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Venezuela Seeks Extradition of Pat Robertson for Terrorism (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Pat Robertson's remark promoting the assassination of Chavez is coming back to haunt him. Venezuela wants him to stand trial for terrorism, and is seeking his extradition to Venezuela.

Extraditing Robertson for speaking his mind is a bit much, and I would not support that, but I think the hateful old bigot deserves the bad press he is getting out of it.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Pat Robertson's remark promoting the assassination of Chavez is coming back to haunt him. Venezuela wants him to stand trial for terrorism, and is seeking his extradition to Venezuela.

Extraditing Robertson for speaking his mind is a bit much, and I would not support that, but I think the hateful old bigot deserves the bad press he is getting out of it.

Article is here.

Actually, I think Pat Robertson enjoys all the publicity he can get irregardless.

In fact, I wouldn't doubt if Robertson planned this little excapade as a publicity stunt from the beginning. He is calculating and cunning in my opinion.

BTW... welcome to this forum.
KidRocks said:
Actually, I think Pat Robertson enjoys all the publicity he can get irregardless.

In fact, I wouldn't doubt if Robertson planned this little excapade as a publicity stunt from the beginning. He is calculating and cunning in my opinion.

BTW... welcome to this forum.

Thanx, glad to be here. You saw the the stalking and trolling of everything I posted at Political Crossfire by the band of trolls. I got suspended over there for a week because I reposted my thread that half a dozen of the trolls had trashed. Admin over there supports and encourages them, lets them get away with whatever they wish, and punsishes anyone who chooses to stand up to them. About a dozen members were driven off in the last month by the trolls, due to the inaction, or even possibly the blessing, of the admins. But I dont have to tell you about it, since you have seen it yourself. I finally got tired of having to fight the buttheads off every day, so I have left, and will not be back. What a difference this forum is from that trollpit. Except for the basement, which is similar to Political Crossfire, but I dont think I will be posting there. Its bad for my blood pressure. LMAO. :)
I have no doubt they will never get him, reasonbly because he never commited a crime, no matter how much I despise him they have nothing on him, and come on the US is going to extradite a leader to thousands of American Christians to Hugo Chavez?

At any rate nice to see you, welcome to the Forums. :cool:
Maybee cause he is the real terrorist. I think christians are more terrorists than the muslims.
KidRocks said:
Actually, I think Pat Robertson enjoys all the publicity he can get irregardless.

In fact, I wouldn't doubt if Robertson planned this little excapade as a publicity stunt from the beginning. He is calculating and cunning in my opinion.

BTW... welcome to this forum.

i think you assume he has all his mental faculties

he's just a crazy dude

it'd be awesome to see him extradited. i'd perfer he be extradited to Iran or Syria though.
superskippy said:
I have no doubt they will never get him, reasonbly because he never commited a crime, no matter how much I despise him they have nothing on him, and come on the US is going to extradite a leader to thousands of American Christians to Hugo Chavez?

At any rate nice to see you, welcome to the Forums. :cool:

Didnt say I agreed with Robertson's being extradited, and I agree with what you posted. The point I was making is that Robertson needs to be held accountable to the American people, and I believe this is what is happening. More people now see how looney he really is.

And thanx for the welcome. Nice to have some civilized debate finally, so this is my new home. :)
Robertson looked like an idiot when me made the comments. Had Chavez taken the high road and not done anything idiotic on his own, he would have come out the winner. However, calling for his extradition for SPEECH is going to backfire in American public opinion and cast Robertson in somewhat of a favorable light.

Chavez calling for his extradition is a mistake. However, Chavez has no conception of individual (he is virtually a dictator after all) so this isn't surprising.
danarhea said:
Pat Robertson's remark promoting the assassination of Chavez is coming back to haunt him. Venezuela wants him to stand trial for terrorism, and is seeking his extradition to Venezuela.

Extraditing Robertson for speaking his mind is a bit much, and I would not support that, but I think the hateful old bigot deserves the bad press he is getting out of it.

Article is here.

