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War (1 Viewer)


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Jun 3, 2005
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I think that the War on Iraq is pointless. Some people say, "Everyone has the same feelings on this war." But I know many people that want this war. I specifically don't. I think it is petty and pointless and completely ridiculous. Bush just stuck his nose in other people's business. It was Saddam Hussein's choice on what to do in his country, although I don't particularly think it was right, he was in control of his country. However, it was a possibility that he was behind the 9/11 attacks, but then the War On Terror was pointless. Either way, one of these wars is pointless. Just which one is it?

For those who have relatives or friends at war, God Bless You and those out there. :hm :2usflag: :memorial_

I don't find the wars to be without a purpose, but I do feel that we were mislead in the reasons behind it. I mean, we would eventually have had to go save all the Iraqi's and afghan's at some point, but things should've been sorted out first.

However, I do respect you for honoring those serving in the military, and those that have already served. I live for the Air Force in late October, and it's good to see that people care about the people I will eventually be side-by-side with. (My job won't be shooting guns or firing missiles, or flying jets and dropping bombs, I'm going in as a computer systems programmer.)
I think "sticking our noses in their business" is the first step toward changing the hatred for America into good pro-American sentiment around the world. I believe that alot of anti-American feelings, in the muslim nations at least, come from our indifference to their problems. We are a superpower that does nothing to help them. That's how they see it.

I don't support war. War is senseless and barbaric and there is no room for it in a civilized society.
I agree with all of you. There is a reason for the wars, the reasons should have been more thought out first, in my opinion. I do think they are barbaric and ridiculous as well. I respect those in combat and I wish them all well. My only question is... when will these wars end?


:hm :2usflag: :memorial_
I agree with all of you. There is a reason for the wars, the reasons should have been more thought out first, in my opinion. I do think they are barbaric and ridiculous as well. I respect those in combat and I wish them all well. My only question is... when will these wars end?


:hm :2usflag: :memorial_
Geek: i am very proud that u r going in the military. We need more people. I wish u the best. But, i feel that war IS piontless but we, as Americans, cannot stand by and let them bomb us and we do nothing. i believe we did the right thing, at first. but, bush mislead us and he he feels no remorse for what he did. He should at least humor us americans by telling us he is thinking about the war, soldiers, and their families. but no. all he wants is to get his greedy hands on the oil. That is how i feel. Thank u for ALL ur opinions, Geek. luv, Rebel
I would go in if I thought there were nuclear weapons in the hands of a crazy dictator who hated the U.S. The CIA was at fault for the war-and as a result Bush is reforming intelligence.

However there are other reasons for the Iraq war: economic benefits, ridding a U.S. hating tyrant, and encouraging democracy and open-mindedness in the Middle East (in order to discredit groups such as Al-Quaida and their blind, desperate following). By doing this discrediting, it is part of the war on terror.

Are these reasons valid? Well, I don't particuarly think they are because there are reasons Al-Quaida attacked us-it wasn't because they hated democracy as Bush may think, but it primarily was because we supported Israel. If we mind our own business and interests, 9/11 never would have happened. We should stay neutral in that whole Israeli mess.
I agree with your opinions. We, sadly, are losing troops. I am glad that you, Geek, will be in the military. Some of us don't have the wits to go. God Bless
ALL The Troops. It took alot to join and it took a lot more to go over there. Although I don't agree with this war, there must be a reason we are there.


I believe that alot of anti-American feelings, in the muslim nations at least, come from our indifference to their problems


I think it the complete opposite. Terrorism against the United States is rooted in hatred of the U.S. government’s foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East, a policy that includes support for certain dictators.

As usual Bush claims that what terrorists hate is our freedom and values, to divert the attention from the real reason, which is our foreign policy. A policy that is indifferent not to their problems but to their suffering and pain as people.
I think it the complete opposite. Terrorism against the United States is rooted in hatred of the U.S. government’s foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East, a policy that includes support for certain dictators.

