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[W:775]Trump: ‘I think I’d take’ damaging info on 2020 rival from foreign operatives (1 Viewer)

And now the President of the United States just said he'd do it again.

So, what are we going to do about it? From where I sit, there is only one option, impeach.

I dont care about the politics, it's just the right thing to do with a guy like Trump, who scoffs at the law. It's one thing for some wrangler to scoff at the law, it's another thing altogether when the president does it.
There's no evidence I'm aware of that Clinton herself directed the research done by Steele.

As far as I know, or can find out about it, she was unaware of him during her hiring Fusion.
Oh? Did Trump actually say it's ok to accept stolen goods? Or, are you making **** up again?

I'm reminded of OJ and 'If I did it' or whatever it was he wrote. That's the game Trump is playing here. He was offered stolen **** the Russians got from hacking the DNC and he said he'd listen if he were 'hypothetically' offered again. It's on tape.
LOL - ok pal. You're accusing the dems of being "compliant with trump". What about your buddies the GOP sycophants in congress covering for trump? What about trump refusing to turn over documents or letting witnesses pertinent to the case testify?

You need to clean up your own house before you start pointing fingers at the democrats.

FFS dude I am not a republican nor is the GOP my buddies. In fact I do not like any political parties. I know that this may come as a shock to you but not everyone believes political parties. Some of us think that political parties are nothing but corruption. ANd the way that you are acting seems to me to prove my position. I mean here you are calling me republican, just because I dare to hold the democratic house to a high patriotic standard? Do you realize how ridiculous that you look to me right now? I never made any type of support for the republicans in this thread, yet you jumped to that odd conclusion. I can only conclude that Putins trolls convinced you that you should hate your neighbors. You are exactly why the democrats should file articles of impeach, because damn just look at you.

How delusional can one be?
Awe the irony and the egg in your face.
Trump DIDN'T receive information from Russia.
It's was in the Mueller report.
No conspiracy.

Clinton did receive information from Russia. Some people seem to think that's ok.

She wasnt tying her political ambitions to a foreign government, as Trump said he would do. That is a profound difference.
Oh? Did Trump actually say it's ok to accept stolen goods? Or, are you making **** up again?

You dont think Trump would accept stolen goods? Where have you been? He diseminated stoken information. He'd knock his grandma over to get it. In a heart beat.
Must be why the DNC/Clinton Campaign paid Fusion GPS through a third party. They were very much aware, tis also why the DNC/Clinton Campaign denied paying Fuison when it first became public knowledge.

Either way, it is not a conflict of interest or a threat to national secipurity, as cutting deals with a foreign adversary to further one's personal ambition is.
Either way, it is not a conflict of interest or a threat to national secipurity, as cutting deals with a foreign adversary to further one's personal ambition is.

Mueller "did not establish" a conspiracy or coordination. The only deal cutting known is the DNC/Clinton Campaign payment for oppo research from a foreign national.
Mueller "did not establish" a conspiracy or coordination. The only deal cutting known is the DNC/Clinton Campaign payment for oppo research from a foreign national.

As upsideguy wrote in a different thread, “The Mueller report cleared Trump and his associates of the CRIME of conspiracy. They did not opine as to whether there was actual collusion as they seemed to think it was out of scope. They showed us plenty of evidence of collusion.

To say there was "no collusion, no obstruction" is to live in a fantasy world, which Trump and most of his supporters do.... a world devoid of fact and truth.”

Comparing it to the DNC and Steele is a false equivalence.

He is a vast, moral wasteland.

Democrats are not opposed to gathering opposition research like they claim. They are lying. The whole Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy was a lie based upon fabricated opposition research bought by Hillary Clinton from operators with links to Russia. Adam Schitff also secretly conspired to gather dirt on Trump from Russians until he was caught on tape, the dummass.
but look at the bright side, he 'pwned the libs'...

Indeed. Imagine how desperate these people must be to "feel like winners," if they're willing to betray their country to do it.

Although to be fair, I imagine with the changing demographics, many of them may no longer consider it their country. They just want to wreck it so nobody else can have it either.

Like the ultra jealous guy whose girlfriend breaks up with him...
I'm reminded of OJ and 'If I did it' or whatever it was he wrote. That's the game Trump is playing here. He was offered stolen **** the Russians got from hacking the DNC and he said he'd listen if he were 'hypothetically' offered again. It's on tape.

Oh. So you are another guy making **** up again.

When was Trump ever offered anything that was stolen by the Russians?
You dont think Trump would accept stolen goods? Where have you been? He diseminated stoken information. He'd knock his grandma over to get it. In a heart beat.

