legislation and enforcement, you can live in that moment forever. Women should forget about having interesting and challenging careers, for the sake of men keeping their perfect moment.
See, being liberal I say we haven't seen the perfect moment yet. We're still trying to find it. And if it isn't perfect for everyone, it isn't perfect for anyone.
Re: What are women marching about?

Women should forget about having interesting and challenging careers

You’re saying that the mothers of the Founding Fathers didn’t find raising their sons interesting and challenging? You think a single mother on welfare today working part time in the 7-11 store finds life more interesting and challenging than those women? Wow. What a strange idea.
Re: What are women marching about?

You’re saying that the mothers of the Founding Fathers didn’t find raising their sons interesting and challenging? You think a single mother on welfare today working part time in the 7-11 store finds life more interesting and challenging than those women? Wow. What a strange idea.

What a simple-minded, juvenile ploy, making up something really stupid and then saying I said it. What else you got up your sleeve?
Okay, let's play your game. You're saying women were better off when doctors drugged then into docility with Valium so they could tolerate their empty lives? You think the single mothers back before birth control and legal abortion were better off than women who actually have options? Wow. Why do you hate women so much?
Re: What are women marching about?

This is one of those threads to makes me Proud of some of our contributors here and at the same time very ashamed to call some of you my fellow Americans.
Re: What are women marching about?

Comparing men to dogs.


Some men behave like dogs when it comes to interaction with women. Some men behave worse than dogs.
Re: What are women marching about?

Its nonsensical because your post was a lot of non sequiturs that didn't make any sense. Yea police officers are male. Women are marching to get rid of men. What in God's name are you talking about?

You didn't understand then. Picture #2 shows a sign saying, "smash patriarchy", while picture #3 shows male police protecting the women during the march. Irony, get it?
Re: What are women marching about?

What a simple-minded, juvenile ploy, making up something really stupid and then saying I said it.

So you're saying you DO think mothers of the Founding Fathers found raising their sons interesting and challenging? Make up your mind.
Re: What are women marching about?

The OP was literally nothing but a woman's opinion, Gina.

I replied to Thor regarding the thread, not the OP:

Quote Originally Posted by Thorgasm View Post
So we have a thread where a bunch of white men willfully can't understand what issues a group they don't belong to may be marching about. We've seen this movie before.
Mansplaining anyone?
Re: What are women marching about?

So you're saying you DO think mothers of the Founding Fathers found raising their sons interesting and challenging? Make up your mind.

You make it up for me. That's how you do this, innit?
Re: What are women marching about?

I replied to Thor regarding the thread, not the OP:

Which was blatantly obvious to anyone who actually read the post you quoted and were replying too.
Re: What are women marching about?

Which was blatantly obvious to anyone who actually read the post you quoted and were replying too.

Yep it was. ;)

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