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US spies elevate China rivalry to war of ideologies (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
Political Leaning
From The Times of India

US spies elevate China rivalry to war of ideologies

WASHINGTON: In a move that could harden Washington’s posture toward Beijing for years, the US intelligence community has characterized relations with China as a global ideological showdown that will not be doused by trade deals of commercial theft crackdowns.

US spy chiefs abruptly shifted their view of the superpower rivalry this week to something much deeper than a contest over markets, technology and geopolitics.

The annual Worldwide Threat Assessment released by Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats instead said China is seeking to propagate “authoritarian capitalism” to counter Western liberal democracy, in an echo of the decades-long Cold War.


It looks like the US doesn't have to worry about Chinese "Commies" any longer, now all it has to worry about is Chinese "Capitalists". And, since it also appears that the Russians are, in Mr. Trump's opinion, not "Commies" either, you do have to hand it to Mr. Trump for defeating the "Communist Menace" (except for the existential threat of destruction of the whole United States of America posed by BOTH the DPRK and Cuba).
From The Times of India

US spies elevate China rivalry to war of ideologies

WASHINGTON: In a move that could harden Washington’s posture toward Beijing for years, the US intelligence community has characterized relations with China as a global ideological showdown that will not be doused by trade deals of commercial theft crackdowns.

US spy chiefs abruptly shifted their view of the superpower rivalry this week to something much deeper than a contest over markets, technology and geopolitics.

The annual Worldwide Threat Assessment released by Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats instead said China is seeking to propagate “authoritarian capitalism” to counter Western liberal democracy, in an echo of the decades-long Cold War.


It looks like the US doesn't have to worry about Chinese "Commies" any longer, now all it has to worry about is Chinese "Capitalists". And, since it also appears that the Russians are, in Mr. Trump's opinion, not "Commies" either, you do have to hand it to Mr. Trump for defeating the "Communist Menace" (except for the existential threat of destruction of the whole United States of America posed by BOTH the DPRK and Cuba).

I think today's China is a good modern day example of a Racial Fascist State

They think highly of Hitler over there, no joke. Its kind of shocking when you first see/hear it xD, but then you get used to it.
I think today's China is a good modern day example of a Racial Fascist State

They think highly of Hitler over there, no joke. Its kind of shocking when you first see/hear it xD, but then you get used to it.

You have a bit of a point there

Bizarrely, support for Hitler does not in any way suggest disdain for Jews. On the contrary: Chinese people on the whole are very approving of Judaism and Jewish culture, seeing Jews as experts in both moneymaking and child rearing, with a long history and a strong tradition of education. And, unsurprisingly in a country where Mao’s all-seeing portrait still hangs from Tiananmen Square, Chinese tend to shy away from comparisons between their homegrown contender for the title of history’s greatest butcher. “I don’t think there can be any comparison between Hitler and Mao,” said Meng. “Mao’s biggest spirit was to serve the people; Mao loved the people. That’s the biggest difference.”

Of course, there are some American whose attitude towards Hitler is even more positive than the Chinese one because they also highly approve of his resettlement of millions of Jews out of the crowded cities and into healthy rural areas where they could work at productive occupations. Right?
I don't think it's any secret that China has discovered capitalism and is well on its way to become a super power and take over the USA's hegemony over the rest of the world. Can we compete? Maybe. First step: We need to recognize China as a competitor that is gaining ground quickly.

Take space for example: When the "Commies" in the Soviet Union sent up the first satellite in 1957, the USA stood up and took notice. The result was men on the moon in just 12 years. Since that time, absent competition from the Soviets, we've not advanced very much at all. Now, China is in the space race. Will we step up and enter the race? Right now, it does't look as if we will.
You have a bit of a point there

Bizarrely, support for Hitler does not in any way suggest disdain for Jews. On the contrary: Chinese people on the whole are very approving of Judaism and Jewish culture, seeing Jews as experts in both moneymaking and child rearing, with a long history and a strong tradition of education. And, unsurprisingly in a country where Mao’s all-seeing portrait still hangs from Tiananmen Square, Chinese tend to shy away from comparisons between their homegrown contender for the title of history’s greatest butcher. “I don’t think there can be any comparison between Hitler and Mao,” said Meng. “Mao’s biggest spirit was to serve the people; Mao loved the people. That’s the biggest difference.”

Of course, there are some American whose attitude towards Hitler is even more positive than the Chinese one because they also highly approve of his resettlement of millions of Jews out of the crowded cities and into healthy rural areas where they could work at productive occupations. Right?

Yea, that quote is a little silly xD... both Hitler and Mao "Loved the people".... except that they murdered millions of them.

I've never met a person who was pro-Hitler in America... that is quite a taboo stance to have.

But I have met a Pro-Hitler Chinese person.... a Chinese girlfriend of mine, was quite a culture shock to me. And it opened my eyes to how the Chinese education system interprets Hitler. Freaked me out.

If you ever go to China you'll see it, They'll even name chicken strips after Hitler or something..... similiar to how in America we say General Tso's Chicken...which is actually a curse word in china lol.
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