I say we give them Robertson in exchange for the leaders of the F.A.R.C. and E.L.N. guerrillas who are "guests" in Venezuela and who are responsible for the death of 50,000 Colombian civilians.
i hate me some communists, but no one in central or south america is guiltless...the governments those groups are fighting against are just as brutal and blood thirsty
Regardless of what you think of Robertson's comments, we'd be hypocrits if we extradited him.

I have heard people say that they want to assasination Bush. I have heard rap lyrics along similar lines. None of those people got arrested. So why should we treat someone differently if they are talking about another world leader?

And besides, this falls under free speech. Robertson said, "we should assasinate him," not "I will assasinate him." This subtle difference protects him under the First Ammendment I believe. Of course, The Venuzualen leader doesn't know anything about that.
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new coup for you said:
i hate me some communists, but no one in central or south america is guiltless...the governments those groups are fighting against are just as brutal and blood thirsty

But not the 50,000 civilians...they're not guilty of anything.

You think it was the Muslim fundamentalists who invented beheading people? F.A.R.C has been doing it for 5 decades.

Ever seen photos of a dozen headless farmers? How about a mother of 5 with a bomb strapped to her neck....detonated by remote control?

How about the kidnapping of thousands of children between the ages of 8 and 12 for the guerrilla?

This is not about communists....its about TERRORISM, the stock and trade of Hugo Chavez, his buddy Fidel Castro and his compadres across the Colombian border.

Of course...the New York times doesn't have room in its paper to report those atrocities.....they're much more interested in seeing Posada Carriles deported to Venezuela.... even after having been found innocent by Venezuelan courts not once, but twice...and kept in jail for eight years after vindication by the Venezuelan government....in the hopes of finding a jury that would convict him. "Liberals for Triple Jeopardy"....now there's a catchy nom de guerre.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you: The government of Colombia is a constitutional democracy...has been for some time now......and Colombians vote in much greater numbers than Americans.
are you cuban? i'm not asking because i think your opinions are incorrect (i'm pretty much in total agreement with with you) but because your views sound similar to alot of Cuban survivors of Castro i know
new coup for you said:
are you cuban? i'm not asking because i think your opinions are incorrect (i'm pretty much in total agreement with with you) but because your views sound similar to alot of Cuban survivors of Castro i know

What's wrong with his opinions? They sound pretty accurate to me!
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Maybee cause he is the real terrorist. I think christians are more terrorists than the muslims.

Well while I agree that all religions are basicially divisive in nature you dont see too many Christians strapping bombs to their ass and jumping on a bus full of kids.

How many Christians kill each other when a Bible gets trashed? 0

How about Muslims when rumors occur of a Koran getting mistreated? 17 + scores injured


What is ironic is that the same guy organizing terrorist camps in pakistan is the one who instigated the riots killing over a dozen of his own people.
Connecticutter said:
Regardless of what you think of Robertson's comments, we'd be hypocrits if we extradited him.

I have heard people say that they want to assasination Bush. I have heard rap lyrics along similar lines. None of those people got arrested. So why should we treat someone differently if they are talking about another world leader?

And besides, this falls under free speech. Robertson said, "we should assasinate him," not "I will assasinate him." This subtle difference protects him under the First Ammendment I believe. Of course, The Venuzualen leader doesn't know anything about that.

Maybe because he called for an illegal assasination in front of a church-going audience. I highly doubt any rappers would say these things in front of a church congregation. And Robertson claims to love Jesus, and strives to follow in his footsteps. I think you need to ask yourself, would Jesus assasinate anyone? When I heard these comments from him, it made me wince with horrific pain.
kal-el said:
Maybe because he called for an illegal assasination in front of a church-going audience. I highly doubt any rappers would say these things in front of a church congregation. And Robertson claims to love Jesus, and strives to follow in his footsteps. I think you need to ask yourself, would Jesus assasinate anyone? When I heard these comments from him, it made me wince with horrific pain.

And you think this distinction means that we should extradite him to a country where there is no way in hell that he is going to get a fair trial?

ludahai said:
And you think this distinction means that we should extradite him to a country where there is no way in hell that he is going to get a fair trial?


