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Vote to change b&flame forum name to...... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
'Liberal ***** Forum'. The moderators here at Debate politics are acting like your liberal ACLU by protecting you from the truth on a public forum. Debating politics shouldn't be designated to basement standards--it should be aired publically where I will be the Conservative truth detector, thus given full control and or rights to kick as many liberal/commie ***** asses as possible. Stand in line all you jerk offs.
ptsdkid said:
'Liberal ***** Forum'. The moderators here at Debate politics are acting like your liberal ACLU by protecting you from the truth on a public forum. Debating politics shouldn't be designated to basement standards--it should be aired publically where I will be the Conservative truth detector, thus given full control and or rights to kick as many liberal/commie ***** asses as possible. Stand in line all you jerk offs.

Debate is honored.
Intentionally inflammatory OPs are relegated to the Basement.
Name calling ≠ debate.
Name calling ≠ civility.

Your vote has been noted.
ptsdkid said:
'Liberal ***** Forum'. The moderators here at Debate politics are acting like your liberal ACLU by protecting you from the truth on a public forum. Debating politics shouldn't be designated to basement standards--it should be aired publically where I will be the Conservative truth detector, thus given full control and or rights to kick as many liberal/commie ***** asses as possible. Stand in line all you jerk offs.

I know it was hard when you realized that you are the spawn of the sleaze that was cloned off the sh!t stain they found in Hitler's shorts after he offed himself. But don't worry us liberal ***** asses will be putting you guys out of your misery soon.
Saboteur said:
I know it was hard when you realized that you are the spawn of the sleaze that was cloned off the sh!t stain they found in Hitler's shorts after he offed himself. But don't worry us liberal ***** asses will be putting you guys out of your misery soon.

***And how do you wussies propose to put us proud Conservative Americans out of our misery? Since Bush & Company took control, the Republican majority keeps growing as in the red-stated counties nationwide. I suppose you think Hillary the commie is going to upset the strength of the American/Conservative will with a victory come 2008. HeHeHeHe!
ptsdkid said:
***And how do you wussies propose to put us proud Conservative Americans out of our misery? Since Bush & Company took control, the Republican majority keeps growing as in the red-stated counties nationwide. I suppose you think Hillary the commie is going to upset the strength of the American/Conservative will with a victory come 2008. HeHeHeHe!

Exactly, you folks seem to do a good job at destroying yourselves. So we're going to let you continue about your business until you've totally fu<ked the country enough to p;ss off the middle class and come angry mob style to your door step with shotguns and pitchforks. What with no Democrats to blame for your mistakes, @ssholes.
ptsdkid said:
'Liberal ***** Forum'. The moderators here at Debate politics are acting like your liberal ACLU by protecting you from the truth on a public forum. Debating politics shouldn't be designated to basement standards--it should be aired publically where I will be the Conservative truth detector, thus given full control and or rights to kick as many liberal/commie ***** asses as possible. Stand in line all you jerk offs.
Once you can actually have a debate with facts, sites, and actual quotes that have merit and the opinions you've derived from them are correct and not cherry picked, you might have a point.

Of course, any member of DP.com can come down to the basement, so what's your problem, o "Conservative truth detector"?

Let's see:
How can one become Liberal? Was moved by a conservative.
List of American Benedict Arnolds Was moved by a libertarian.
Should ACLU be renamed the Liberal Taliban? Was moved by a libertarian.
Who hates America, Liberals or Conservatives? Was moved by a libertarian.

So, what LIBERAL ACLU part of the DP.com moderation board is squashing your conservative voice?
shuamort said:
So, what LIBERAL ACLU part of the DP.com moderation board is squashing your conservative voice?
Another important question is why are so many other threads started by conservative members left where they were started?

Why is the anti-conservative bias directed at ptsdkid's OPs and not all conservatives' OPs?


Could it be that there is some quality or qualities that distinguish the threads that get moved here from the ones that don't other than the "conservatism" of the thread starter?
If there were, that sure would explain things.

Of course, culture of victimization that has found such a welcome home in popular "conservatism" would be out of place in this instance if the OPs' lack of civility were the responsibility of their author. I mean, Heaven forbid that someone who flaunts the mantle of conservative should actually accept personal responsiblity for their actions when sobbing, crying, and whinging, "Bias!" is available as an out from that responsibility.

Enjoy your artificial victimihood, ptsdkid. It's obvious that you treasure it.
Simon W. Moon said:
Another important question is why are so many other threads started by conservative members left where they were started?

Why is the anti-conservative bias directed at ptsdkid's OPs and not all conservatives' OPs?


