• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Welcome to meeting me! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Political Leaning
Decided to make the jump over here from another forum (hannity...avoid it) place looks like it has a good flow to it and more moderators than 2 and some that are liberal..which is nice for a change.
Decided to make the jump over here from another forum (hannity...avoid it) place looks like it has a good flow to it and more moderators than 2 and some that are liberal..which is nice for a change.

Welcome to the Debate Politics Forum, Plasmaball. The folks here are good all around, so long as you keep everything above the belt. :peace
Welcome. Lots of activity. Hope it's fun for you.
Welcome aboard.

As political forums go, this one is pretty good, imho. :peace
Decided to make the jump over here from another forum (hannity...avoid it) place looks like it has a good flow to it and more moderators than 2 and some that are liberal..which is nice for a change.
Interesting. You're the 2nd openly proclaimed Hannity jumper tonight. Up 'till tonight, I wasn't even aware of his forum.
Interesting. You're the 2nd openly proclaimed Hannity jumper tonight. Up 'till tonight, I wasn't even aware of his forum.

I'm the 3rd (4th? 1st? lately).
Not being aware of the place until tonight, I imagine it to be like the wild west. Amirite?

No. Not sure how to describe it. Very non-friendly to anyone who is not a Trump cultist? Now, yes. Before 2018, no.

This place is much more "wild west". Over there, you had to really study posts to be sure you might not hurt the feelings of the Trumpsters. Or the mods, who are also Trumpsters.
Interesting. You're the 2nd openly proclaimed Hannity jumper tonight. Up 'till tonight, I wasn't even aware of his forum.

Right now I count about 8 or so who jumped to this place to see what's up...
No. Not sure how to describe it. Very non-friendly to anyone who is not a Trump cultist? Now, yes. Before 2018, no.

This place is much more "wild west". Over there, you had to really study posts to be sure you might not hurt the feelings of the Trumpsters. Or the mods, who are also Trumpsters.
Interesting. Well thanks for filling me in, here. DP is all I know, and I picked it because it seemed well moderated, active, and had what appeared to me to be fair and thorough penalty & grievance procedures.
I am a refuge, too.

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I came from the Hannity forum as well. It is nice to see a lot of familiar faces.
Interesting. You're the 2nd openly proclaimed Hannity jumper tonight. Up 'till tonight, I wasn't even aware of his forum.

I'm another Hannity reject. We are Legion.

Wait, did I do that right? :doh
Decided to make the jump over here from another forum (hannity...avoid it) place looks like it has a good flow to it and more moderators than 2 and some that are liberal..which is nice for a change.

Nice for a change is well stated brother.
Geezus, there's enough of you guys here to start your own sub-forum! :2razz:
Not being aware of the place until tonight, I imagine it to be like the wild west. Amirite?

It used to be kind of a good non echo chamber for us to discuss politics in a reasonably moderated fashion. That has ceased to be the case.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome aboard Plasmaball :peace

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