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What are the best arguments against gun control? (1 Viewer)

Don't believe so. It was originally designed as a survival rifle:


This article seems to imply that the AR-15 was based on the selective fire AR-10, and became the M16. The M16 is also selective fire.


As does this one:

"The ArmaLite AR-15 was a select-fire, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed assault rifle manufactured in the United States between 1959 and 1964. Designed by American gun manufacturer ArmaLite in 1956, it was based on its AR-10 rifle. The ArmaLite AR-15 was designed to be a lightweight assault rifle and to fire a new high-velocity, lightweight, small-caliber cartridge to allow the infantrymen to carry more ammunition."

Of course not. I see gun bans as pointless. Regulation is the key

Alright than lets move on to the next argument, "An armed civilian population prevents dictatorships from forming."
Alright than lets move on to the next argument, "An armed civilian population prevents dictatorships from forming."

One you can be an armed nation and have gun control. Two many nations have had gun bans for decades are are free and open democracies.
We have the most lax gun laws of any developed nation on earth and the most gun deaths. Not a coincidence
Lax is a relative term - compared to some countries that don't allow private ownership, or that require private guns be locked up at a gun or hunting club, we are lax. As far as our "laxness" causing most gun deaths - correlation does not imply causation.
Lax is a relative term - compared to some countries that don't allow private ownership, or that require private guns be locked up at a gun or hunting club, we are lax. As far as our "laxness" causing most gun deaths - correlation does not imply causation.

Name a country with more lax gun laws than us.
I accept your concession. I guess its just a giant coincidence. LOL
No concession given. I never claimed there were any countries with more lax gun laws - first off you'd have to define what "lax" really means. Second you'd need to correlate gun deaths with violations of our laws vs being cause by a lack of a specific law or failure to follow procedures already written into law. Look at the Florida shooting for example: How many failures to follow procedure allowed Cruz to buy the gun and get on campus? Gang violence? How many of their guns are purchased legally? The list goes on. Just because we have a failure to follow the law doesn't mean we need yet another one.
No concession given. I never claimed there were any countries with more lax gun laws - first off you'd have to define what "lax" really means. Second you'd need to correlate gun deaths with violations of our laws vs being cause by a lack of a specific law or failure to follow procedures already written into law. Look at the Florida shooting for example: How many failures to follow procedure allowed Cruz to buy the gun and get on campus? Gang violence? How many of their guns are purchased legally? The list goes on. Just because we have a failure to follow the law doesn't mean we need yet another one.

Yeah its just a great coincidence. I'm with you buddy

Also that states with lax gun control have the most gun deaths. A giant coincidence
Yeah its just a great coincidence. I'm with you buddy

Also that states with lax gun control have the most gun deaths. A giant coincidence
You still haven't defined "lax"; what law are those states missing? Also are you talking ALL gun deaths or just murders?
You still haven't defined "lax"; what law are those states missing? Also are you talking ALL gun deaths or just murders?

All, of course. He has to include suicides to try to support his argument.
In other words you lack even a basic understanding of what "Constitutional" means. Nothing new there.

yeah, run with that line of thinking, It will do wonders for your reputation here.
You still haven't defined "lax"; what law are those states missing? Also are you talking ALL gun deaths or just murders?

Its ok buddy. Its all just a giant coincidence
Lax is a relative term - compared to some countries that don't allow private ownership, or that require private guns be locked up at a gun or hunting club, we are lax. As far as our "laxness" causing most gun deaths - correlation does not imply causation.

most gun shot homicides involve-both as perpetrator and as victim-those who cannot legally own firearms. Few gun crimes are committed by those who would be impacted by additional firearms laws. Gun banners and gun restrictionists spend almost all their efforts trying to harass the people who cause very little gun crime
We have the most lax gun laws of any developed nation on earth and the most gun deaths. Not a coincidence

There's no concrete proof that proves what you are saying...

Something from factcheck.org you might want to read...
Obama’s Argument
The president made his comments on Oct. 1 after a mass shooting that day at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, left 10 people dead, including the shooter.

Obama, Oct. 1: We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun laws don’t work, or just will make it harder for law-abiding citizens and criminals [to] still get their guns is not borne out by the evidence.
We have written before about gun control issues, and the inability to determine causation between gun laws and gun violence. As Susan B. Sorenson, a professor of social policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told us in 2012, “We really don’t have answers to a lot of the questions that we should have answers to.” And that’s partly because a scientific random study — in which one group of people had guns or permissive gun laws, and another group didn’t — isn’t possible.

When we asked the White House about Obama’s claim, a spokesman sent us links to other studies that found states with more gun restrictions had fewer gun deaths, backing up Obama’s claim that “states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths.” But it doesn’t back up his claim that “the evidence” shows there is a link between the gun deaths and gun laws.

Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health looked at gun laws and gun deaths in all 50 states from 2007 to 2010, concluding that: “A higher number of firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in the state, overall and for suicides and homicides individually.” Their research was published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2013. But the study said that it couldn’t determine cause-and-effect.

One of the authors, Dr. Eric Fleegler, a pediatric emergency medicine physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, told the Boston Globe that “n states with the most laws, we found a dramatic decreased rate in firearm fatalities, though we can’t say for certain that these laws have led to fewer deaths.

There's no concrete proof that proves what you are saying...

Something from factcheck.org you might want to read...


Thanks for the additional backup. I will use it often

Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health looked at gun laws and gun deaths in all 50 states from 2007 to 2010, concluding that: “A higher number of firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in the state, overall and for suicides and homicides individually.” Their research was published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2013.
The Violence Policy Center advocates for gun control. Not exactly an unbiased source. They've also been criticized for using inaccurate stats.


The VPC distributes its published research and analysis to members of Congress and their staffs. Numerous US gun control organizations have used VPC reports and terminology to advance local and national gun control initiatives.[32] VPC research results and policy positions have been cited by major news organizations including The New York Times,[18][27] The Washington Post,[28] the Chicago Tribune,[29] CNN,[33][34] the Associated Press,[6][35] and Reuters
Thanks for the additional backup. I will use it often

Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health looked at gun laws and gun deaths in all 50 states from 2007 to 2010, concluding that: “A higher number of firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in the state, overall and for suicides and homicides individually.” Their research was published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2013.

You're cherry picking something said completely out of context but go ahead if you need to do this to suit your false narrative.
What I quoted above doesn't change anything. Your statement to which I replied is false.
You're cherry picking something said completely out of context but go ahead if you need to do this to suit your false narrative.

I know its all part of this great coincidence that states with lax gun laws and the US with the most lax gun laws have the most gun deaths out of any developed nation. A great big coincidence.
We have the most lax gun laws of any developed nation on earth and the most gun deaths. Not a coincidence

Are you claiming causation? If so then you need to provide proof.
most gun shot homicides involve-both as perpetrator and as victim-those who cannot legally own firearms. Few gun crimes are committed by those who would be impacted by additional firearms laws. Gun banners and gun restrictionists spend almost all their efforts trying to harass the people who cause very little gun crime
That's a very good point. Restrictionists embrace the broad brush approach to control issues. IMHO there are more than enough laws on the books to control guns, we need to focus on the intentional violators and those who obtain guns because of lax performance. Although the Las Vegas shooter is still wrapped in mystery most of the other mass shooting perps waived more than enough red flags, had someone taken action on them.

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