Alaska Would Be More at Home in Russia
Sell Alaska to Russia? Damn what a heck!!! Has the US come down that low that is ready to trade its territories? St. Pearlstein says it's economically sound but wait do we measure everything from financial viewpoint. Does he and other highbrows not really realize that the US - proudly a single super-state in the world - is now in the pillory? Does Mr Pearlstein not really follow the course? We were f'cked up there in the Central Asia and kicked out from the region where America was dominating since long ago! Was it not really enough? Do we want more? Now, sell Alaska and what? I wonder. Did Mr. Pearlstein know that Alaska is a key strategic area - Pacific military bases and ABM systems deployed there to deter potential aggressors like China and North Korea. We sell Alaska and kiss off Pacific dominance. Mind this.

Sell Alaska to Russia? Damn what a heck!!! Has the US come down that low that is ready to trade its territories? St. Pearlstein says it's economically sound but wait do we measure everything from financial viewpoint. Does he and other highbrows not really realize that the US - proudly a single super-state in the world - is now in the pillory? Does Mr Pearlstein not really follow the course? We were f'cked up there in the Central Asia and kicked out from the region where America was dominating since long ago! Was it not really enough? Do we want more? Now, sell Alaska and what? I wonder. Did Mr. Pearlstein know that Alaska is a key strategic area - Pacific military bases and ABM systems deployed there to deter potential aggressors like China and North Korea. We sell Alaska and kiss off Pacific dominance. Mind this.