Exactly. The War on Terrorism (and war in general) is barbaric and unnecessary. The best way to stop terrorism is to change our foreign policy, giving terrorists no reason to attack us. A peacefull, international, solution is possible and is the best path. Terrorism is a tactic. You CANNOT fight an ideal, we must change our foreign policy if we wish to make things better.
Blackflagx said:
Exactly. The War on Terrorism (and war in general) is barbaric and unnecessary. The best way to stop terrorism is to change our foreign policy, giving terrorists no reason to attack us. A peacefull, international, solution is possible and is the best path. Terrorism is a tactic. You CANNOT fight an ideal, we must change our foreign policy if we wish to make things better.
Actually, we are spending millions of dollars to promote moderate Islam across the world and stop the spread of radical Islam, the very following that created the 9/11 disaster. The War on Terror is primarily a battle for the "hearts and minds", not as much the physical fight.
Terrorism against America exists, simply, because we back Israel's right to exist. To them, this is all it is. Toleration of a skyjacking, bombing, kidnapping, or murder every few months for the last four decades has not been the answer. Changing our foriegn policies and kissing their asses is also not the answer. This is a war against religious perversion. It is Islamic perversion that encourages the malicious murdering of innocent women and children to gratify their God. The oil soap box has gotten pretty old. Last I checked, my gas prices aren't any better, so give it a rest. Find something else to mask your cowardice. Giving the 8 million greatful people of Iraq a chance to live democratically and showing the Middle Eastern people that we are not "The Great Satan" as their governments and clerecs has told them, is the answer. If you can't see the real threat that creates organizations like the PLO and Al-Quida or you are unable to see the nobility in freeing oppressed people from a cruel dictator, then I suggest you take a hard look at yourself. After getting past the ignorant and pacifist rhetoric that some of you vomit, you might not like what you see.
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GySgt said:
Terrorism against America exists, simply, because we back Israel's right to exist. To them, this is all it is. Toleration of a skyjacking, bombing, kidnapping, or murder every few months for the last four decades has not been the answer. Changing our foriegn policies and kissing their asses is also not the answer. This is a war against religious perversion. It is Islamic perversion that encourages the malicious murdering of innocent women and children to gratify their God. The oil soap box has gotten pretty old. Last I checked, my gas prices aren't any better, so give it a rest. Find something else to mask your cowardice. Giving the 8 million greatful people of Iraq a chance to live democratically and showing the Middle Eastern people that we are not "The Great Satan" as their governments and clerecs has told them, is the answer. If you can't see the real threat that creates organizations like the PLO and Al-Quida or you are unable to see the nobility in freeing oppressed people from a cruel dictator, then I suggest you take a hard look at yourself. After getting past the ignorant and pacifist rhetoric that some of you vomit, you might not like what you see.

It's hypocritical to suggest that the US Administration's goal is too spread democracy, when they are trying to overthrow an elected government in Venezula or trying to stop democracy in Egypt.

I don't mind democracy being spread, I just thing the US is going about it the wrong way. The US is trying to fight terrorism through tremendous show force to destroy the will of the terrorists, however this force tactic is short-lived, expensive and doesn't last for very long.
Example, when Iraq fell, Iran and Syria were basically crapping their pants, people were announcing that democracy domino effect via force will be visting them. However 2 years later they are ****-sure about themselves as the US show of force has faded and the US is still bogged down in Iraq.

It is not a "war on religious perversion", it is basically a war on rogue states. The Bush revolution is actually a counter-revolution, trying to bring warfare back to convential warfare not unconvential. Basically Bush and co believe that is it easier to threaten states that support terror with war than wage war on terrorists. As I said before the effect of threat of force is short lived, and as a result North Korea, soon Iran will have nukes.
Afghanistan had elections yes, but no one has mentioned the corruption, the roaming warlords or the quadrupled poppy production. As an America soldier said "We didn't buy the Northern Alliance, we just rented them."

Let me put it this way, the US has spend more money in trying rebuild Iraq into a democracy in a year than the EU spent spreading stable democracies to the old Soviet bloc in a decade. The difference is, we didn't invade anyone.
It's not hypocritical. There is more going on in Egypt than people know.

I don't like all of the money we have wasted in Iraq.

Syria and Iran are still crapping their pants. That is why they are desperately murdering Iraqi civillians. They are punishing them for their decisions to vote and warning the rest of the Middle East of "Allah's" wrath.

