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Video proof: Democrat/media hypocrisy & lies on illegal immigration! (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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In their own words, the top democrats completely contradict and disprove their own current positions on illegal immigration, border security AND the wall!! Its a short 2 min video that starts with the president honestly calling out democrats on their lies and hypocrisy, followed by democrats supporting the SAME policies that Trump has been calling for! Its also proof that the media have dishonestly portrayed conservatives and republicans as "racists" and "white nationalists" for supporting border security, while omitting and burying the truth about how democrats felt the same way!

If the media were objective, I wouldn't have to post these videos, because they would've already aired this stuff long ago!!

In their own words, the top democrats completely contradict and disprove their own current positions on illegal immigration, border security AND the wall!! Its a short 2 min video that starts with the president honestly calling out democrats on their lies and hypocrisy, followed by democrats supporting the SAME policies that Trump has been calling for! Its also proof that the media have dishonestly portrayed conservatives and republicans as "racists" and "white nationalists" for supporting border security, while omitting and burying the truth about how democrats felt the same way!

If the media were objective, I wouldn't have to post these videos, because they would've already aired this stuff long ago!!

This looks live a giant straw man argument. For the democrats to have contradicted themselves and spoken in support of border security they would first have had to claim they were against border security. They never have been. Seems to me this video is playing on right wing perception that 'the liberals' all want 'open borders' and therefore any Democrat (all rabid left-wing radicals apparently) who suggests anything to do with border security is inconsistent with that attributed position, which was a false premise from the start.
In their own words, the top democrats completely contradict and disprove their own current positions on illegal immigration, border security AND the wall!! Its a short 2 min video that starts with the president honestly calling out democrats on their lies and hypocrisy, followed by democrats supporting the SAME policies that Trump has been calling for! Its also proof that the media have dishonestly portrayed conservatives and republicans as "racists" and "white nationalists" for supporting border security, while omitting and burying the truth about how democrats felt the same way!

If the media were objective, I wouldn't have to post these videos, because they would've already aired this stuff long ago!!

What a sad little troll video. They really us to expect to take a content creator seriously who feels the need to prop up Trump's "coolness factor," by putting on cheesy crappy glasses on his face???
In their own words, the top democrats completely contradict and disprove their own current positions on illegal immigration, border security AND the wall!! Its a short 2 min video that starts with the president honestly calling out democrats on their lies and hypocrisy, followed by democrats supporting the SAME policies that Trump has been calling for! Its also proof that the media have dishonestly portrayed conservatives and republicans as "racists" and "white nationalists" for supporting border security, while omitting and burying the truth about how democrats felt the same way!

If the media were objective, I wouldn't have to post these videos, because they would've already aired this stuff long ago!!

So what happened to accusing Democrats of wanting open borders? Seems that this video proves that argument to be a lie.
This looks live a giant straw man argument. For the democrats to have contradicted themselves and spoken in support of border security they would first have had to claim they were against border security. They never have been. Seems to me this video is playing on right wing perception that 'the liberals' all want 'open borders' and therefore any Democrat (all rabid left-wing radicals apparently) who suggests anything to do with border security is inconsistent with that attributed position, which was a false premise from the start.

So what happened to accusing Democrats of wanting open borders? Seems that this video proves that argument to be a lie.

Much like the game snake, the fox news feedback loop is tripping over it's own lies.
Much like the game snake, the fox news feedback loop is tripping over it's own lies.

Consistency was never a Trumpian's strong point. Also gotta love the site title: Maga pill. As in red pills, as in manosphere, as in PUAs, as in incels like Stephen Miller. That's who Trump appeals to. Men with problems that they think will be solved by pills.

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