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Weldon gives speech (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
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San Diego
Political Leaning
For those of you who dont know or havent heard of "able danger." Able danger is a group of government employees(mostly military officials)who identified several of the 9/11 hijackers over a year and a half before 9/11 occurred. These individuals pleaded with other intelligence agencies to arrest or deport these individuals or do something about it. However becasue of our political beauracracy crap it fell through the cracks and no one ever did anything about it obviously.

Now here is where it gets interesting. Because these mlitary officials had some balls of steel they still spoke out about it after 9/11 to try and get justice on whose fault it was that no one ever did anything about this after they pleaded with such organizations as the FBI, CIA, NSA, and etc. No to mention their superiors were ordered to issue a gag order on the individuals. Now why would our government do that? Also our government has tried to smear these individuals any way they can to get out of their apparent guilt. Now because of our voices across america demanding to hear what the true facts are about this we have been granted a hearing with the House given by Rep. Curt Weldon. His speech gave all the details of this whole situation incl. who and what able danger was.

Here is a link regarding able danger and the hearing.


I hope that this info gets out to every person in this nation and we can stand together and demand the truth and get proper justice. If proper justice means a whole sweeping throughout the entire gov and elect all new officials that are geared towards the people and not money then so be it! I am tired of the same old politicians who only care about a buck and not for the people by the people. Where has this country gone?
I cant beleive there are so many mental disorders here that would rather talk about bushes teleconference or the delay issue rather than talk about the real issue which is able danger.

It looks like the gov has pulled a fast one underneath all of you. I cannot beleive you guys are that gullible. Our gov is at fault for not protecting us and we do nothing about it to punish them for their apathy.

Its no wonder this country is wiveling away.
I cant beleive there are so many mental disorders here that would rather talk about bushes teleconference or the delay issue rather than talk about the real issue which is able danger.

It looks like the gov has pulled a fast one underneath all of you. I cannot beleive you guys are that gullible. Our gov is at fault for not protecting us and we do nothing about it to punish them for their apathy.

Its no wonder this country is wiveling away.

While I applaud your conviction, SKIL...once again you seem to be about 12 beers short of a six-pack. Everyone already knows the depth at which American Intelligence Agencies screwed the pooch on 9/11...well, for the most part. I'm still pretty sure it can go deeper, but that remains to be seen. Not trying to lessen the importance of this, but the issues you named above that people are posting in are current issues...and if you were to make that argument, you'd have to go knocking every thread on this board but yours.

Patience...if you write it, they will come. Or since it's you, they may not...that too remains to be seen. :2wave:
Quid Pro Quo said:
While I applaud your conviction, SKIL...once again you seem to be about 12 beers short of a six-pack. Everyone already knows the depth at which American Intelligence Agencies screwed the pooch on 9/11...well, for the most part. I'm still pretty sure it can go deeper, but that remains to be seen. Not trying to lessen the importance of this, but the issues you named above that people are posting in are current issues...and if you were to make that argument, you'd have to go knocking every thread on this board but yours.

Patience...if you write it, they will come. Or since it's you, they may not...that too remains to be seen. :2wave:

Well the fact of the matter is the average person in the country has never even heard of able danger. All they hear about is the bickering from the mental disorders about our president lying to go to war which is a fallacy. The fact is our president didnt lie about going to war he lied along with the rest of all the beauracracies about the knowing of 9/11 before it was going to happen. Now I have been a supporter of this president on the war on terror and other things.

However, the mental disorders are pending him the wrong allogations. If they want to impeach him then impeach him on the things that he has done wrong like not doing anyhting about 9/11 instead of making up their own excuses.

Also your right this goes very deep within the gov as you know that they issued a gag order on the people of able danger. I sincerely beleive that we should reform our gov. This was the last straw for me and to tell you the truth our gov is a sham(not just bush but everyone in it).

Lastly, this isnt about party politics this is about americans getting justice. And our whole gov is responsible for not doing anything and sleeping on the job.
Weldon has done a good job making noise on this. Lou Dobb's has picked it up and says he is going to follow the thread to the end. And now that the Fitzgerald investigation is being expanded to inclued the forged docs, I'd say that one way or another Americans are going to know about this in a few months.

I cant beleive there are so many mental disorders here that would rather talk about bushes teleconference or the delay issue rather than talk about the real issue which is able danger.

It looks like the gov has pulled a fast one underneath all of you. I cannot beleive you guys are that gullible. Our gov is at fault for not protecting us and we do nothing about it to punish them for their apathy.

Its no wonder this country is wiveling away.

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