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[W:12] Hundreds stranded, flights diverted and delayed after runway safety concerns close Kona airport (1 Viewer)


Ice Cream for Crow?
DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
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Political Leaning
Wow, this sucks. I've flown in and out of KOA many times, its one runway, and not too many taxiways. They gotta get this fixed ASAP. Hawaiian has 3 717's and a A321 Neo stuck on the ground there, and American has a A321 stuck. They could route planes to Hilo, but that is a 90 minute to 2 hour drive across the island on the awesome Saddle road, but that really can't handle a ton of traffic.

KONA (HawaiiNewsNow) - Flights into and out of Kona’s international airport were halted Monday because of so-called “runway cracks” — ruts in the asphalt that authorities say worsened during recent heavy rains.

Officials said the runway — closed since 4:20 p.m. — would remain unusable through Monday night. Crews were working through the evening on repairs and hoped to have them complete “by first light” Tuesday.

Passengers flying out of or into Kona airport on Tuesday were urged to check with their airlines.

The airport closure forced a long list of delays and diversions.

Hawaiian Airlines announced at 7 p.m. that it was canceling all remaining flights into or out of Kona through Monday night. At least five Hawaiian Air inter-island flights and one trans-Pacific flight was impacted.

“Five minutes before we were about to take off, they told us it was going to be a one-hour delay,” said passenger Anna Cau. “They have finally announced they are going to close the airport. There are hundreds of people at the airport. We are fortunate to have friends that we are going to be staying with, but there are many here who don’t have accommodations and don’t have a way to get to Hilo.”

Passenger Kay Smullen had a more laid-back response to the closure, though.

“It is what it is. Not much we can do to control this situation,” she said.

The Hawaii Tourism Authority pledged to help stranded visitors headed to or trying to leave Kona.
Airport taxes and fees are suppose to help pay for airport infrastructure and maintenance.
Wow, this sucks. I've flown in and out of KOA many times, its one runway, and not too many taxiways. They gotta get this fixed ASAP. Hawaiian has 3 717's and a A321 Neo stuck on the ground there, and American has a A321 stuck. They could route planes to Hilo, but that is a 90 minute to 2 hour drive across the island on the awesome Saddle road, but that really can't handle a ton of traffic.

Your source has been updated within the last 24 hours:
KONA (HawaiiNewsNow) - Kona’s international airport reopened Tuesday morning, a day after a large hole in the runway forced the state to make the “tremendous” decision to shutter operations.

In all, 26 flights were impacted, including nine trans-Pacific ones.

The airport reopened at about 4:30 a.m. Tuesday and flights resumed at 6 a.m.

Our infrastructure is for shit. Good thing we have the republican infrastructure bill.
States are responsible for their own infrastructure, not the federal government. Once again Democrats deliberately violate the US Constitution, as usual.
States are responsible for their own infrastructure, not the federal government. Once again Democrats deliberately violate the US Constitution, as usual.
Guessing you've never heard of the Commerce Clause...
Claiming it is a Democrat thing, just makes you a laughing stock.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 3:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; . . ."
Yes I know.

BTW, are you going to apologize for saying that I was mentally ill because I pointed out to you that we talked twice before about the astronauts and radiation, and that I showed you the links to the posts?
I never denied we talked before. I denied ever being wrong. You simply can't read, as usual.
Guessing you've never heard of the Commerce Clause...
Claiming it is a Democrat thing, just makes you a laughing stock.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 3:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; . . ."
Infrastructure is not commerce. Get an education and get a clue. :rolleyes:
Infrastructure is not commerce. Get an education and get a clue. :rolleyes:
You are sharp as a...

What was the basis of the Federal Interstate Highway Act of 1956? Better yet, refer to Gibbons v Ogden, 1824.
Airport taxes and fees are suppose to help pay for airport infrastructure and maintenance.
Routine maintenance of runways only. Initial construction and resurfacing is the Feds.
Moderator's Warning:
Alright, not a strong start here with all these comments. So let's be clear here. We're going to cease all these flamebaits being strewn about. So address the topic of discussion, not each other. Nothing about people needing to get an education or anything of the like. B/F/T of any level will be considered a violation moving forward. If you can't keep it civil, don't post. Everyone has been warned. Failure to abide by this warning may result in moderator action and/or thread bans.
Wow, this sucks. I've flown in and out of KOA many times, its one runway, and not too many taxiways. They gotta get this fixed ASAP. Hawaiian has 3 717's and a A321 Neo stuck on the ground there, and American has a A321 stuck. They could route planes to Hilo, but that is a 90 minute to 2 hour drive across the island on the awesome Saddle road, but that really can't handle a ton of traffic.

Glad they got the runway repaired, but sucks for those stranded.
Glad they got the runway repaired, but sucks for those stranded.
Yeah, it could have been worse, they flew in a crew from HNL and patched things up. Its a weird airport, its all outside, I mean, there is shaded areas for pax to wait for flights, but its all air stairs and outdoors. And it surrounded by lava fields, it gets hot.
Yeah, it could have been worse, they flew in a crew from HNL and patched things up. Its a weird airport, its all outside, I mean, there is shaded areas for pax to wait for flights, but its all air stairs and outdoors. And it surrounded by lava fields, it gets hot.
Kauai Airport is fairly outdoorsy as well. Or at least was 20 years ago when I went through.
States are responsible for their own infrastructure, not the federal government. Once again Democrats deliberately violate the US Constitution, as usual.
Really? Odd. In Canada ports of entry, including international airports, are federal responsibility.
Kauai Airport is fairly outdoorsy as well. Or at least was 20 years ago when I went through.
Not any more. LIH needs a longer runway though, it can hamper flights to the mainland on smaller planes. My former airline now flies the A321 Neo to HNL, KOA, OGG and LIH from Phoenix and LAX, during heavy travel season it gets the 787 or 777 to HNL and OGG. They fly the 777 from DFW though.

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