1) 1972 Olympics hostage taking of 13 Isreali athletes
2) 1974 attack on an Israeli high school leaving 26 dead
3) 1974 TWA flight bombing killing 88.
4) 1975 Air France plane skyjacked. Israeli special forces rescue all but 3 hostages.
5) 1979 Tehran American Embassy attacked and 66 American hostages held.
6) 1979 Mosque in Mecca seized and 100s of hostages taken. Saudi and French military retake Mosque at a high price.
7) 1979 skyjacking and kidnapping of 66 Americans
8) 1980 Train Station bombing in Italy leaves 80 dead.
9) 1983 Embassy bombing in Beirut kills 63
10) 1983 Gulf Air Flight bombed killing 117.
11) 1983 Beirut Marine Bombing killed 241 Marines and a similar attack on a French barracks killing 58.
12) 1985 TWA Flight skyjacked and 153 civillians held hostage. One U.S. Sailor murdered.
13) 1985 Soviet Diplomats kidnapped and one is killed by Sunni Terrorists.
15) 1985 Egypt Air Flight skyjacked. 60 dead in rescue attempt.
16) 1985 Air India bombed killing 329.
17) 1985 Air Canada Aircraft bombed on the ground killing two in Japan.
18) 1985 Two seperate attacks in two seperate airports in Italy kills 16 total.
19) 1986 TWA bombing by Palestinians blow a hole in the cabin and 4 Americans are sucked out during the flight including one infant.
20) 1986 German Discotheque in Berlin bombed killing 3 U.S. servicemen and 230 others. America bombs Qadhafi in response.
21) 1986 Pan Am Flight hijacked. Terrorist open fire and kill 22 passengers.
22) 1987 North Korean Operatives plant a bomb on Korean Air Flight killing 115.
23) 1987 Barcelona Bar bombed killing 1 service man.
24) 1987 USO in Naples bombed killing 1 service man.
25) 1988 Pan Am Flight bombed killing 259 over Scotland.
26) 1989 UTA Flight bombed killing 170.
27) 1992 Israeli Embassy bombed killing 29.
28) 1993 World Trade Center in New York bombed killing 6 and wounding more than a thousand.
29) 1994 Jewish Center bombed killing 86.
30) Saudi Arabia military compound bombed killing 40.
31) 1997 Palastinian gunman open fires at the Empire State Building killing one American.
32) 1997 Four U.S. business men are killed in Pakistan.
33) 1998 Two American Embassy bombings by Al-Queda kill 301.
34) 2001 World Trade Center destroyed and Pentagon attacked by three seperate air planes killing almost 3,000 on American soil.

This is just 34 attacks. Tell me again how this isn't a war on the perversion of Islam. Organizations like the PLO and Al-Queda, who are sponsered by the recruiting of twisted Islamist governments and clereks, count on attitudes that would down play the issue.

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We are not fighting terrorism through a show of force. We don't have enough troops there for that. The Iraqi military greatly outnumber us. We are trying to win the hearts and minds of these people, so that they don't see us as the "Great Satan" as we have been portrayed. We've done that In Iraq. Now it's just a matter of turning over protection to their new military so that they can protect themselves. The Middle Eastern Muslim has been lied to about us for decades. That is where we have to prove that we are not the problem; It is their leadership. If we had it our way, the Muslims and the Jews of the Middle east would live in peace and Americans could travel on airplanes without fear of murder. It's them that have prevented this ever since the UK reinstated Israel after WWII and America and the rest of the UN supported it. Americans have been the main focus that have been defending Israel and paying for it ever since.

I don't like all of the money we have spent for Iraq or Afghanistan either. I know for a fact where we have wasted a lot, but I'm not in charge. I just pull the trigger.
I'm sorry but the US isn't good at winning hearts and minds the tactics they have for unconvential warfare.
Don't get me wrong when it comes to convential warfare (conquering states) the US has the means and the might to this the best, that is why Iraq the state feel so quickly.
However most of this fighting is street to street guerilla warfare style. American style of fighting is hard, fast and as much power as possible to go for the terrorists, the thing about this is civilians get caught in the crossfire giving the terrorists more time to escape. It's like a sledgehammer smashing a watermelon, bits and pieces fly out in all angles everywhere - the mass is almost the same, it is just fragmented.
Compare this to the British sector, by far the most calm sector in Iraq. Britain fought terror for 30 years and know it's not military might that secures victory. For example the British military doesn't go head on with terrorists, first they try and seperate them from the civilian population, then they try and draw them out, then they pick them off. They also try to patrol of the streets of Basra as less as possible not to show any aspects of occupation.

