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UtahBill (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
Continued from here.

UtahBill said:
"You" can be plural, I suppose I should have said Ya'll ?
No, of course not. That wouldn't be proper to get your point across. Moreover, it's "y'all" and not "ya'll". The apostraphe is used to denote a missing letter.

UtahBill said:
You support ideas?
Already said so.

UtahBill said:
Have you ever had one?
You're giving me one now.
UtahBill said:
Spit it out, it ain't yours.?
If something's in my mouth, it is mine.
UtahBill said:
You do not tolerate fools but expect others to tolerate you?
I'm completely intolerable and never said that I expected others to do the impossible.
UtahBill said:
That is bigotry.
No, it would be preference.
UtahBill said:
Intellect has to exist before it can suffer.
That's why Amnesty International doesn't have a Utah branch I guess.
UtahBill said:
Perhaps you should read the rules, and then quote the one that says moderators can be obnoxious, rude, ignorant to others.
Read 'em? I helped write 'em. Just like Joseph Smith except mine weren't made up of whole cloth.
UtahBill said:
The truth is, you can't accept that there might be others here who actually know something, instead of just thinking you know something based on a few lines that you found an internet site that just happens to share the same prejudices that you have.
I haven't seen you produce any knowledge or verifiable evidence in this thread.
UtahBill said:
That is the kind of thing that AI depends on for his crap.

Utahbill said:
Found the rule that favors you, the underlined part....but the bold part also suggests that you should meet a higher standard...
not too sure about the italics portion, I suppose that is subject to interpretation, by the moderators, of course.
Reading and comprehension? It's like we're through the looking glass finally.

Utahbill said:
Not an even playing field here, is there?
Just like life. Or a mormon who has mental strikes against him.
Utahbill said:
5. Moderators - Moderators are the key to the success of any board. They are expected to live up to a higher standard as such we expect you to treat them with a higher standard. Any rule broken against a moderator could result in immediate banning.
See, even though you're claiming it's my playfield, you're still here.

You're a victim, a martyr, a whiner, and a complainer. I haven't seen much value coming from you on this board yet. Why don't you show me wrong?
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UtahBill said:
Found the rule that favors you, the underlined part....but the bold part also suggests that you should meet a higher standard...
not too sure about the italics portion, I suppose that is subject to interpretation, by the moderators, of course.
Not an even playing field here, is there?

5. Moderators - Moderators are the key to the success of any board. They are expected to live up to a higher standard as such we expect you to treat them with a higher standard. Any rule broken against a moderator could result in immediate banning.

Damn Utah, sounds like you want to battle Shuamort with one of his hands tied behind his back. You want to be able to say whatever you want but Shuamort has to be handicapped. Sounds awful puss*y to me. Shuamort took it to the basement, (welcome Shuamort, but close the door behind you or Billo will get out), next post Utah says he'll ignore Shuamort. Does that mean Utah doesn't want to fight on a open and level playing field? Shame.

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