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Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out[W:21] (1 Viewer)

Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Yes. Because a person's religion is relevant ... :lol:

Given that Islamic terrorism is driven by Islam (according to every Islamic terrorist), of course it's important. If he's not Muslim, then the number one source of terrorism can be eliminated in the investigation.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Perhaps he should have went to a prostitute instead of killing people.

Yes, should definitely should have went to a prostitute.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Sure they do. The most civilized would in fact. The highest price taken... ones life... for murder. Shows they place the highest value on innocent life.

I agree. People who want to eliminate capital punishment are talking to the wrong people. Talk to the killers. Tell them that the issue will go away by itself if you simply decide not to pull that trigger or plunge that knife. They're blaming the side.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Given that Islamic terrorism is driven by Islam (according to every Islamic terrorist), of course it's important. If he's not Muslim, then the number one source of terrorism can be eliminated in the investigation.

Far-right 'white supremacist' terrorist groups account for the most terrorist attacks in North America.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Far-right 'white supremacist' terrorist groups account for the most terrorist attacks in North America.

Islamic terrorism is the run-away leader in the world (you know, that place outside the U.S.).
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Islamic terrorism is the run-away leader in the world (you know, that place outside the U.S.).

Canada is in North America, so my statement stands.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Canada is in North America, so my statement stands.

Canada has had recent Islamic terrorist attacks and failed attempts (Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, for example), so it's reasonable to consider this may have been another.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Islamic terrorism is the run-away leader in the world (you know, that place outside the U.S.).

Not in Canada.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Yes, you are a boring lot.


hehe...sometimes boring is nice... ;)

(I know...punk)
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Not in Canada.

Not true. Most (if not all) of the terrorist attacks in Canada have been Islamists. There have also been several foiled attempts by Islamists. You're wrong, plain and simple.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Islamic terrorism is the run-away leader in the world (you know, that place outside the U.S.).

Islamist...Islamist...Islamist terrorism. Use the terms correctly. Terrorism, and the desire to slaughter even fellow Muslims, is as Islamic as witch burning or snake handling is to Christianity.

And Islamist terrorism has nothing on the white male in the U.S. We love to hold dear to the notion that the Islamist terrorist is the grave threat to America, despite the fact that the greatest threat to American society is a diagnosed mentally-ill white male and his legal handling and legally purchased toys. While busying ourselves with foolish notions of building border walls to keep foreigner, criminals and terrorists out, we purposefully avoid actually handling our local homegrown threats.

Besides, this unibrow van guy up in Toronto appears to be yet another white-male mental issue. Which brings me to a question. Aside from petrifying some cops and being shot for being unarmed, where are all the crazed black guys here? Has anybody come across a statistic?
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Not true. Most (if not all) of the terrorist attacks in Canada have been Islamists. There have also been several foiled attempts by Islamists. You're wrong, plain and simple.

There you go! You are getting it.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

There you go! You are getting it.

In the context of Muslims whose agenda is to impose Islamic rule on the world, 'Islamic' and 'Islamist' followed by 'terrorist' are merely two words meaning the same thing. They can be used interchangeably. Verse 9:29 of the Qur'an is the template used by the first Muslims as they set out on their great campaign of conquest. Islamic values drive the desire to subvert the world. Mohamed made that abundantly clear. The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Translation
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Not true. Most (if not all) of the terrorist attacks in Canada have been Islamists. There have also been several foiled attempts by Islamists. You're wrong, plain and simple.

I'll wait while you get the link.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

In the context of Muslims whose agenda is to impose Islamic rule on the world, 'Islamic' and 'Islamist' followed by 'terrorist' are merely two words meaning the same thing. They can be used interchangeably. Verse 9:29 of the Qur'an is the template used by the first Muslims as they set out on their great campaign of conquest. Islamic values drive the desire to subvert the world. Mohamed made that abundantly clear. The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Translation

No, they are absolutely not the same thing at all. It is a generalization for the sake of generalizing because ignorant hate forms how you present the material. You apparently know the correct word to use. Yet, you purposefully and haphazardly choose not to use it. Since Islamic Modernists are not Islamists, the terms are not interchangeable with each other or with simply defaulting to tossing all in the Islamic bucket of sameness.

And I do not have time to beat this dead horse for you. You obviously do not give a ****. This "world" mission developed in the twentieth century within Islamist thought, largely through Qutb, but inspired by Rida and al-Banna. It did not develop through Islamic Modernism. But hey, let us "Christians" start the stoning. After all, the Bible say's so and we absolutely loath the phrase "historical context" when it suits us, don't we?

We have already established that you lack education and the experience to fully appreciate or understand what you do cling to in order to form your simple world view. So save your sofa knowledge for the plebeians.
Last edited:
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

In the context of Muslims whose agenda is to impose Islamic rule on the world, 'Islamic' and 'Islamist' followed by 'terrorist' are merely two words meaning the same thing. They can be used interchangeably. Verse 9:29 of the Qur'an is the template used by the first Muslims as they set out on their great campaign of conquest. Islamic values drive the desire to subvert the world. Mohamed made that abundantly clear. The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Translation

The crazy guy looked white.....Was born in Canada....Had mental issues...You still babbling he was an "Islamist"?
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

I'll wait while you get the link.

Now I know you're not arguing in good faith. Truck attack in Quebec, parliament attack, Edmonton truck and stabbing, Toronto seven, the kid the cops had to kill in Ontario last year. You know they were all Muslims waging jihad. Why are you trying to deny such an obvious fact?
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

The crazy guy looked white.....Was born in Canada....Had mental issues...You still babbling he was an "Islamist"?

NEVER did I say he was an Islamist. NEVER.
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

Now I know you're not arguing in good faith. Truck attack in Quebec, parliament attack, Edmonton truck and stabbing, Toronto seven, the kid the cops had to kill in Ontario last year. You know they were all Muslims waging jihad. Why are you trying to deny such an obvious fact?

Still waiting.

Because I already know the answer. ;)
Re: Van driver runs over multiple people in Toronto - terrorism not ruled out

No, they are absolutely not the same thing at all. It is a generalization for the sake of generalizing because ignorant hate forms how you present the material. You apparently know the correct word to use. Yet, you purposefully and haphazardly choose not to use it. Since Islamic Modernists are not Islamists, the terms are not interchangeable with each other or with simply defaulting to tossing all in the Islamic bucket of sameness.

And I do not have time to beat this dead horse for you. You obviously do not give a ****. This "world" mission developed in the twentieth century within Islamist thought, largely through Qutb, but inspired by Rida and al-Banna. It did not develop through Islamic Modernism. But hey, let us "Christians" start the stoning. After all, the Bible say's so and we absolutely loath the phrase "historical context" when it suits us, don't we?

We have already established that you lack education and the experience to fully appreciate or understand what you do cling to in order to form your simple world view. So save your sofa knowledge for the plebeians.

You're the only one here worth talking to, but I've got a day of errands ahead of me. I'll get back to you.

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