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[W:81]Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-che (1 Viewer)

Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

No, because it does not even vaguely resemble a Texas Voter Registration form.

Refer to the link I provided you earlier.

Look, I have seen the form, don't really care of you don't believe it, why is this even an issue, stop trying to steal elections and for what purpose? Why don't you tell us exactly what is wrong with the Congress we have today that you would support change and efforts to get people to vote who are illegals?
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Look, I have seen the form, don't really care of you don't believe it, why is this even an issue, stop trying to steal elections and for what purpose? Why don't you tell us exactly what is wrong with the Congress we have today that you would support change and efforts to get people to vote who are illegals?
You saw it and didn't bother to take a picture. We can't believe you.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

Thus far I haven't seen any proof of this claim.

On a related note, I could see someone messing up and sending out voter registration applications to non-citizens, but it's definitely an issue if they pre-checked the "are you a citizen" box.

First question on the online form is "are you a citizen" (makes sense, because if you aren't you can't register).
The image of the voter registration form also has it clearly visible near the start.

In theory, depending on how they went about it, I could see someone accidentally checking "yes" to that question if they're pre-filling the form to make it easier for people or something.

And I'm not sure whether it's illegal to do that, the penalties listed appear to be for submitting a form with false information or whatever.

October 18, 2018 -- The man, no one, can give a more direct and plain answer to the question of whether they want/support open borders.

In the town hall event occurring on the 18th, "one audience member asked if O'Rourke wants to establish open borders, a common characterization of his border security stance by Cruz.

"'No,' O'Rourke said in response, adding that the country needs to ensure its current border security laws are being enforced."

Beto O'Rourke does not want or advocate for the absence of border controls, aka "open borders."

You don't have to give Mr. O'Rourke your approbation, but, for Christ's sake, show some personal integrity and refrain from misrepresenting and/or flat-out lying about what he does and does not want to see brought to fruition.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Yes I do why is this even an issue, why was the form sent? Stop trying to steal elections, supporter voter ID laws and this wouldn't even be an issue

do you really think that the Democrat party of Texas would be stupid enough to include a form not valid for registration? It sounds like someone made up hooey to create a crisis that doesn't exist....sort of like those fake baby parts and Pizza gate.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

wrong they are guilty until proven innocent.
they have to prove that they are not doing this.

I am not talking about rape you are bringing up irrelevant topics.

So we either have a case where someone has to prove their guilt or they have to prove their innocence so which is it?
If you weren't referencing rape when you mentioned "liberal" standards, then what were you talking about?
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Actually Texas is cracking down on voter fraud, which is great news for Texans and bad news for Democrats...


The Texas AGs office shut down a coordinated voter fraud ring that targeted the elderly in a attempt to generate and harvest large numbers of mail in ballots.
These ballots were saved for specific candidates.

Four women were arrested and apparently we're being paid to target elderly voters in North Dallas. Paid by whom exactly ?
This is a two year old case. So in two years they've found this and what else? Right now we're talking about less than 30 votes in a state with millions.
October 18, 2018 -- The man, no one, can give a more direct and plain answer to the question of whether they want/support open borders.

In the town hall event occurring on the 18th, "one audience member asked if O'Rourke wants to establish open borders, a common characterization of his border security stance by Cruz.

"'No,' O'Rourke said in response, adding that the country needs to ensure its current border security laws are being enforced."

Beto O'Rourke does not want or advocate for the absence of border controls, aka "open borders."

You don't have to give Mr. O'Rourke your approbation, but, for Christ's sake, show some personal integrity and refrain from misrepresenting and/or flat-out lying about what he does and does not want to see brought to fruition.

O'Rourke: We should abolish the practices that we're seeing in our communities right now, where families are being torn apart, where kids are saying goodbye to their parents at the start of the day as their parents go to work and then are not seeing their parents at the end of the day, even though those parents have been working sometimes the toughest jobs in those communities here in our state and our country for five, 10, 15 years.

There has to be accountability for all law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And we have to have immigration laws – and this is on Congress – that reflect our values and our interests. I don't think that abolishing any one department is going to solve all of these problems.

Stayton: You had said before that you might have been open to abolishing ICE and it sounds like now you're saying that is not a step –

O'Rourke: Look, I am open. I'm open to doing whatever it takes. If it's reorganizing the Department of Homeland Security and changing the functions of ICE, having greater accountability, abolishing that agency altogether, that's fine. But there will still have to be enforcement of our immigration laws in this country. So whether you want ICE to do it or you want to go back to Immigration and Naturalization Services, whether you want the Federal Bureau of Investigation to do that – someone is going to enforce our federal immigration laws in this country.
'Abolish ICE'? Senate Candidate Beto O'Rourke Isn't So Sure | KUT
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Yep, all the right-wing outlets are screaming about this, inforwars, tucker carlson, etc. Sounds like another "pizza-gate".

Yeah no one would ever believe that a dem would help an illegal to vote.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

It's wrong to send pre-checked voter registration to people, I hope they are able to fully investigate and figure this out. We got some kind of pre-registration thing for my husband to vote in CA and he hasn't even lived there for 20 years, this election just has the parties going nuts.

