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Valentin Broeksmi, investigating ties between Deutsche Bank and Donald Trump, has been found dead in California. (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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It's tragic when someone passes away so young.

Pertinent parts quoted.
Journalist Scott Stedman, who works for the Forensic News website, also confirmed Broeksmit's death in a tweet. "He supplied me and other journalists with Deutsche Bank documents that highlighted the bank's deep Russia connections," Stedman wrote. "It is very sad. I don't suspect foul play. Val struggled with drugs on and off.

In 2019, Broeksmit was reported to have handed over hundreds of documents to the FBI while they were investigating ties between Deutsche Bank and the former president, as well as other allegations of illegal activity by the bank. The documents were left behind by Broeksmit's late father Bill, who had been a senior executive at the German financial institution.

In a 2019 profile in The New York Times, Broeksmit was described as a man with a history of drug abuse who had aspirations of becoming a famous whistleblower such as Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning. "I am more emotionally invested in this than anyone in the world," Broeksmit while detailing why he handed over the trove of emails, financial reports and other material to the federal investigators following his father's death. "I would love to be their special informer."
This oughta get the CTers good and riled.
This oughta get the CTers good and riled.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that those CT's are correct. Valentin had a history of drug addiction. I suspect either drugs or suicide. Of course, that doesn't rule out foul play.
RFK junior’s hairdresser’s dog catcher’s birther’s pizza deliverator did it.
It was Hillary
Yep, she had a Polonium laced pizza delivered by a "Coloured", illegal immigrant, Muslim, communist, homosexual, transgender, child sex-slave who was a Registered Democrat.
Trump had him killed, just like Epstein.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that those CT's are correct. Valentin had a history of drug addiction. I suspect either drugs or suicide. Of course, that doesn't rule out foul play.
Doesn't matter. CTers will get good and riled because it has many major elements: Trump, Russia and "someone investigating Trump".
Doesn't matter. CTers will get good and riled because it has many major elements: Trump, Russia and "someone investigating Trump".
The thread title certainly has nothing to do with implying a conspiracy…
Doesn't matter. CTers will get good and riled because it has many major elements: Trump, Russia and "someone investigating Trump".
The CT personality type will pick up for a CT no matter what.

Check this out from 2019...
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Yep, she had a Polonium laced pizza delivered by a "Coloured", illegal immigrant, Muslim, communist, homosexual, transgender, child sex-slave who was a Registered Democrat.
Dont forget Iranian super hackers.

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