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US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia [W:48] (1 Viewer)

Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

The President simply does not want to do anything to risk loosing his peace prize.

Ironic, since the first American (as well as US President) to have won the Nobel Peace Prize was none other then President Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt was man enough to deserve it.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

You must really hate America to talk **** like that.

I don't see any evidence for your conclusion. Anyone could just as easily make an unsupported assertion that you may America, and it would be worth just as much.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

Clearly you do not. Haters gonna hate.

Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I don't see any evidence for your conclusion..

I don't recall having asked you. US Con is famous for accusing others of hating America. He thinks anyone left of Attila the Hun hates America. He is just as guilty.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I don't recall having asked you. US Con is famous for accusing others of hating America. He thinks anyone left of Attila the Hun hates America. He is just as guilty.

TC, just admit its a baseless argument. Whats up with that?
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

TC, just admit its a baseless argument. Whats up with that?

It's not baseless. It has every bit as much merit as your argument that Obama hates America.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I don't recall having asked you. US Con is famous for accusing others of hating America. He thinks anyone left of Attila the Hun hates America. He is just as guilty.

I do not ask for your permission to comment on your posts. I have never seen that poster accuse anyone here of hating America, so I suspect he is "famous" for that only in your imagination. When people who espouse collectivist views consistently run this country down while making excuses for its enemies, as many of them do, they are inviting other people to doubt that they like America.

Andy McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, discusses this subject in detail in a book I highly recommend. Its title is "The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America."
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

No, it is much more then that.

Rational nations try as hard as they can do achieve their goals in any way they can, short of war. Diplomacy, intrigue, posturing, one-upmanship, détente, misinformation, these and many more are legitimate tools of statecraft on the world stage.

And neither the US nor USSR/Russia is really that much of a "warmonger", contrary to what some people mistakenly believe. Now if the nuclear balance of power was between say Nazi Germany and France, or Early Showa era Japan and the US, I would not have expected anywhere even close to the amount of restraint that the US-USSR showed.

Neither the US nor the USSR felt it needed to go to war, their political system would eventually win it all each side thought, because it was superior to the other. The Cold War was much more about posturing and propaganda and forwarding a political system then it ever was a military struggle. And in the long run, the military struggle was a loosing one for the Soviets. They may have won in Vietnam, but they lost in Korea and Afghanistan (as well as loosing almost their entire client base in South-West Asia and North Africa).

It's not often that I'll disagree with you, but I strongly believe that if it weren't for the presence of (many thousands) of nuclear warheads on each side, the diplomacy that kept the Cold War from turning hot would have been far less effective. It's the old story of enemies having to work together when faced with a common threat. But you're right that an equal amount of credit belongs to the rational actors on both sides, in the Kremlin and in the White House, for I don't think either Hitler or Tojo (since Hirohito had no real say in the matter) would have shown anything like the same degree of restraint that Khrushchev and Brezhnev did.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I do not ask for your permission to comment on your posts.

I really don't give a flying ****.

I have never seen that poster accuse anyone here of hating America,

Of course you haven't. You're not paying attention. Big surprise there. You have already proven you don't know jack about squat. US conservative is famous for his hatred of all things left and of all people left. So stick your head back in the sand and carry on.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I really don't give a flying ****.

Of course you haven't. You're not paying attention. Big surprise there. You have already proven you don't know jack about squat. US conservative is famous for his hatred of all things left and of all people left. So stick your head back in the sand and carry on.

TC, I dont hate anyone. And I KNOW Ive never used that term on the forum, so try again.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

Riga (AFP) - The United States on Monday delivered more than 100 pieces of military equipment to vulnerable NATO-allied Baltic states in a move designed to provide them with the ability to deter potential Russian threats. The deliveries are intended to "demonstrate resolve to President (Vladimir) Putin and Russia that collectively we can come together," US Major General John R. O'Connor told AFP as he oversaw the delivery of the equipment in the port of Riga.

The delivery included Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, Scout Humvees as well as support equipment and O'Connor said the armour would stay "for as long as required to deter Russian aggression". The three former Soviet-ruled Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all NATO and European Union members since 2004, have very little miliary hardware of their own.


US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I am not sure about something...is this equipment being operated by Americans or Baltic States miltary personnel? Or is it neither and it is just sitting their 'in case'?
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

The UAF contniues to break the agreements made. Do you believe that people should not have the option of directing their own governments? I guess you believe that Scotland and Quebec should have been bombed also?
"Ukraine Declares Resumption of War Against Donbass

On Wednesday, March 18th, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Prime Minister of Ukraine — who was selected for that post by Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State Department on 4 February 2014, 18 days before the U.S. coup that installed him into this office — told his cabinet meeting, “Our goal is to regain control of Donetsk and Lugansk.”
Do you believe that the murder of 114 people and the rape and kidnapping of the Donbass people is justified?
Lesser things have started wars but, takes two to tango.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

The DPR and LPR will appreciate the new delivery of weapons since the UAF will get themselves in a 4th corridor and abandon those weapons for the new Novorussia Republic. Good thing Russia is sending medical supplies I fear the UAF are going to need it since Yats has declared war on the DPR and LPR again.
"Russia’s Emergencies Ministry convoy with humanitarian aid, including the vehicles of the Red Cross, has left for eastern Ukraine, a representative of the National Crisis Management Centre said on Thursday.

"It departed from the Donskoy rescue centre in the Rostov region at 04:00 a.m. Moscow time and is now on the way to the border," he said. The convoy consists of more than 170 vehicles carrying over 1,900 tonnes of humanitarian cargos.

The convoy is carrying materials for the spring sowing season, foodstuffs, medicines, essentials, construction materials to restore the destroyed facilities, as well as books and sports equipment for schools and universities in Donbass."
Get that USD printing press working 24/7 again.
I am not sure about something...is this equipment being operated by Americans or Baltic States miltary personnel? Or is it neither and it is just sitting their 'in case'?
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

TC, I dont hate anyone. And I KNOW Ive never used that term on the forum, so try again.

Projection and insecurity. Its a disease.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

"Another portion of blatant lies from Washington:
Washington (AFP) - The top US diplomat for Europe declared Tuesday that Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine were subject to a "reign of terror", blaming Russia for a conflict that has claimed thousands of lives.

"Even as Ukraine is building a peaceful, democratic, independent nation across 93 percent of its territory, Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine are suffering a reign of terror," Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"Today Crimea remains under illegal occupation and human rights abuses are the norm, not the exception, for many at risk groups there," she said of the Black Sea peninsula annexed by Russia a year ago.

Nuland cited Crimea's minority Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians who refuse to give up their passports for Russian documents as well as gays among those at risk of persecution.

Meanwhile, in eastern Ukraine, where a ceasefire between government forces and pro-Russian separatists is largely holding, "Russia and its separatist puppets" had unleashed "unspeakable violence", Nuland said.

And at the same time they claim that Obama agreed not to send arms to Ukraine, allegedly, yielding to Merke'ls pleas.

Is USA being hypocritical again and aren't American hawks itching to escalate the conflict by fanning hysteria in regard to mythical "reign of terror" in the Crimea and Donbass?"

This college student went to Crimea to help the poor abused people and this is what he found in the "occupied" area.
Can I go to? The beach looks great and the food looks awesome.
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

TC, I dont hate anyone. And I KNOW Ive never used that term on the forum, so try again.

So tell me. