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Well damn. Even a top Republican told Trump not to trash mail-in voting... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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McCarthy told Trump trashing mail-in voting will hurt Republicans: report | TheHill

"I tried to show him ... you know who is most afraid of COVID? Seniors. And if they're not going to go vote, period, we're screwed," McCarthy told an Axios reporter, according to a report published Sunday.

The top House Republican told the outlet that he spent hours warning the president that his preoccupation with slamming mail-in voting will not only him but also Republicans running for Congress.

“We could lose based on that," McCarthy told Axios."

well. duh.
McCarthy told Trump trashing mail-in voting will hurt Republicans: report | TheHill

"I tried to show him ... you know who is most afraid of COVID? Seniors. And if they're not going to go vote, period, we're screwed," McCarthy told an Axios reporter, according to a report published Sunday.

The top House Republican told the outlet that he spent hours warning the president that his preoccupation with slamming mail-in voting will not only him but also Republicans running for Congress.

“We could lose based on that," McCarthy told Axios."

well. duh.

Seniors use absentee balloting, not mail in balloting.
There are a couple of interesting things going on here.

It may be dawning on Kevin "Putin is paying Trump" McCarthy that Trump doesn't care about how the GOP does in the election, he only cares about himself. And with Trump appearing to be losing, Trump doesn't care about the results of the election. He only cares about creating enough chaos on election day that he can call the results into question.

All classic narcissitic behavior.
I want to add that we have finally put to bed the "no one is above the law" claim here in the U.S. It is beyond question that the U.S. President is above the law while in office, and apparently, his convicted friends whom he chooses to commute their sentence, or pardon them. The Trumpsters have no problem with this, and are the true anarchists in this country.
There are a couple of interesting things going on here.

It may be dawning on Kevin "Putin is paying Trump" McCarthy that Trump doesn't care about how the GOP does in the election, he only cares about himself. And with Trump appearing to be losing, Trump doesn't care about the results of the election. He only cares about creating enough chaos on election day that he can call the results into question.

All classic narcissitic behavior.

oh yeah. our con man only cares about himself.
I want to add that we have finally put to bed the "no one is above the law" claim here in the U.S. It is beyond question that the U.S. President is above the law while in office, and apparently, his convicted friends whom he chooses to commute their sentence, or pardon them. The Trumpsters have no problem with this, and are the true anarchists in this country.

they are a mafia.

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