No, I don't think extraditing him to a third-world country would help at all. I just think that hopefully most religious people, after hearing this call for a killing, will realize this is far from Jesus' arsenal of things he would do, and wake up and leave these dusty, murky traditions behind.
new coup for you said:
are you cuban? i'm not asking because i think your opinions are incorrect (i'm pretty much in total agreement with with you) but because your views sound similar to alot of Cuban survivors of Castro i know

I am a Cuban-American, son of Spaniards, married to a Colombian. I've also lived, worked and travelled extensively throughout North, Central and South America.
kal-el said:
No, I don't think extraditing him to a third-world country would help at all. I just think that hopefully most religious people, after hearing this call for a killing, will realize this is far from Jesus' arsenal of things he would do, and wake up and leave these dusty, murky traditions behind.

I agree with your comment on Robertson here (I know, doesn't happen often.) As a Catholic, I have always looked on these Fundie Protestant preachers with a significant amount of skepticism.
I wonder as to why there was little outcry when Bishop Tutu of South African fame,.. advocated placing the tire around peoples necks & setting them on fire?;)

Fighting apartheid must have been more of a righteous cause.:smile:
MiamiFlorida said:
But not the 50,000 civilians...they're not guilty of anything.

You think it was the Muslim fundamentalists who invented beheading people? F.A.R.C has been doing it for 5 decades.

Ever seen photos of a dozen headless farmers? How about a mother of 5 with a bomb strapped to her neck....detonated by remote control?

How about the kidnapping of thousands of children between the ages of 8 and 12 for the guerrilla?

This is not about communists....its about TERRORISM, the stock and trade of Hugo Chavez, his buddy Fidel Castro and his compadres across the Colombian border.

Of course...the New York times doesn't have room in its paper to report those atrocities.....they're much more interested in seeing Posada Carriles deported to Venezuela.... even after having been found innocent by Venezuelan courts not once, but twice...and kept in jail for eight years after vindication by the Venezuelan government....in the hopes of finding a jury that would convict him. "Liberals for Triple Jeopardy"....now there's a catchy nom de guerre.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you: The government of Colombia is a constitutional democracy...has been for some time now......and Colombians vote in much greater numbers than Americans.

Sorry to say so, but you seem to mix a bit things here.. FARC, Chavez, terrorists, Colombians, Carilles,...

So, we're talking Venezuela, let's keep the debate there.

1/ You say the FARC guerilla are guests in Venezuela. I read a lot on this country, but I never found any proof of that, except of the course the occasional accusation without any proof. Cheney tried it once again lately when Chavez bought rifles. If you have something a bit more convincing, I'll be glad to hear it.

2/ You talk 'bout the practices of the FARC, then continue with "the stock and trade of Chavez"? Would you be kind enough to explain to me the link? Did Chavez put a bomb around anyone's neck?

3/ Possada Carilles escaped jail in Venezuela. Escaping from jail is illegal, whatever the country. It's not because you think he's innocent that he's got the right to escape.Would you accept that Mumma escapes?

4/ The government of Venezuela is a democracy, and it has been recalled numerous times lately. Chavez not only won every election, but he won it with a very comfortable margin. Maybe that's because he really cares 'bout his people, even the poor? Just a guess.

Your post is more of a work of fiction than a fact-based op-ed, I'm afraid.

Stu Ghatze said:
I wonder as to why there was little outcry when Bishop Tutu of South African fame,.. advocated placing the tire around peoples necks & setting them on fire?;)

Fighting apartheid must have been more of a righteous cause.:smile:
Well, maybe you'd like to provide more information 'bout Desmond Tutu advocating to necklace (that was the charming terminology used at the time) someone?

The only thing I could find 'bout tires and Tutu was from the national geographic.
They came to see the former residence of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the fearless prelate who thought nothing of striding into a baying crowd to rescue a suspected police informer from being "necklaced"—garlanded with a burning tire.

Seems to contradict what you said. Maybe (but just maybe..) THAT'S why there was no outcry..
And yes, fighting apartheid was more righteous than invading Iraq.


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