Iran and Syria are not crapping their pants as:

1. The US army has showed to the world it's limits in the past 2 years. Iran knows that Iraq is a walk in the park compared to their country.
2. Even if the US military pull out of Iraq tomorrow, it would take another 2-3 years to mount another invasion due to the massive money spent.
3. Recently the US has moved from its unilateralism method that it once had, the US now knows it needs allies and can't go it alone.

If Eygpt ever had democracy, we would be in trouble, islamics would have control of the Suez canal. The US has no problems with dictators, as long as they do what it is told - that is why the Bush doctrine is hypocritical.

The main reason for Islamic terrorism is the total support for Israel - no matter what it does. People talk about Israel has being the only free nation in the Middle East - I don't know many free nations that treat a different race as second class citizens or shove them into ghettos as Israel does.
There are over 5 million Iraqi's, who's hearts and minds have been won that would argue with you. You should walk the streets and talk to them. The vast majority of Iraqi's have received no violence from the insurgency. The Sunni's have learned a lesson with regards to voting, but the Iraqi government is still going to give them more of a voice in their new government. The Iraqi government and the overwhelming majority of civillians have been won.

The British sector is not in the Al-Anbar Province for intentional reasons. The U.S. military can deal with the hardened areas easier than other nations. Look past the surface. Don't just mention the selected facts that agree with you. It's easy to have a peaceful area, when the enemy doesn't care about it. There are sectors run by American Army that are peaceful too. The American Marines are all in the places where the insurgency has decided to make their stands and the Marines are the ones that are chasing them from Fallujah, Najaf, and to the Syrian border. The tactics you described is exactly what every nation over there is doing. Nothing special.

I promise you that the Syrian and Iranian tactics reflect a people that are desperate. They know they have lost with regards to Iraqi civillian support. This is why most all of their violence is directed towards them and not to us anymore, especially, since the elections. It's turned into punishment and they are trying to scare them into stopping their working with us. We have Syria and Iran surrounded. We could attack Syria or Iran within a year if we wanted. The personnel, gear, and plans exist. Do you really think we've spent all that money on Iraq's defense with complete disregard to possible future events? From building the Iraqi Army to building airfields near Iran and Syria, the American military has planned for future possibilities. Do you really think that the 500,000 member Iraqi military isn't prepared to attack where we want them to in order to stop the insurgency? Why do you think Iran is trying to develop the nuclear threat that North Korea was allowed to develop? Apparantly, France and Germany see this. That's why they are jumping all over our band wagon lately. Funny, how Iran's breaking of UN rules is important, but Iraq's wasn't. Of course, with under the table arms deals and oil scandals, we now know what their agenda there was. Iran and Syria see what a threat us being in Iraq and Afghanistan is. This is why, Iran and Syria are crapping their pants and sending tens of thousands of fighters to their deaths.

The American military didn't need any help hitting Iraq. Where we knew we would need it was in the occupation. This is where our Allies failed us and the Iraqi civillians. They would rather watch Iraqi civillians be murdered and point fingers at America than do the noble thing. Call it what it is.

Israel isn't the only free nation in the Middle East. There is Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. These countries do not reflect American democracy, but their citizens are free to prosper and free of oppression from their governments. They don't have to worry about their children and wives being raped in the name of "Allah". They don't have to worry about being executed, because they don't have a picture of their dictator in every room of their houses. Israel is the only Jew nation. As far as Israel treating a certain race as second class citizens, no ****. Find a nation on Earth, including America, that doesn't do that. It's not any worse as anywhere else. Face all of the facts of the situation and not just the selective ones that suit your agenda.
As far as the Bush administation's hypocracy, this is also a selected fact.

Every leader in every nation throughout history has practiced hypocracy in the interests of their country. Pointing out one in hopes of bolstering your position is irresponsible and also hypocritical. This is the nonesense that spins into media stories and Micheal Moore flicks.

Every nation's leader has an agenda. That agenda is always the protection or economic growth of it's country.

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