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WH Concerned That Russia Could Use Chemical Weapons In Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 6, 2020
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Political Leaning
Can we expect Biden to draw a Red Line on the use of chemical weapons as Trump did in Syria?
Can we expect Biden to draw a Red Line on the use of chemical weapons as Trump did in Syria?
No, because that still leaves you at square one.
Can we expect Biden to draw a Red Line on the use of chemical weapons as Trump did in Syria?
Yes, obviously Putin would do that, since he has less regard for the value of human life than I do for field ticks. But no, it’s very unlikely Biden or any other rational Presidential administration would draw a red line over that, because as I said that still leaves you at square one.
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So Putin does as he pleases while the western world does nothing because of their fear of his nuclear option. That is a bad place to be!

You really feel he is willing to destroy his country and die himself?
Too much noise. Let countries witout sin drop the first bombs. I finally found a use for religion!
So Putin does as he pleases while the western world does nothing because of their fear of his nuclear option. That is a bad place to be!

You really feel he is willing to destroy his country and die himself?

I don't know how you get to "the Western world does nothing." It may not be everything you want, but it's not nothing.

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