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War, according to plan (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I'm beginning to think that George Bush will out-do Ronald Reagan in terms of presiding over American military accomplishments. Reagan singlehandedly won the cold war by putting Soviet Communism into the trash bin of history, despite being handicapped with an all defeatist liberally run congress and senate.
Bush has been facing similar opposition with American liberals and a liberal media that has been hell bent on losing this Iraq war similar to how we lost the Vietnam war.
But Bush's persistence in staying the course for freedom is paying off, and tommory's election in Iraq will be another milestone in his achieving the greatness he deserves.
Actually, Bush's impressive legacy-building course has shot ahead of Reagan's because the liblosers of today have no plan of their own (other than to quit and run)--that doesn't bode well for them for the 2006 elections. I suspect the Republicans will pick up seats in both the House and Senate. The only question at that time left to be answered--will be whether the loser Democratic Party folds it's tent for good or continue to be the laughing stock of the American people.
Excellent observations my friend......Welcome to the forum....I will be looking forward to your input.................God Bless and thank you for your sacrafices and your Viet Nam Service.......

Although I think President Reagan is our countrys greatest president I think President Bush is doing and outstanding job in fighting the war in Iraq and on terror......I am so glad he does not run his presidency on phoney liberal media polls and that when he makes a decision and does not flip flop like some other people we know.......

Once we have a democracy running in Iraq the naysayers will have to admit that he was right all along and I think his legacy will be that he brought the first democracy to the middle east......
Well, maybe Bush misrepresent his way into getting us into wars with a couple other countries, and you guys can nominate him for sainthood.
Iriemon said:
Well, maybe Bush misrepresent his way into getting us into wars with a couple other countries, and you guys can nominate him for sainthood.

Nah, just the Nobel Prize........:lol:
Bush was already nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. For toppling Saddam Hussein, ironically enough. Of course, a nomination means jack. Even Hitler was nominated for it.
Binary_Digit said:
Bush was already nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. For toppling Saddam Hussein, ironically enough. Of course, a nomination means jack. Even Hitler was nominated for it.

That is true, anyone can get nominated for a Nobel Prize, even you.....The only difference is when things succeed in Iraq he will win it much to the chagrin of all you people that hate him........
hipsterdufus said:
Bush and Tookie both have that one in common.

Yeah Tookie was nominated for 6........You can even be nominated hips........;)
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I think I'm gonna be sick.....


OK - now I'm better.

How can anyone in their right mind say that the Iraq war is going as planned.


Second -
I can't tell you if the use of force in Iraq today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that.
Donald Rumsfeld

In the march to war, Wolfowitz took the unusual step of publicly rebuking Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki for his estimate that "several hundred thousand troops" would be necessary to provide security in post-war Iraq. At the time, Wolfowitz dismissed Shinseki's estimate as "wildly off the mark" and said "the notion that it would take several hundred thousand American troops just seems outlandish."

A little over a year ago, (2003) Wolfowitz testified on Capitol Hill, "There's a lot of money to pay for this. It doesn't have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." Wolfowitz also told Congress "oil revenues of Iraq could bring between $50 and $100 billion over the course of the next two or three years…We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon."

hipsterdufus said:
I think I'm gonna be sick.....


OK - now I'm better.

How can anyone in their right mind say that the Iraq war is going as planned.


Second -

Donald Rumsfeld



Things don't always go as planned in a war............Hell we lost 6,000 men on the Landing at Omaha Beach in WW2. I don't think that was the plan.......Do you?

That said much to the chagrin of our liberal friends we have met every time table and milestone in the political area and tomorrow they are having and election where they expect up to 80% of the registered voters to vote under the threat of death if they do.............

Not to bad even for the biggest Bush Hater........

Who would have thunk it?

This has to be a bitter pill to swallow for the people who want us to fail in Iraq.......Wouldn't you say?
Navy Pride said:
Things don't always go as planned in a war............Hell we lost 6,000 men on the Landing at Omaha Beach in WW2. I don't think that was the plan.......Do you?

Clearly not. Mistakes happen in war and that, everyone can accept. The difference between now, and WWII is that we had a president who listened to people, and was willing to change the course, rather than stay the course in order to achieve victory. The President's plan is vague, to say the least. Infrastructure hasn't even reached a pre-invasion level, troop training is not going as well or as quickly as expected, and what is being suggested is that we stay the course and that we stay "until the job is done". So our troops are to remain indefinitely despite the fact that 80%+ of the Iraqi populace wants us to leave now. Our very presence as an occupying force in Iraq is helping to give the "Saddamists" and "terrorists" exactly what they want. Something to rant and rave about so they can turn more and more people on to their point of view. The sooner we safely drawdown the number of troops in Iraq, the sooner the insurgency will die down and the democratic government there will be free to flourish. This isn't to say we abandon them, but instead aid them in fighting for themselves.

That said much to the chagrin of our liberal friends we have met every time table and milestone in the political area and tomorrow they are having and election where they expect up to 80% of the registered voters to vote under the threat of death if they do.............

I'm hoping you have a quote from some great liberal orator suggesting that the elections taking place in Iraq are a bad thing. I've been unable to find one, myself. Elections certainly are a positive step, but all of the ballots in the world aren't going to be enough to fix the many problems that exist, including the fact that the insurgency is growing and we're going to be there for many, many years if we continue to stay the course.
Not to bad even for the biggest Bush Hater........

Who would have thunk it?

This has to be a bitter pill to swallow for the people who want us to fail in Iraq.......Wouldn't you say?

I'd also love to get a quote from whoever said that failure in Iraq would be positive. I don't mean some far left, wacko, hippie that nobody's ever heard of, either. I could probably find a couple of far right wackos that think it'd have been better if we'd just nuked'em, so let's not go there.

Truth be known, I, and most democrats would prefer not to see failure in Iraq, and to accuse anyone of so trivializing the loss of American lives is just plain irresponsible, to use a favorite word of the president's. The fact is, we want to see victory. I think everyone does. What we don't see is a coherent plan for victory coming from this administration, and that's the problem.

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