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Watch: Virtually No One Shows Up To Hear Biden Claim He Was The "Poorest Man In Congress" (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.

I really like the making money comment.

Still, but nobody came



Joe Biden, the sitting President, and apparently the most voted for president in history, struggled to rally a crowd of more than fifty people in New Hampshire Tuesday, where he complained to them that he was “the poorest man in Congress.”

Biden apparently believes he’s the only Democrat who can beat Trump in 2024. Judging from this turnout, compared to Trump filling entire stadiums, he’ll struggle. Although, magically, that didn’t seem to translate to a lack of votes last time. Perhaps that’s why he has confidence in his ability to win again, despite even the leftist media admitting he’s weak and lacks leadership.

During the appearance in front of his tens of supporters Biden again claimed that rampant inflation in the U.S. is because of Vladimir Putin, a notion that only a complete fool would believe at this point.

He also again lied and said that gas prices were volatile during his childhood (they were not).

Then he told the “crowd” that “I’m so tired of trickle-down economics. I never found that it trickled down on top of my head very much. I was listed … as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think you should make money while you’re in office.”

Oh, yes.

He's had a hard life.

Half a century at the public trough.

Now officially the "President of the United States of America" (the No. 1 nation of the world -- for a few more decades).

Poor little Joseph.
Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.

I really like the making money comment.

Still, but nobody came



Joe Biden, the sitting President, and apparently the most voted for president in history, struggled to rally a crowd of more than fifty people in New Hampshire Tuesday, where he complained to them that he was “the poorest man in Congress.”

Biden apparently believes he’s the only Democrat who can beat Trump in 2024. Judging from this turnout, compared to Trump filling entire stadiums, he’ll struggle. Although, magically, that didn’t seem to translate to a lack of votes last time. Perhaps that’s why he has confidence in his ability to win again, despite even the leftist media admitting he’s weak and lacks leadership.

During the appearance in front of his tens of supporters Biden again claimed that rampant inflation in the U.S. is because of Vladimir Putin, a notion that only a complete fool would believe at this point.

He also again lied and said that gas prices were volatile during his childhood (they were not).

Then he told the “crowd” that “I’m so tired of trickle-down economics. I never found that it trickled down on top of my head very much. I was listed … as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think you should make money while you’re in office.”

It wasn't a public event. He was here meeting with our Governor, Congressional reps, one of our Senators, and the Mayors of Manchester and Portsmouth. It wasn't a bunch of idiots attending a Trump rally.:rolleyes:
Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.

I really like the making money comment.

Still, but nobody came



Joe Biden, the sitting President, and apparently the most voted for president in history, struggled to rally a crowd of more than fifty people in New Hampshire Tuesday, where he complained to them that he was “the poorest man in Congress.”

Biden apparently believes he’s the only Democrat who can beat Trump in 2024. Judging from this turnout, compared to Trump filling entire stadiums, he’ll struggle. Although, magically, that didn’t seem to translate to a lack of votes last time. Perhaps that’s why he has confidence in his ability to win again, despite even the leftist media admitting he’s weak and lacks leadership.

During the appearance in front of his tens of supporters Biden again claimed that rampant inflation in the U.S. is because of Vladimir Putin, a notion that only a complete fool would believe at this point.

He also again lied and said that gas prices were volatile during his childhood (they were not).

Then he told the “crowd” that “I’m so tired of trickle-down economics. I never found that it trickled down on top of my head very much. I was listed … as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think you should make money while you’re in office.”

Again, more biased articles from right wing media sources? Sigh

Here is a fact check on the statement:

"I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress, left one of the poorest men in government, in Congress and as vice president."
Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.

I really like the making money comment.

Still, but nobody came



Joe Biden, the sitting President, and apparently the most voted for president in history, struggled to rally a crowd of more than fifty people in New Hampshire Tuesday, where he complained to them that he was “the poorest man in Congress.”

Biden apparently believes he’s the only Democrat who can beat Trump in 2024. Judging from this turnout, compared to Trump filling entire stadiums, he’ll struggle. Although, magically, that didn’t seem to translate to a lack of votes last time. Perhaps that’s why he has confidence in his ability to win again, despite even the leftist media admitting he’s weak and lacks leadership.

During the appearance in front of his tens of supporters Biden again claimed that rampant inflation in the U.S. is because of Vladimir Putin, a notion that only a complete fool would believe at this point.

He also again lied and said that gas prices were volatile during his childhood (they were not).

Then he told the “crowd” that “I’m so tired of trickle-down economics. I never found that it trickled down on top of my head very much. I was listed … as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think you should make money while you’re in office.”

Yet Joe, with similar crowds, in 2020 won the highest number of votes ever in a U.S. Presidential election, taking the win & removing Trump from office.

Many Trump supporters still don't get it; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!
It wasn't a public event. He was here meeting with our Governor, Congressional reps, one of our Senators, and the Mayors of Manchester and Portsmouth. It wasn't a bunch of idiots attending a Trump rally.:rolleyes:

So, it's fake news?