Make up your mind, eh?

Do you want to talk about accepting stolen information? Or do you want to talk about disseminating stolen information?

In any case, it's not about what I think he'd do. We are talking about what Trump said he'd do...and he didn't say anything about stolen information.
Re: Trump: ‘I think I’d take’ damaging info on 2020 rival from foreign operatives

Your first question is stupid!

Hillary did not pay a foreign agent. Hillary paid an American company for getting a type of service (opposition research). A customer who pays an American company does not dictate how the company runs its business. Many of us here pay American companies for things like internet service or cable TV. And all these companies in turn do things like hiring foreigners for customer services in India or other countries.

No serious person can actually argue that you hired the Indian guy who helps you on the phone to solve a problem with your internet service or whatever. And in fact, in this scenario you even talk directly to a "foreign agent." Hilary did not even see or talked to Steele directly. She did not even use his service 'dossier' before the election!

Yup. just as I expected. Its OK for Hillary and the Libbies, but not OK for Trump.
You people are such hypocrites. No wonder Trump beat your queen.
Re: Trump: ‘I think I’d take’ damaging info on 2020 rival from foreign operatives

False equivelencies are the tools of fake news.

Oh the great "false equivalence" thing.
It feels like we've been here. Oh ya...the Charlottesville BS.
How pathetic.
So for what? Or don't you care? Hillary not get any emails that said she had the support of the Russian Govt. and she never said she would "love it" either.

That would be because, not only is she a cheating little bitch, but she's also what we call...STUPID!
FFS dude I am not a republican nor is the GOP my buddies. In fact I do not like any political parties. I know that this may come as a shock to you but not everyone believes political parties. Some of us think that political parties are nothing but corruption. ANd the way that you are acting seems to me to prove my position. I mean here you are calling me republican, just because I dare to hold the democratic house to a high patriotic standard? Do you realize how ridiculous that you look to me right now? I never made any type of support for the republicans in this thread, yet you jumped to that odd conclusion. I can only conclude that Putins trolls convinced you that you should hate your neighbors. You are exactly why the democrats should file articles of impeach, because damn just look at you.

Awe the irony and the egg in your face.

Anyone who blames the dems for not holding trump to account for his criminal behavior and not the republicans is either an idiot or delusional.

You claim not to be a republican which might be true but you're obviously so hateful of democrats that you're hatred is blinding you to the truth and making you seem really, really ignorant.

You can keep insulting liberals and democrats if you'd like, but I'm done here. Have a nice day.
The man is a traitor to this country. He's not even trying to hide it anymore. And yet, his supporters have absolutely no problem with him being willing to sell out America.

Absolutely disgusting and so is Trump.
Couldn't even go three posts before Trump defenders start posting lies.

Can't even go three posts before a Trump defender gets it wrong too.

Fusion GPS is an American company. Fusion GPS was first hired by the Free Beacon, a conservative outlet. Clinton's campaign hired Fusion GPS, an American company. They didn't hire a British agent.

The lies from Trump supporters is breathtaking.
The FBI director has a right to his own opinion, but remember...Wray's opinion doesn't trump Trump.

Who's the BOSS?

I'd say your post was shocking, but it isn't. You have no respect for the law or the country. There is no ambiguity here. Wray is right, and Trump is wrong. Spare us the "Trump is boss" nonsense. Trump isn't a dictator, much as you fantasize about him being one.
Re: Trump: ‘I think I’d take’ damaging info on 2020 rival from foreign operatives

HAHAHAHAH :lamo :2funny:

So, if Trump meant that he would use a go between company like Hillary did, then it would be okay??? She knew what she was going after. She just tried to cover her butt by paying another company to do it. Just like the bleach bit and destroying of her emails after they were subpeoned. The lengths you Democrats will go to protect your own immorality is really astounding!!!

Post your evidence of all of this. Links to documents, emails, cashed checks, etc.
I'd say your post was shocking, but it isn't. You have no respect for the law or the country. There is no ambiguity here. Wray is right, and Trump is wrong. Spare us the "Trump is boss" nonsense. Trump isn't a dictator, much as you fantasize about him being one.

Law? Is there a law that says that the President has to do what his subordinate tells him to do?
Law? Is there a law that says that the President has to do what his subordinate tells him to do?

Not surprising that you don't know what the laws state about receiving something of value from a foreign government. Wray does. The educated people of the world do. You and Trump don't.
That would be because, not only is she a cheating little bitch, but she's also what we call...STUPID!

But not a traitor to her country, as her counterpart is.

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