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We can't have it both ways! (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 28, 2006
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Slightly Conservative
We wouldn't allow them to fling the gates of our prisons open and release thousands of inmates totally unmonitored daily. We know those inmates were willing to break our laws in teh past and that is why they are released with lo-jacks, with regular drug testing and with carefully monitored probations. This is so for a very good REASON! It works.

WHY then would we feel so completely comfortable allowing 4,000 illegal aliens per day to flood into the USA?! WHY do they stand behind these people who have likewise demonstrated the same disregard for our laws and yet they get unhindered freedom to stream across our border and roam our nation in secrecy and mystery with complete impunity to do as they please and we not only take NO steps to identify them or monitor them but we actually encourage them!

This sounds like a recipe for complete disaster! IS THIS in DIRECT conflict with our stated terror war goals or not?! Our big claim that we are at war with mysterious enemies who are trying to quietly sneak into our country intent on doing us harm. If the war on terror is true then this claim that we should all RELAX and turn a blind eye to the flood of mystery guests flowwing into the USA, MUST be a lie!

Have our leaders gone mad or are they just so comfortable lying to us that they aren't sure which lies fit this particular pile of steaming poo they are shoveling today?
I am not sure what you are referring to here. Are you talking about the guest worker program or the amnesty? I am confused because if you are referring to the guest worker program, then the immigrants would be here legally, not illegaly.
Politicians on both sides of the isle are pandering to the latino vote and putting our country at risk.

I dont have the answer, but rewarding those that have broken our laws by comming here illegally and allowing them to stay certainly aint it.
ProudAmerican said:
Politicians on both sides of the isle are pandering to the latino vote and putting our country at risk.

I dont have the answer, but rewarding those that have broken our laws by comming here illegally and allowing them to stay certainly aint it.
I agree completely. Sam Brownback of Kansas led this effort and he lost all credibility with me. I think he can kiss his 2008 hopes goodbye.
It is true that rewarding those who came here illegally is not fair, however there are advantages to do that. First of all you would finally know who they are and where they live and secondly they would have to start paying into the system and contribute to is as opposed to just use it

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