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[W:718] The west must hold its nerve on Ukraine (1 Viewer)

agreed. Biden and Austin have specifically said the US goal is to"degrade Russian military"
Biden has called for ousting Putin from president more then once
It doesnt get any clearer then that

And so?
All American arrogance and stupidity is again shining in its utmost glory like their Nuclear Bombs in Hiroshima. Awesome! "We choose not to redefine them." => First! Nobody cares a damn about what you, Americans, choose or what you don't. Its simply NOT YOUR AMERICAN business, as simple as that, do just need to accept this simple idea .
Moreover , nobody is going to redefine any borders. Ukraine chose to break away from USSR. Wonderful! Now Donbass decided to break away from Ukraine! Perfect! All the borders stay in place as they were.

We choose not to redefine those borders. Ukraine chooses not to redifine those borders. You chose to redefine those borders by invading Ukraine, twice in six years. Now your command posts, your soldiers and your tankers are being slaughtered and there is nothing which you can do about it. More and more economic and military aid will flow from the West into Ukraine. They will grow stronger. Meanwhile sanctions will cripple your country and reduce its capacity to wage war and replace destroyed equipment or spent munitions. You are growing weaker. We care about Ukraine's sovereign borders and we will help them kill your fellow country men and women who are invading their country until you give up this war.

By the way, I'm not American, I'm Canadian.

Ukraine did not choose to break away from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed, ceased to exist and Ukraine was recognised by Russia as an independent country. Oblast borders are not international borders. Your knowledge of history and geography mimic the meagre military strength of your Russian Federation.
In the world now there is only one true bully : the United State of America, an empire of Evil. This is the country which triggers wars all around the world, the war in Ukraine was started by you , the US war mongers. It was started when you staged the coup in Ukraine and installed your puppet government, which immediately sent thousands of Ukrainians to die in Donbass.
So the Russians invade Crimea because their Ukrainian puppet government is ousted by a pro-Western Ukrainian uprising? Poor little Russia. Perhaps you should not have starved so many Ukrainians to death under Stalin's rule and not poisoned so many politicians during the Orange Revolution under Putin's rule. But that is all in the past. Now your Russian Federation is no longer militarily powerful enough to intimidate and control the crumbling, Soviet-Era, near-abroad. Poor little Russia. Your attempts to shift blame for this disasterous war which Your Country chose to start are both transparent and quite pitiful in my opinion.
As for true heroes , they are the citizens of DPR and LPR (by the way the Ukrainians, you always forget about it!), fighting heroically against American imperialism, backed by Nazi subhuman nationalist monkeys (UKROPS). Once again you confuse the rule of your criminal Washington bosses with "International system" but these are different realities. More then half of the Wolds population disapprove NATOs bloody crusade in Ukraine. We all know how the previous crusades in the East ended, lets see the final of you current push.
A minority of the citizens of those two Ukrainian oblasts actually supported independence. That's why the pro-Russian separatists had to resort to violence rather than negotiation to get what they selfishly wanted. They drove out many pro-Ukrainian residents, so any future plebiscite will not be accepted by the international community.

Ah, and now you resort to race-based dehumanisation of your foes by calling your opponents "subhuman, nationalist monkeys". How very Nazi of you to say so. Your choice of vocabulary betrays the true nature of your militaristic ethno-ultranationalism. You and your struggling Russian Federation are the more evil side of this bloody equation and its calculus of death. But fortunately Russians are dying in Ukraine at a far higher rate than Ukrainians and that differential will only increase in this war of suicide for Russia. The rest of your quote is not worth my commenting on.

Be well and be smarter.

We choose not to redefine those borders. Ukraine chooses not to redifine those borders. You chose to redefine those borders by invading Ukraine, twice in six years. Now your command posts, your soldiers and your tankers are being slaughtered and there is nothing which you can do about it. More and more economic and military aid will flow from the West into Ukraine. They will grow stronger. Meanwhile sanctions will cripple your country and reduce its capacity to wage war and replace destroyed equipment or spent munitions. You are growing weaker. We care about Ukraine's sovereign borders and we will help them kill your fellow country men and women who are invading their country until you give up this war.

By the way, I'm not American, I'm Canadian.

Ukraine did not choose to break away from the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed, ceased to exist and Ukraine was recognised by Russia as an independent country. Oblast borders are not international borders. Your knowledge of history and geography mimic the meagre military strength of your Russian Federation.

So the Russians invade Crimea because their Ukrainian puppet government is ousted by a pro-Western Ukrainian uprising? Poor little Russia. Perhaps you should not have starved so many Ukrainians to death under Stalin's rule and not poisoned so many politicians during the Orange Revolution under Putin's rule. But that is all in the past. Now your Russian Federation is no longer militarily powerful enough to intimidate and control the crumbling, Soviet-Era, near-abroad. Poor little Russia. Your attempts to shift blame for this disasterous war which Your Country chose to start are both transparent and quite pitiful in my opinion.

A minority of the citizens of those two Ukrainian oblasts actually supported independence. That's why the pro-Russian separatists had to resort to violence rather than negotiation to get what they selfishly wanted. They drove out many pro-Ukrainian residents, so any future plebiscite will not be accepted by the international community.

Ah, and now you resort to race-based dehumanisation of your foes by calling your opponents "subhuman, nationalist monkeys". How very Nazi of you to say so. Your choice of vocabulary betrays the true nature of your militaristic ethno-ultranationalism. You and your struggling Russian Federation are the more evil side of this bloody equation and its calculus of death. But fortunately Russians are dying in Ukraine at a far higher rate than Ukrainians and that differential will only increase in this war of suicide for Russia. The rest of your quote is not worth my commenting on.

