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(W:#1069)Toddler Shoots Woman Dead Live on Zoom (1 Viewer)

I think it would be more correct to type that the people who insist on carrying AR15s openly everywhere they go generally have mental issues.

It’s pretty obvious on its face.
no it is not. the people who have mental issues are the ones who whine about others owning and carrying guns. Now I think it is stupid to walk around with an AR 15 unless you are engaged in protecting a business or neighborhood in the face of imminent riots or robberies, or you are at a gun range or match. And I doubt there are many, if any, people who carry AR 15s every place they go. BTW it is hard to carry an AR 15 concealed
no it is not. the people who have mental issues are the ones who whine about others owning and carrying guns. Now I think it is stupid to walk around with an AR 15 unless you are engaged in protecting a business or neighborhood in the face of imminent riots or robberies, or you are at a gun range or match. And I doubt there are many, if any, people who carry AR 15s every place they go. BTW it is hard to carry an AR 15 concealed
In other words, its stupid to carry around a rifle everywhere you go, and its a pretty clear sign something is not right in the head.

You can just say that. It’s ok.
no it is not. the people who have mental issues are the ones who whine about others owning and carrying guns. Now I think it is stupid to walk around with an AR 15 unless you are engaged in protecting a business or neighborhood in the face of imminent riots or robberies, or you are at a gun range or match. And I doubt there are many, if any, people who carry AR 15s every place they go. BTW it is hard to carry an AR 15 concealed

"Stupid", but not caused by "mental issues" ?


Not sure how you determine the difference, nor what you criteria for each might be.
In other words, its stupid to carry around a rifle everywhere you go, and its a pretty clear sign something is not right in the head.

You can just say that. It’s ok.
I think it is stupid for several reasons in MOST cases but I don't assume the person has something "not right in the head"/ I think those who troll gun threads because they dislike the perceived politics of gun owners and are mad that pro gun candidates don't usually buy into socialist "solutions" to global warming hysteria, are in no position to call others "not right in the head".
"Stupid", but not caused by "mental issues" ?


Not sure how you determine the difference, nor what you criteria for each might be.
uh plenty of people are "stupid" but not mentally ill. Some mentally ill people are brilliant-take the uni-bomber and perhaps the greatest chess master in history-Bobby Fisher
uh plenty of people are "stupid" but not mentally ill. Some mentally ill people are brilliant-take the uni-bomber and perhaps the greatest chess master in history-Bobby Fisher

You still don't give your criteria for the difference, nor state how you tell which is which.
You still don't give your criteria for the difference, nor state how you tell which is which.
why don't you do some research and you will learn why being stupid is not the same as being mentally ill?
...but you were happy.
Happy and secure enough to grow up without the paranoia it requires to fearfully walk around armed to the teeth, as if I lived in Dodge City. Seriously, who not living in some drug infested slum needs to walk around armed with guns?

Not normal people. I will say that.
why don't you do some research and you will learn why being stupid is not the same as being mentally ill?
Stupidity is indeed a mental illness, and it seems to affect those who were once smart the hardest. The Cult of Trump proved that, as their mental faculties declined daily.
Stupidity is indeed a mental illness, and it seems to affect those who were once smart the hardest. The Cult of Trump proved that, as their mental faculties declined daily.
Then you're using mental illness as a pejorative to attack people. Very classy, but to be fair I see it quite a bit around here.
Then you're using mental illness as a pejorative to attack people. Very classy, but to be fair I see it quite a bit around here.
Why don't I substantiate your statement for you, you mean ?

You made the claim, you substantiate it.
Why should I cite to what is obvious to most people when you make claims you never substantiate such as incredible bullsht such as saying owning a gun is a RIGHT TO KILL?
Then you're using mental illness as a pejorative to attack people. Very classy, but to be fair I see it quite a bit around here.
Have an affinity for the stupid do ya?
Why should I cite to what is obvious to most people when you make claims you never substantiate such as incredible bullsht such as saying owning a gun is a RIGHT TO KILL?

Because it is most definitely NOT obvious to anyone but you

If it's so obvious, then the difference (and ways of determining it) should be very easy to state, shouldn't they ?
I think it is stupid for several reasons in MOST cases but I don't assume the person has something "not right in the head"/ I think those who troll gun threads because they dislike the perceived politics of gun owners and are mad that pro gun candidates don't usually buy into socialist "solutions" to global warming hysteria, are in no position to call others "not right in the head".
No, I think seeing some douche carrying an open weapon in camo to a local drugstore is probably going in to get their psych meds filled, because it’s a pretty damn strong indicator that they’re ‘not right in the head’.

You can just agree, you know.
No, I think seeing some douche carrying an open weapon in camo to a local drugstore is probably going in to get their psych meds filled, because it’s a pretty damn strong indicator that they’re ‘not right in the head’.

You can just agree, you know.
maybe he decided to do what many anti gun posters do here-troll people in his own way. I agree it is stupid in most cases. I don't know the exact context. Maybe some asshole in public office or a candidate for public office was whining about open carry and this guy decided to push the asshole's buttons?
Have an affinity for the stupid do ya?
I utterly reject your claim that mentally ill=stupid.

However, it's your claim and if we are to believe that you believe it's true, then you apparently also believe that mental illness is a good basis upon which to stage a personal attack.
Moderator's Warning:
Enough! This is not a gun thread, this is not a thread about stupidity vs. mental illness, this is not a thread about other posters. Thread bans will follow, and I WILL be generous with them.

Knock it off, period!
No, I think seeing some douche carrying an open weapon in camo to a local drugstore is probably going in to get their psych meds filled, because it’s a pretty damn strong indicator that they’re ‘not right in the head’.

You can just agree, you know.

And it'll pretty quickly empty the rest of the store.
maybe he decided to do what many anti gun posters do here-troll people in his own way. I agree it is stupid in most cases. I don't know the exact context. Maybe some asshole in public office or a candidate for public office was whining about open carry and this guy decided to push the asshole's buttons?
Oh yeah. I feel much better that the likely mentally ill guy is doing it to bother people he hates.

With that….Do you see- even dimly- how that’s exactly the reason why open carrying and AR15 in a peaceful town is borderline crazy?
Oh yeah. I feel much better that the likely mentally ill guy is doing it to bother people he hates.

With that….Do you see- even dimly- how that’s exactly the reason why open carrying and AR15 in a peaceful town is borderline crazy?
Yeah. If I'm standing in line somewhere, and a dude with an AR-15 is declaring he's sporting around that weapon to "push buttons", I'm leaving that facility ASAP, and will return later for any commodities I may need from that facility.
Oh yeah. I feel much better that the likely mentally ill guy is doing it to bother people he hates.
With that….Do you see- even dimly- how that’s exactly the reason why open carrying and AR15 in a peaceful town is borderline crazy?
You do have to wonder.
Maybe the Left has reason to be suspicious of gun nuts.

Very suspicious.

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