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Vladimir Putin's Daughter's House Raided by Activist Holding Ukraine Flag (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
Political Leaning
This is interesting.

The locks on the mansion have been changed.

The person who broke into the house says it's open to take refugees from Ukraine.

This is the second mansion this has happened to. The other one is in England and owned my an oligarch who is sanctioned.

That one is open for Ukraine refugees too.

This is interesting.

The locks on the mansion have been changed.

The person who broke into the house says it's open to take refugees from Ukraine.

This is the second mansion this has happened to. The other one is in England and owned my an oligarch who is sanctioned.

That one is open for Ukraine refugees too.

I like this!
Even I enjoy an occasional piece of celebrity trivia .
Very dubious about the truth of this yarn .

The security for both of his daughters is off- the-scale .
And punishments for people who intrude in any way are beyond severe .

If somebody broke into an otherwise empty and currently unoccupied house , God help them. Nobody else will .
This is interesting.

The locks on the mansion have been changed.

The person who broke into the house says it's open to take refugees from Ukraine.

This is the second mansion this has happened to. The other one is in England and owned my an oligarch who is sanctioned.

That one is open for Ukraine refugees too.

I'm not a fan of the type of people who claim "Squatters Rights!" when they take over someone's house, BUT this is one instance i'll gladly support!

When Ukraine boots Russia out, the Ukrainians can sell this place and use the money to pay for rebuilding.

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