Be well and be smarter.

That's about ten replies.

I love being in the middle, see both sides without bias. Although in my case I married a Ukrainian....I don't know if that's a bias or not.
The Germans also believed its a joke. So the made their check all right. May be now you will try your luck, mr "Horrible bastard". We will wait for you and your brave warriors ...

That is the difference between the West and the Russian Federation. We are not stupid enough to invade Russia and start a war which we cannot win. The Russian Federation and Mr. Putin were not so clever and thus have started a war which you cannot win. So we will wstch you bleed and limit your supplies until you smarten up or until you disappear from internal uprising and popular revolution. Tick tock, tick tock.

Be well and be smarter.
Good night poor dreamers. Continue to read lies about Ukraine. Strange that you comfort is so cheap even now assuming your trash currency is loosing its value with a rocket pace. Lets see how you will fare in the future and how much comfort you will be able to keep.

Let me guess. You watch Pulp Fiction and think that the hero is the gimp.
Good night poor dreamers. Continue to read lies about Ukraine. Strange that you comfort is so cheap even now assuming your trash currency is loosing its value with a rocket pace. Lets see how you will fare in the future and how much comfort you will be able to keep.


Just checking in for the daily Russian Propaganda dose.

BTW - The artificially propped up Ruble hit 53 to 1 USD in June..... Where is it now?


Just checking in for the daily Russian Propaganda dose.

BTW - The artificially propped up Ruble hit 53 to 1 USD in June..... Where is it now?
59.75 => huge difference of cause. Its dollar now which is being artificially propped. Strong Ruble is bad for economy....

I wonder how many people are going "what gimp"?
The Gimp! He was the third, or was it the fourth, person the Bruce Willis character killed, right? I think Bruce Willis did all the killing in the movie.
Pretty low body count for a Quentin Tarantino flick.
The Gimp! He was the third, or was it the fourth, person the Bruce Willis character killed, right? I think Bruce Willis did all the killing in the movie.
Pretty low body count for a Quentin Tarantino flick.

Got me thinking . . .

"I just shot Marvin in the face." --Vincent

Then there is Flock of Seagulls and another guy who get shot by Jules.

And the death of Zed at Marsellus's hands occurs offscreen.

But Bruce did kill a lot in that movie.
59.75 => huge difference of cause. Its dollar now which is being artificially propped. Strong Ruble is bad for economy....


59.75 => huge difference of cause. Its dollar now which is being artificially propped. Strong Ruble is bad for economy....

Right now it is 1 USD to 67.98 Russian Rubles.

Strong Ruble is a fantasy.
Got me thinking . . .

"I just shot Marvin in the face." --Vincent

Then there is Flock of Seagulls and another guy who get shot by Jules.

And the death of Zed at Marsellus's hands occurs offscreen.

But Bruce did kill a lot in that movie.

How often do you watch it? I do reruns every few months. But then I am and have been a Tarantino fan/addict from "Grindhouse".
59.75 => huge difference of cause. Its dollar now which is being artificially propped. Strong Ruble is bad for economy....

Man oh man. The last time you were here was Saturday, when you called us all "little dreamers" for supporting Ukraine.

You might want to check the news.
How often do you watch it? I do reruns every few months. But then I am and have been a Tarantino fan/addict from "Grindhouse".

It is part of a small rotation of favorites that I see at least once a year. Last month I watched it in Ukrainian, which was not the least bit weird, and understood more than expected.

But I haven't seen Grindhouse yet, so sounds like I better get around to it.
It is part of a small rotation of favorites that I see at least once a year. Last month I watched it in Ukrainian, which was not the least bit weird, and understood more than expected.

But I haven't seen Grindhouse yet, so sounds like I better get around to it.

Seen together with "Planet Terror" and "Deathproof" together a grand slam home entertainment event! Kurt Russel as a psycho works!
Good night poor dreamers. Continue to read lies about Ukraine. Strange that you comfort is so cheap even now assuming your trash currency is loosing its value with a rocket pace. Lets see how you will fare in the future and how much comfort you will be able to keep.


Well we've got oil we haven't even found yet!

So there!

PS: There are NATO submarines off your Arctic coast!
Got me thinking . . .

"I just shot Marvin in the face." --Vincent

Then there is Flock of Seagulls and another guy who get shot by Jules.

And the death of Zed at Marsellus's hands occurs offscreen.

But Bruce did kill a lot in that movie.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Marvin and Flock of Seagulls. They also executed Look at the Big Brain on Brad.
So much for my functioning memory.
59.75 => huge difference of cause. Its dollar now which is being artificially propped. Strong Ruble is bad for economy....

Here dandolo, chew on this.......

Wow! Glory to Ukraine! To Heroes Glory!

Contrast that with your horrible military.....

Many victims showed signs of torture. Many others were discovered with ropes around their necks.
how about cannon fodder? does Ukraine have enough bodies to get blown up
while blowing up Russians? can you say "attrition?"
Yes that's the problem, can Ukraine maintain trained manpower levels long term.

USSR managed to push Germany back not because of military strategy, but by the sheer number of bodies they threw at the Germans.

Long term it's a concern, the more the war drags out.

Exhuming murdered civilians outside the liberated city of Izyum, Kharkiv oblast. 9/16/2022.

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