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Video shows preschoolers chanting they want Joe Biden out during class (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.

A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.

Inb4 the righties whaddabout this rightist indoctrination.

A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.

they should have ended the chant with Let’s go Brandon
I agree...this is ridiculous and has no place in schools. And when leftists show upset over shitheads indoctrinating children with deviant lifestyle choices, I'll take them seriously.
Inb4 the righties whaddabout this rightist indoctrination.

Half an hour later:

I agree...this is ridiculous and has no place in schools. And when leftists show upset over shitheads indoctrinating children with deviant lifestyle choices, I'll take them seriously.


A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.

Regarding the highlighted portion of your post, this fact is why parents are becoming more and more outraged at the despicable indoctrinations practiced by the Left in the guise of education.

Our educators seem more committed to conducting social engineering than producing students with competencies in the curriculum subjects.
Was this the same place that had students worshiping a cardboard cutout of Bush?

A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.
mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm Barack Hussein Obama

No doubt R-wingers will condemn this anti President Joe Biden "indoctrination chanting" and the teacher who led it as readily and heartily as they rightfully condemned the Barack Hussein Obama classroom exercise I highlighted above, remember that?
I have a feeling pre-schoolers don't have a lot of interest in politics one way or the other.
They have much more important things to think about like cake and learning to read.

A Southern California preschool teacher has sparked outrage after a video captured her leading her students in a chant that called for President Biden to leave office.

The clip showed the unnamed educator at the Turning Point Christian School in Norco asking the 4- and 5-year-old students, “Who’s our president?”

The kids shout in unison, “Biden!”

What do we want to do with him?” the teacher asks.

“We want him out!” her students yell back on Presidents’ Day.

While CA is mostly liberal, parts like Orange County are politically to the right of Atilla the Hun. As Hitler practiced, the tyrants start with the young.
As much as I can agree that children need to eventually learn of political moves, that teacher was wrong to start such a chant. Kids that young don't know what they are chanting in a classroom.
Just like a teacher would be wrong to teach young students that the country was based on the sin of slavery starting from 1619.
from their website. these pics are an example of the ages of the kids that the teacher was attempting to indoctrinate politically...

and one more thing, i can imagine some parents hearing this story and thinking, "huh. that's the kind of private school that I want my kids in".
Oh good grief. Keep your political statements out of your classroom, teachers.
What of the person who recorded the incident? Who were they? Did they agree with the chanting and hope to send it viral? If they disagreed, why didn't they stop it?
from their website. these pics are an example of the ages of the kids that the teacher was attempting to indoctrinate politically...

View attachment 67381784

Yep, those kids are just about to get into a heated discussion about marginal tax rates or the cost-benefit analysis of the build back better scheme.
Then they're going to go into a down and dirty discussion about the macroeconomics of the armed forces and why the F-22 is a boondoggle.

It's going to be totally intense!!!
Yep, those kids are just about to get into a heated discussion about marginal tax rates or the cost-benefit analysis of the build back better scheme.
Then they're going to go into a down and dirty discussion about the macroeconomics of the armed forces and why the F-22 is a boondoggle.

It's going to be totally intense!!!
and after their naps they were gonna debate interest rates and inflation.
Oh good grief. Keep your political statements out of your classroom, teachers.

It's bloody pre-school.
About the most political thing I can remember from that time is the crucial issue about which is the best colour.

The obvious answer is green and anyone who says differently is plainly wrong.
It's bloody pre-school.
About the most political thing I can remember from that time is the crucial issue about which is the best colour.

The obvious answer is green and anyone who says differently is plainly wrong.

I completely agree with you on all counts. Love green. :)

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