The pattern continues . . .
It wasn't a public event. He was here meeting with our Governor, Congressional reps, one of our Senators, and the Mayors of Manchester and Portsmouth. It wasn't a bunch of idiots attending a Trump rally.:rolleyes:

So I guess the extra chairs were just for decorations? LMAO :)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
People go to Congress to get rich. And so far that plan is working.
Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.
I really like the making money comment.
Still, but nobody came
They couldn't afford the gas to get there.
Yet Joe, with similar crowds, in 2020 won the highest number of votes ever in a U.S. Presidential election, taking the win & removing Trump from office.

Many Trump supporters still don't get it; you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!
And Trump got more votes than Barack Obama ever did. You have to admit the ****ed up rules they put in place for the 2020 distorted everything.
It wasn't a public event. He was here meeting with our Governor, Congressional reps, one of our Senators, and the Mayors of Manchester and Portsmouth. It wasn't a bunch of idiots attending a Trump rally.:rolleyes:

@VySky selling other peoples' lies again? Figures.
Old truck driving Scranton Joe. When he's not out bossing Corn Pop or playing with the window latch on Amtrak, he's holding court griping about how tough he had it.

I really like the making money comment.

Still, but nobody came



Joe Biden, the sitting President, and apparently the most voted for president in history, struggled to rally a crowd of more than fifty people in New Hampshire Tuesday, where he complained to them that he was “the poorest man in Congress.”

Biden apparently believes he’s the only Democrat who can beat Trump in 2024. Judging from this turnout, compared to Trump filling entire stadiums, he’ll struggle. Although, magically, that didn’t seem to translate to a lack of votes last time. Perhaps that’s why he has confidence in his ability to win again, despite even the leftist media admitting he’s weak and lacks leadership.

During the appearance in front of his tens of supporters Biden again claimed that rampant inflation in the U.S. is because of Vladimir Putin, a notion that only a complete fool would believe at this point.

He also again lied and said that gas prices were volatile during his childhood (they were not).

Then he told the “crowd” that “I’m so tired of trickle-down economics. I never found that it trickled down on top of my head very much. I was listed … as the poorest man in Congress for 36 years. I didn’t think you should make money while you’re in office.”

Biden sure lives in your head rent free.

I see a pattern on what sources you use.

As far as Biden believes he is the only Dem who can beat Trump in 2024. The only way Biden doesn't beat Trump is if the election is rigged. Maybe the Republican Trump supporters will figure out how not to mess up like they did in 2020. 😆
And Trump got more votes than Barack Obama ever did. You have to admit the ****ed up rules they put in place for the 2020 distorted everything.

But, Trump was running against Biden.

(However, I suspect Obama may have gotten even more votes than Biden did)
But, Trump was running against Biden.

(However, I suspect Obama may have gotten even more votes than Biden did)
Just responding to your comment that Senile Joe "won the highest number of votes ever in a U.S. Presidential election." Again, 2020 was an aberration because of the F'ed up Covid rules
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Just responding to your comment that Senile Joe "won the highest number of votes ever in a U.S. Presidential election." Again, 2020 was an aberration becasue of the F'ed up Covid rules

We have yet to know what influence Covid had, though.

At this point, it's conjecture.
So I guess the extra chairs were just for decorations? LMAO :)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Let me say it again, slowly this time, so you get it.

This was not a rally. The people there were invited guests. Nobody else could attend.

The chairs were set up by someone who works for Pease.

ZeroHedge, in its inevitable way, failed, and pushed stupid articles at its ignorant base of readers.
By the way, the facts do support what he said
Biden ranked near the bottom in the center’s data in the years before he became vice president: Biden ranked 570th of 585 officials in 2005; 614th of 636 officials in 2006; and 626th of 639 officials in 2007.
Biden said, "I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress, left one of the poorest men in government, in Congress and as vice president."

Biden likely was among the less wealthy members when he first entered Congress, as a senator, in 1973.

The latest available rankings by the respected Center for Responsive Politics that include Biden, based on official reports filed in 2015, put Biden near the bottom of 581 members of the federal legislative, executive and judicial branches, in terms of wealth.

We rate Biden’s statement Mostly True.

Most of Biden's wealth came after he left VP position.
No one flying a Biden flag, either. Sad
By the way, the facts do support what he said

Most of Biden's wealth came after he left VP position.

Don't expect the citizens of Trump Fan Nation to even read that. They like to lie to themselves and pretend it isn't true. ZeroHedge and membership in the cult forbid dissention.
Don't expect the citizens of Trump Fan Nation to even read that. They like to lie to themselves and pretend it isn't true. ZeroHedge and membership in the cult forbid dissention.
Of course, but the only thing good about the trolls is being able to so easily make them look like idiots and liars
Poor "Broke" Joe and his "S" Corporations used to slush cash around and keep the IRS away.

It's legal, don't you know! How else can Hunter bring home the bacon and clean out the honeypot without pesky eyeballs seeing it?
Of course, but the only thing good about the trolls is being able to so easily make them look like idiots and liars
I guess the port workers were to busy offloading Joes backed up cargo to spare a few minutes for CIC. Usually people are looking for a reason to get out of work.

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