Could it be that there is some quality or qualities that distinguish the threads that get moved here from the ones that don't other than the "conservatism" of the thread starter?
If there were, that sure would explain things.

Of course, culture of victimization that has found such a welcome home in popular "conservatism" would be out of place in this instance if the OPs' lack of civility were the responsibility of their author. I mean, Heaven forbid that someone who flaunts the mantle of conservative should actually accept personal responsiblity for their actions when sobbing, crying, and whinging, "Bias!" is available as an out from that responsibility.

Enjoy your artificial victimihood, ptsdkid. It's obvious that you treasure it.

*****The very term 'debate politics' suggests that there might just be passionate/inflammatory feelings from those engaging in said debate. I was very careful in every one of my posts (that unfortunately ended up here in hell)--not to use names or personally criticize forum members here, thus I believed I was being a good 'Kid' in accepting your rules as presented here. Terms that I used like 'liberal' are generic in nature. Since the moderators here seem to be of the thin-skin variety; I have learned to live with your censorship of the truth to be relegated to a far less-viewed forum here in the basement of despair.
As far as 'victimhood' goes--that term is the trademark of every social liberal policy or ideal in our society, you know like the victomhood of the 'poor', the 'obese', the 'lazy', the 'spotted owl', 'illegal immigrants', 'atheists', 'political correctness fanatics', 'multiculturalists', 'black reparation entusiasts', 'dumb people', 'prison torture victims', 'prisoners in general', 'workplace victims', etc., etc.
ptsdkid said:
*****The very term 'debate politics' suggests that there might just be passionate/inflammatory feelings from those engaging in said debate. I was very careful in every one of my posts (that unfortunately ended up here in hell)--not to use names or personally criticize forum members here, thus I believed I was being a good 'Kid' in accepting your rules as presented here. Terms that I used like 'liberal' are generic in nature. Since the moderators here seem to be of the thin-skin variety; I have learned to live with your censorship of the truth to be relegated to a far less-viewed forum here in the basement of despair.
As far as 'victimhood' goes--that term is the trademark of every social liberal policy or ideal in our society, you know like the victomhood of the 'poor', the 'obese', the 'lazy', the 'spotted owl', 'illegal immigrants', 'atheists', 'political correctness fanatics', 'multiculturalists', 'black reparation entusiasts', 'dumb people', 'prison torture victims', 'prisoners in general', 'workplace victims', etc., etc.

Actually, you were being a punk ass little prick. It has nothing to do with our thin skin and more to do with your lack of ability to read and comprehend the rules. Or read and comprehend period.
Kelzie said:
Actually, you were being a punk ass little prick. It has nothing to do with our thin skin and more to do with your lack of ability to read and comprehend the rules. Or read and comprehend period.

****Pretell where I failed to comprehend your rules. Does the term generic mean anything to you? I don't see where my generic postings personally attacked any members here. Punk ass little prick? That's a good one. Did you ever graduate high school? Just curious cause you don't seem to be able to handle 'debating' whatsoever.
ptsdkid said:
****Pretell where I failed to comprehend your rules. Does the term generic mean anything to you? I don't see where my generic postings personally attacked any members here. Punk ass little prick? That's a good one. Did you ever graduate high school? Just curious cause you don't seem to be able to handle 'debating' whatsoever.

This isn't a debate jack ass. This is you attempting to spout your right wing fundamentalist **** and all of us laughing at you.
Kelzie said:
This isn't a debate jack ass. This is you attempting to spout your right wing fundamentalist **** and all of us laughing at you.

***Looks like you made my point, dear. You liberals can't handle a debate on differences of issues and or differences with ideals, thus the mockery of the forum's name being 'Debate Politics'. Love it when you laugh at me. Keep laughing while the Republicans keep winning elections. Eventually your ignorance to the conservative fundamentals that keep this country free and strong will have to smack you in the face. Until then, I consider every liberal an enemy to our tradtions, to our country and to our solvency, and you are a disgrace and an enemy to America.
ptsdkid said:
*****The very term 'debate politics' suggests that there might just be passionate/inflammatory feelings from those engaging in said debate.
Sure, sure.

ptsdkid said:
I was very careful in every one of my posts (that unfortunately ended up here in hell)--not to use names or personally criticize forum members here, thus I believed I was being a good 'Kid' in accepting your rules as presented here.
You're not in trouble, nor are you being censured.
The careful craftsmanship your posts reinforces the perception that you desired the red and itchy inflammation of board members. It's my job as a mod to keep DP healthy, clean and clear.

ptsdkid said:
... I have learned to live with your censorship of the truth to be relegated to a far less-viewed forum here in the basement of despair.
What poor, poor, victim you are. Aww.
If you get done with your tantrum about how picked on you are and you decide you'd like to do something about it, like engage in debate civilly, the forum is your oyster.

ptsdkid said:
As far as 'victimhood' goes--that term is the trademark of every social liberal policy or ideal in our society...
So you're looking for your pat on the back for embracing it so wholeheartedly?
ptsdkid said:
***Looks like you made my point, dear.

