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Video exposes media hypocrisy, lies & CLEAR BIAS regarding FBI/Comey (1 Viewer)


You should hate the "news" media more
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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I received this video in my YouTube feed. This guy took the time to put together a bunch of mainstream news media clips from 2016, when the *cough* 'objective journalists' were endlessly whining about Comey AND the FBI being in the pockets of Trump, undermining democracy etc. They and most progressives at that time HATED James Comey! But as you'll recall, they ALL changed their tune when Trump fired Comey, and the *ahem* 'Russia collusion' investigation began. Immediately they began treating Comey as a victim and a hero for speaking out against Trump!

But what is MOST ridiculous, is the MSM's narrative that "anyone who criticizes the FBI or Comey, is undermining democracy" and "undermining the nation's faith in the FBI". In other words, for doing the EXACT SAME THING THEY WERE ALL DOING FOR A LONG TIME!! Even Comey is in on the scam, after being ridiculed by the same people he is now allying himself with! The left should thank their lucky stars that he and Mueller are corrupt partisans, otherwise they would have done a REAL investigation on Hillary, instead of a non investigation, where they refused to follow normal procedures, not seating a grand jury, not really doing legit witness questioning, and decided not to charge her even before the ' investigation' began!! In which case serious crimes wouldve been exposed, instead of a bunch of minor precudure and tax crimes charged against people OTHER than Trump!

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Yes, the media are disgusting.

Personally, I have no doubt that they will succeed in driving President Trump out of office and maybe even in jailing him.

Their hatred of President Trump knows no bounds -- or decency.

I can only hope that someday and somehow the media get their comeuppance for what they have done to our country.
I received this video in my YouTube feed. This guy took the time to put together a bunch of mainstream news media clips from 2016, when the *cough* 'objective journalists' were endlessly whining about Comey AND the FBI being in the pockets of Trump, undermining democracy etc. They and most progressives at that time HATED James Comey! But as you'll recall, they ALL changed their tune when Trump fired Comey, and the *ahem* 'Russia collusion' investigation began. Immediately they began treating Comey as a victim and a hero for speaking out against Trump!

But what is MOST ridiculous, is the MSM's narrative that "anyone who criticizes the FBI or Comey, is undermining democracy" and "undermining the nation's faith in the FBI". In other words, for doing the EXACT SAME THING THEY WERE ALL DOING FOR A LONG TIME!! Even Comey is in on the scam, after being ridiculed by the same people he is now allying himself with! The left should thank their lucky stars that he and Mueller are corrupt partisans, otherwise they would have done a REAL investigation on Hillary, instead of a non investigation, where they refused to follow normal procedures, not seating a grand jury, not really doing legit witness questioning, and decided not to charge her even before the ' investigation' began!! In which case serious crimes wouldve been exposed, instead of a bunch of minor precudure and tax crimes charged against people OTHER than Trump!

Kudos for this video. :applaud

Yes, I do recall how both the MSM and many of the same people who are crowing about how the FBI "caught" so many "liars" now were upset and lambasting Comey and the FBI for their handling of Hillary and the DNC back then in 2016.

However, as we've seen with Flynn and Papadopoulos who's only "crimes" were "lying to the FBI" about things that were not illegal (although I don't know why they did), we see the FBI handled Hillary and the DNC with kid gloves despite their lies to investigators during those criminal investigation. Oh wait, per Comey, Stzok, Page, Ohr, etc., there was no crime committed by Hillary or any of HER team so their lies were unintentional and don't matter. Bit of a double standard that has persisted over the last 2 years IMHO.

Now I don't know why Flynn lied about something that was not a crime, but IMO the fact that the lies were not tied to any actual crime should have allowed him the same "pass" the FBI and DOJ gave to Hillary and her associates back before the election.

Meanwhile, thanks for pointing out what everyone with any sense should already know, that most of the MSM is heavily biased toward a certain viewpoint and will target anyone who does not follow that viewpoint.
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I received this video in my YouTube feed. This guy took the time to put together a bunch of mainstream news media clips from 2016, when the *cough* 'objective journalists' were endlessly whining about Comey AND the FBI being in the pockets of Trump, undermining democracy etc. They and most progressives at that time HATED James Comey! But as you'll recall, they ALL changed their tune when Trump fired Comey, and the *ahem* 'Russia collusion' investigation began. Immediately they began treating Comey as a victim and a hero for speaking out against Trump!

But what is MOST ridiculous, is the MSM's narrative that "anyone who criticizes the FBI or Comey, is undermining democracy" and "undermining the nation's faith in the FBI". In other words, for doing the EXACT SAME THING THEY WERE ALL DOING FOR A LONG TIME!! Even Comey is in on the scam, after being ridiculed by the same people he is now allying himself with! The left should thank their lucky stars that he and Mueller are corrupt partisans, otherwise they would have done a REAL investigation on Hillary, instead of a non investigation, where they refused to follow normal procedures, not seating a grand jury, not really doing legit witness questioning, and decided not to charge her even before the ' investigation' began!! In which case serious crimes wouldve been exposed, instead of a bunch of minor precudure and tax crimes charged against people OTHER than Trump!

They've been playing at this game for some time now, all the way back to Nixon and beyond.

Ben Stein wrote a book about it and if I can remember the title, I'll link it here for everyone.

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