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Waco. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 7, 2016
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Political Leaning
I'm still on my "debunking conspiracy theories that I ounce believed in" kick and this was one the theories I believed in. This was before my time but involves two things that I have vested interests in:

1. The 2nd Amendment.

2. Law enforcement.

Frankly if an event involves one or both and there's a popular conspiracy theory on it, I plan on making a thread on. Below is a video series that debunks the conspiracy theories surrounding the events and it's still ongoing. The first two are introductory and the third actually deals with one conspiracy theory concerning whether the helicopters fired down on the compound. for the thread, let's mainly focus on the helicopters. As a note, the person who made the videos puts blame on both parties.

Is that an F model?

The squirrel stated three helicopters were used in the initial assault on the compound. He even had a short vid of the three. The F model had a GE 1,250 hp motor as opposed to the original ones with a 1,100 hp motor. The F model has a longer tail boom to counter the stronger motor.
Is that an F model?

I don't think there was an F model UH-1. We flew H models with 1300 SHP. The Air Force had an N model with 2 engines, but I don't think the Army ever had any.
I don't think there was an F model UH-1. We flew H models with 1300 SHP. The Air Force had an N model with 2 engines, but I don't think the Army ever had any.
SOG flew the effs
The squirrel stated three helicopters were used in the initial assault on the compound. He even had a short vid of the three. The F model had a GE 1,250 hp motor as opposed to the original ones with a 1,100 hp motor. The F model has a longer tail boom to counter the stronger motor.

Are you referring to the Hueys or the Blackhawk and Kiowas?
SOG flew the effs

One can learn something every day.

In the Army, there was no E model and no F model. We went from D model to H model.

Wiki explains why. E and F were B models designed for Marines and USAF respectively. I knew only USAF had N model, but was not aware of E and F designations at all. Thanks
One can learn something every day.

In the Army, there was no E model and no F model. We went from D model to H model.

Wiki explains why. E and F were B models designed for Marines and USAF respectively. I knew only USAF had N model, but was not aware of E and F designations at all. Thanks
It looks like someone got the bright idea of taking a Jolly Green motor and cramming it into a Huey’s engine compartment.

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