My ex gf was registered to vote when she renewed her license at the CA DMV. She's not a citizen. This was back in Sept 2016. She didn't know the laws, I had to tell her not to vote, because it's a felony. I could see this state getting people into trouble if they are not citizens and don't really know it's not OK.

The real reason Beto et all want to have no border controls or ICE.

October 18, 2018 -- The man, no one, can give a more direct and plain answer to the question of whether they want/support open borders.
In the town hall event occurring on the 18th, "one audience member asked if O'Rourke wants to establish open borders, a common characterization of his border security stance by Cruz.

"'No,' O'Rourke said in response, adding that the country needs to ensure its current border security laws are being enforced."

Beto O'Rourke does not want or advocate for the absence of border controls, aka "open borders."

You don't have to give Mr. O'Rourke your approbation, but, for Christ's sake, show some personal integrity and refrain from misrepresenting and/or flat-out lying about what he does and does not want to see brought to fruition.

Stayton: You had said before that you might have been open to abolishing ICE and it sounds like now you're saying that is not a step –

O'Rourke: Look, I am open. I'm open to doing whatever it takes. If it's reorganizing the Department of Homeland Security and changing the functions of ICE, having greater accountability, abolishing that agency altogether, that's fine. But there will still have to be enforcement of our immigration laws in this country. So whether you want ICE to do it or you want to go back to Immigration and Naturalization Services, whether you want the Federal Bureau of Investigation to do that – someone is going to enforce our federal immigration laws in this country.

'Abolish ICE'? Senate Candidate Beto O'Rourke Isn't So Sure | KUT

Are you standing on semantics? I see nothing in either passage that indicates the man wants to eliminate ICE or that he wants to have open borders. I see the man is indifferent about what federal agency performs the functions that ICE now performs and that the INS once performed.

From the remarks above, we have two O'Rourke passages that show the abject inaccuracy of your OP's assertion about what O'Rourke wants:
  • One that indicates he absolutely does not want to have no border controls.
  • One that shows he doesn't care what be the name of the federal organization -- ICE, INS, FBI, or some other "alphabet soup" agency -- that enforces the county's immigration laws.
  • Two that show he insists on the country enforcing extant immigration laws.
So, as I wrote above:
You don't have to give Mr. O'Rourke your approbation, but, for Christ's sake, show some personal integrity and refrain from misrepresenting and/or flat-out lying about what he does and does not want to see brought to fruition.​
Are you actually implying that it matters to you what be the name of the agency that enforces immigration laws?
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

If you weren't referencing rape when you mentioned "liberal" standards, then what were you talking about?

dodging the question.

is he innocent or are they guilty and have to prove their innocence which is it?
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

That is a fact as the playbook from LA county is evident all over this state as progressives try to exert their influence and destroy this state like they have others including the bluest of them all, California!

Just my 2 cents but...my daughter and her BF were just in California visiting his father.
They both came back and said that San Francisco is a scary place with junkies and homeless everywhere, and cars broken into everywhere as well.
That LA is a close second, and that all the "well to do Dumbocrats" who wail endlessly about the poor poor "refugees"...live in gated communities.
Feinstein country.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

This is a mass mailing....not handed out to non citizens...it is directed at citizens....have any of you ever had to register to vote in Texas? It is not an easy process....I even had a problem over the hyphen in my last name...they didn't want to let me register over the stupid hyphen. Then when you go, you have to have proof you are a resident of Texas and legally able to Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
United States Passport (book or card)

So as usual Republicans are creating a FAKE crisis.

I'm sorry your hyphen caused a problem, but I've never known anybody who had a problem registering in Texas and also don't see the problem of having to have a valid ID.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

See I can post pictures online too. That doesn't prove anything.

Can you show me the conviction with absolute proof that proves that an entire political party is promoting breaking the law in our election process?

You can't. There isn't one. So I would assume that you naturally assume they are innocent until they entire party is convicted in court because as all you Trumpists love to point out - if there isn't a conviction it didn't happen. So presume innocence or maintain hypocrisy when it suits your political orders.

I'm not sure where your getting your last sentence.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Watching you derail your own thread is amazing. I asked for a form. You posted cut up pictures of a document claiming to be the form. I explained this wasn't a form, and now you're trying to talk about a sexual assault victim.

This is why people don't consider you a good debater.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

Wait...that's really what your magnificent argument has been reduced to now?
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

Wait...that's really what your magnificent argument has been reduced to now?
I asked a question: where is the form? Nobody has provided it.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

I asked a question: where is the form? Nobody has provided it.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

Oh but it has been shown and you CHOOSE to move the goal posts and say only a PDF will satisfy you.
You been had dude. Live with it.
Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

I will not eat it <Spam> in Spain, I will not eat it on a plane.

slap some cheese on it and then it is no longer plain.

Or go to Colorado (instead of Iowa, for example) so OpportunityCost won't have to eat it on a plain.
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Re: Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-check

I believe it’s an ICE trap. Anyone returning it will prolly be rounded up.

Yes. Call it reverse psychology.

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