Thanks, I try. What's with starting your posts with ***?

You liberals can't handle a debate on differences of issues and or differences with ideals, thus the mockery of the forum's name being 'Debate Politics'.

Actually we can. That's why this site is so successful. Be kind of boring if it was just a bunch of conservatives patting each other on the back. Thankfully we normally get rid of the crazies. On both sides of the spectrum.

Love it when you laugh at me.

You must be one happy guy.

Keep laughing while the Republicans keep winning elections.

I love people who think they can tell the future. They're a riot. Do you juggle too?

Eventually your ignorance to the conservative fundamentals that keep this country free and strong will have to smack you in the face.

Thankfully, you had liberals around to inject some heart into this country. You know, child labor laws, welfare, minimum wage. You might want to take note. Especially about minimum wage. I'm sure you'll want to know about it for when you grow up.

Until then, I consider every liberal an enemy to our tradtions, to our country and to our solvency, and you are a disgrace and an enemy to America.

Coming from an obviously delusional right wing nut ball like yourself, I'd actually be worried if you thought any other way.
Simon W. Moon said:
Sure, sure.

What poor, poor, victim you are. Aww.
If you get done with your tantrum about how picked on you are and you decide you'd like to do something about it, like engage in debate civilly, the forum is your oyster.

So you're looking for your pat on the back for embracing it so wholeheartedly?

****You do have a sense of humor. The forum is my oyster if I was to engage civilly? Seeing how about 90% of my debatable posts are lying here in the bottom of the ocean floor where the oysters live, I doubt very much that there is a future for my debating skills up above where the liberals run amok. I still can't see how you can call it a 'Debate politics' forum when posts like mine that are set up to get a debate going...are dumped into the cellar like they contain some kind of plague. There must be something you and the others are afraid of here. On a side note, my bite is worse than my bark. Oh, you already knew that!
****You do have a sense of humor. The forum is my oyster if I was to engage civilly? Seeing how about 90% of my debatable posts are lying here in the bottom of the ocean floor where the oysters live, I doubt very much that there is a future for my debating skills up above where the liberals run amok. I still can't see how you can call it a 'Debate politics' forum when posts like mine that are set up to get a debate going...are dumped into the cellar like they contain some kind of plague. There must be something you and the others are afraid of here. On a side note, my bite is worse than my bark. Oh, you already knew that!

Ok heres a simple answer to all this.

IN the noble words of Jim Carrey from Liar, Liar STOP BREAKING THE RULES, ASSHOLE!
ptsdkid said:
****You do have a sense of humor. The forum is my oyster if I was to engage civilly? Seeing how about 90% of my debatable posts are lying here in the bottom of the ocean floor where the oysters live, I doubt very much that there is a future for my debating skills up above where the liberals run amok. I still can't see how you can call it a 'Debate politics' forum when posts like mine that are set up to get a debate going...are dumped into the cellar like they contain some kind of plague. There must be something you and the others are afraid of here. On a side note, my bite is worse than my bark. Oh, you already knew that!

Seriously, what is with the asterisks?

Also, you're stupid as ****. But mainly, what's with the asterisks?
Engimo said:
Seriously, what is with the asterisks?

Also, you're stupid as ****. But mainly, what's with the asterisks?

****The ass-risks are a disguise to one of those dreaded 4-letter swear words that I might call some tedious asshole like you. But since I'm already on the mod-team's **** list for supposedly breaking the rules--I guess I'll try to remain civil. Being civil here means to not create a debatable post that might upset some of our thin-skinned liberal brethren and sistren.
ptsdkid said:
****The ass-risks are a disguise to one of those dreaded 4-letter swear words that I might call some tedious asshole like you. But since I'm already on the mod-team's **** list for supposedly breaking the rules--I guess I'll try to remain civil. Being civil here means to not create a debatable post that might upset some of our thin-skinned liberal brethren and sistren.

