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West curbs Russia’s access to weather data that some fear could aid attack planning in Ukraine (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
Political Leaning

The West should do everything possible to make life so hard for the war criminal's forces that the Russian people (including the elite) invite him to leave and go live in Switzerland with his mistress.

P.S. Just read that President Biden will soon announce MORE sanctions against that thug.
Imagine consequences for being a pack of uncivilized savages.

The West should do everything possible to make life so hard for the war criminal's forces that the Russian people (including the elite) invite him to leave and go live in Switzerland with his mistress.
China. If he lives to make it into exile, it'll be in China. Xi will make sure Putzin is hidden from the ICC.

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