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Well, What Do You Know, Hard Work Has Little To Do With It (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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For many decades it has been the claim among a vast majority of conservatives that the wealthy earn, grow, and keep their wealth by hard work alone. Listening to their countless assertions make it seem the oligarchs accomplished everything without the help of any employees, investors, or the creative minds of others. According to these right-wingers, the billionaires' wealth comes from the sweat of their brow.

Of course, rational people understand the conservatives are overwhelmed by fairy tales, wealth, when not gained through birth but is grown and maintained chiefly by corruption and the lack of ethics. Actual hard work by the super-rich has very little to do with it.

The leaks of the Panama Papers prove the misplaced trust conservatives put in people like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump, and the other right wing oligarchs, coupled with their belief these corrupt individuals are working to “make America great again.” The fact is, these crooked a**holes are what is destroying America.

The Panama Papers are more proof that Reagan’s “Trickle Down” is political and economic snake oil. Decades of the middle class drinking in Ronny’s Trickle Down made the super-rich richer, fed income inequality with stagnant wages, and increased the number of Americans living in poverty.

Will the Panama Papers finally force the right-wingers to face the truth, or will their blind faith keep them believing it is the oligarchs’ “hard work” that makes and keeps them wealthy? Will the right-wingers at last realize the super-rich are hoarding their money? Can these conservatives finally stop simplemindedly believing the lie that these billions-of-dollars are being reinvested in America?

Read the article, “The Panama Papers Leak Reveals Just How Badly the 1% Is Screwing Everyone Else Over,” at the following link.

The Panama Papers leak reveals just how badly the 1% is screwing everyone else over - AOL

For many decades it has been the claim among a vast majority of conservatives that the wealthy earn, grow, and keep their wealth by hard work alone. Listening to their countless assertions make it seem the oligarchs accomplished everything without the help of any employees, investors, or the creative minds of others. According to these right-wingers, the billionaires' wealth comes from the sweat of their brow.

Of course, rational people understand the conservatives are overwhelmed by fairy tales, wealth, when not gained through birth but is grown and maintained chiefly by corruption and the lack of ethics. Actual hard work by the super-rich has very little to do with it.

The leaks of the Panama Papers prove the misplaced trust conservatives put in people like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump, and the other right wing oligarchs, coupled with their belief these corrupt individuals are working to “make America great again.” The fact is, these crooked a**holes are what is destroying America.

The Panama Papers are more proof that Reagan’s “Trickle Down” is political and economic snake oil. Decades of the middle class drinking in Ronny’s Trickle Down made the super-rich richer, fed income inequality with stagnant wages, and increased the number of Americans living in poverty.

Will the Panama Papers finally force the right-wingers to face the truth, or will their blind faith keep them believing it is the oligarchs’ “hard work” that makes and keeps them wealthy? Will the right-wingers at last realize the super-rich are hoarding their money? Can these conservatives finally stop simplemindedly believing the lie that these billions-of-dollars are being reinvested in America?

Read the article, “The Panama Papers Leak Reveals Just How Badly the 1% Is Screwing Everyone Else Over,” at the following link.

The Panama Papers leak reveals just how badly the 1% is screwing everyone else over - AOL


I honestly believe that many simply can't believe the system they grew up in has changed so much that the majority are getting screwed.

That and the inconceivably complex task of dealing with it.
For many decades it has been the claim among a vast majority of conservatives that the wealthy earn, grow, and keep their wealth by hard work alone. Listening to their countless assertions make it seem the oligarchs accomplished everything without the help of any employees, investors, or the creative minds of others. According to these right-wingers, the billionaires' wealth comes from the sweat of their brow.

Of course, rational people understand the conservatives are overwhelmed by fairy tales, wealth, when not gained through birth but is grown and maintained chiefly by corruption and the lack of ethics. Actual hard work by the super-rich has very little to do with it.

The leaks of the Panama Papers prove the misplaced trust conservatives put in people like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump, and the other right wing oligarchs, coupled with their belief these corrupt individuals are working to “make America great again.” The fact is, these crooked a**holes are what is destroying America.

The Panama Papers are more proof that Reagan’s “Trickle Down” is political and economic snake oil. Decades of the middle class drinking in Ronny’s Trickle Down made the super-rich richer, fed income inequality with stagnant wages, and increased the number of Americans living in poverty.

Will the Panama Papers finally force the right-wingers to face the truth, or will their blind faith keep them believing it is the oligarchs’ “hard work” that makes and keeps them wealthy? Will the right-wingers at last realize the super-rich are hoarding their money? Can these conservatives finally stop simplemindedly believing the lie that these billions-of-dollars are being reinvested in America?

Read the article, “The Panama Papers Leak Reveals Just How Badly the 1% Is Screwing Everyone Else Over,” at the following link.

The Panama Papers leak reveals just how badly the 1% is screwing everyone else over - AOL


Because Trump and Adelson and the Koch brothers names all came up at this firm?

You might want to keep in mind that the names that have come up so far have all been leaders and families of the leaders of the Euro-Socialist, Communist and other Socialist states you folks tend to fawn over.
Because Trump and Adelson and the Koch brothers names all came up at this firm?

You might want to keep in mind that the names that have come up so far have all been leaders and families of the leaders of the Euro-Socialist, Communist and other Socialist states you folks tend to fawn over.

Yes, such noted lefty heroes as Bashar Al-Assad, the King of Saudi Arabia and the former prime minister of Iraq.

From what I gather, the full list of names will be released in May.
Yes, such noted lefty heroes as Bashar Al-Assad, the King of Saudi Arabia and the former prime minister of Iraq.

From what I gather, the full list of names will be released in May.

Kofi Anan's kid. David Cameron's father. The Prime Minister of Iceland. So far no names that even come close to the Koch/Adelson/Trump circle the OP decided to cite.
Kofi Anan's kid. David Cameron's father. The Prime Minister of Iceland. So far no names that even come close to the Koch/Adelson/Trump circle the OP decided to cite.

Like I said in another thread, Americans might not be in Panama, but I bet they are in the Caribbean.

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