Civil? **** that. How about I tell you to go **** yourself, because you're an idiotic partisan hack who has absolutely nothing to add to actual discussion. Moron.
ptsdkid said:
****The ass-risks are a disguise to one of those dreaded 4-letter swear words that I might call some tedious asshole like you. But since I'm already on the mod-team's **** list for supposedly breaking the rules--I guess I'll try to remain civil. Being civil here means to not create a debatable post that might upset some of our thin-skinned liberal brethren and sistren.
OK kids...Time to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s...

ptsdkid...cnredd here...CONSERVATIVE cnredd...The one that can run rings around your debating manner quicker than you can duck under a desk everytime you have flashbacks...

Here's the scoop...

You suck...you suck like a Catholic high school girl after her first kegger...and I'll tell you why...

You can say what you want, and however you want...But the results of your comments will be directly related to the respect you give your comments to others...You get what you give...

This forum was created for debate...whether intellectual & sincere or filled with snide remarks & dirty tactics, one thing must be clear...There HAS to be some sort of substance that is debatable...

Your next post with this substance will be your first....

This forum invites all to come to the table with something debatable...You have provided nothing but childlike rants and an obsession to assault those who do not stand by you and your beliefs...That leads nowhere but to your marginalization and lack of credibility...

In your short time here, there has been one obvious fact...You are scoffed at...You would like to think that it's because of the disagreements with political affiliations...and you would be wrong...

There is an old saying..."It's not what you say; it's how you say it"...

There is another saying..."ptsdkid...You're a moron"...

Both sayings apply...

If you were to come here and put forth an intellectual reasoning for the way you feel, you might get a reply with some respect...but instead you have done no such thing...but are more than happy to play the "victim" when you are trivialized the way you trivialize others...That, in itself, makes us laugh more than a Ted Kennedy speech on the evils of alcohol...

The next time you post, you should be saying to yourself, "Do I want to gain respect of my fellow members or is my only intention to inflame and assault?"...Keep in mind that either way, you'll get the same in return...

And you're mother's a whore...
Should I or shouldn't I? That whole dignifying a remark with a responce thing. I've done him once or twice. No reply. I've won the teacher vs. pstkid thing. No biggie. I'll bust his ass. Say the word. I can only promise it will be brutal and funny.
FinnMacCool said:
Ok heres a simple answer to all this.
IN the noble words of Jim Carrey from Liar, Liar STOP BREAKING THE RULES, ASSHOLE!

He's not breaking the rules.
Nor is he being punished.
His thread was merely started in the wrong forum.

His thread was moved. That's it.

Just like threads about someone's personal life are moved when they're started in the economics forum, just like threads about Abramoff are moved when they are started in the Iraq war forum, just like threads about Oprah are moved when they're started in the media bias forum. That's all that happenned.
All that happened except for ptsdkid's tantrum.

He has chosen to have fit as if he were facing persecution of Torquemada. He has also chosen to act as if he bears no responsibility for his actions. Please don't egg him on by saying that he's has broken the rules or by playing into the idea that he is being punished.
cnredd said:
You suck...you suck like a Catholic high school girl after her first kegger...
I was thinking like a toothy barfly after her morning smoke, and jack&coke.
ptsdkid...cnredd here...CONSERVATIVE cnredd...The one that can run rings around your debating manner quicker than you can duck under a desk everytime you have flashbacks...

You can say what you want, and however you want...But the results of your comments will be directly related to the respect you give your comments to others...You get what you give...

This forum was created for debate...whether intellectual & sincere or filled with snide remarks & dirty tactics, one thing must be clear...There HAS to be some sort of substance that is debatable...

This forum invites all to come to the table with something debatable...You have provided nothing but childlike rants and an obsession to assault those who do not stand by you and your beliefs...That leads nowhere but to your marginalization and lack of credibility...

****You are funny Crud. Pretty hard for you to run rings around my debating techniques when you first move my debatable posts away from it's intended political format. Second, we don't know about these running rings around me until you actually put up some debatable proof against any one of my many debatable postings.
Excuse me for slipping a few snide remarks into my postings. Guilty as charged. I'm sure others are able to omit these snide remarks in their detailed postings. Yeah, right! Childlike rants more closely resemble that diatribe of yours to me. I do not assault anyone specifically; I assault liberalism and socialism and every other ideology that is embedded with those two scourges.
Many if not all of my postings give a very detailed list of the actions and beliefs of liberalism verse that of conservatism. I state my opinion, backed up with fact, and expect with the nature of a 'Debate politics' forum--that others in disagreement would honor their committment to 'DEBATE' their brains out with their side to the political equation.
Now if you think you can still run rings around me, then I say go for it sport. But you might want to address one of my debatable postings so as to get your feet wet. You still have the option to wimp out here by charging me with ranting like a child, thus forfeiting the friendly challenge. Ball is in your court.

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