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wealthy americans investing in new zealand soar. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2017
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new zealand.
Political Leaning
It would appear that the nz government is playing tit for tat with trumps announcement that covid cases were surging in nz.

Because the newspapers here are headlining with.
Covid 19 coronavirus: Number of investor visa applications soar since outbreak - NZ Herald

Wealthy Americans are leading a surge in foreign investors seeking a safe haven in New Zealand from their coronavirus-ravaged countries and economies.
it then goes on to say

"Where before we might field one to two approaches a month we're currently receiving about five a week

Fairs fair, if trump can call our roughly twenty odd cases a surge then we can call a rise in inquiries by five a surge.
It would appear that the nz government is playing tit for tat with trumps announcement that covid cases were surging in nz.

Because the newspapers here are headlining with.
Covid 19 coronavirus: Number of investor visa applications soar since outbreak - NZ Herald

it then goes on to say

Fairs fair, if trump can call our roughly twenty odd cases a surge then we can call a rise in inquiries by five a surge.

Sure, the whole scam of the fiscally irresponsible tax cut is so the rich can run off while we blow up.
Sure, the whole scam of the fiscally irresponsible tax cut is so the rich can run off while we blow up.

When one starts loudly proposing that we kill the geese that lay the golden eggs, one should not be surprised when the geese wise up and fly the coop.
When one starts loudly proposing that we kill the geese that lay the golden eggs, one should not be surprised when the geese wise up and fly the coop.

Or are they flying because the American worker is the golden goose?

Yes, the rich have their contingencies and we are giving them more making it more likely to go that way and our credit is being spent in other Countries.

No, we've given them more to fly with at a flying time, but don't worry, at the first Tribulation (2020-2026), only the first seal is prominent and the white horse of the vegetarian cult has one-thousand years to convert us or face the red horse of the second seal.

The third seal is prominent a thousand years later and the next two seals ate two-thousand-five-hundred years apart.

Then after the Closer in 9,500 years the seal occurs at the impact event.

The third, fourth and fifth seal occur at or near Avatars and the first and second are at or near teachers.

The seventh seal is the seven trumpets.

Christ returns in five-million years per Daniel 12:7 and 9:28.

Teachers and the first Avatar are described in Isaiah chapter 41 and 42.

Get a Bible and follow the Seals every 98 days July first, Second week in October is the third seal of economic reckoning.
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Or are they flying because the American worker is the golden goose?

Yes, the rich have their contingencies and we are giving them more making it more likely to go that way and our credit is being spent in other Countries.

No, we've given them more to fly with at a flying time, but don't worry, at the first Tribulation (2020-2026), only the first seal is prominent and the white horse of the vegetarian cult has one-thousand years to convert us or face the red horse of the second seal.

The third seal is prominent a thousand years later and the next two seals ate two-thousand-five-hundred years apart.

Then after the Closer in 9,500 years the seal occurs at the impact event.

The third, fourth and fifth seal occur at or near Avatars and the first and second are at or near teachers.

The seventh seal is the seven trumpets.

Christ returns in five-million years per Daniel 12:7 and 9:28.

Teachers and the first Avatar are described in Isaiah chapter 41 and 42.

New Zealand has been widely considered the bug-out location of choice for billionaires fleeing whatever ills falls on their society for a long time
New Zealand has been widely considered the bug-out location of choice for billionaires fleeing whatever ills falls on their society for a long time

Low population, remote location with a moderate climate.

A probable safe space for a zombie apocalypse or any apocalypse in general
New Zealand has been widely considered the bug-out location of choice for billionaires fleeing whatever ills falls on their society for a long time

John Ray fled to New Zealand from the IRS back in nineteen-ninety.
Low population, remote location with a moderate climate.

A probable safe space for a zombie apocalypse or any apocalypse in general

Seems to me I read somewhere a year or so ago that they were or were discussing the possibility of limiting foreign ownership of land so many people were buying it up for their doomsday plans.
Seems to me I read somewhere a year or so ago that they were or were discussing the possibility of limiting foreign ownership of land so many people were buying it up for their doomsday plans.

Just a contingency, but then,... we make it happen.

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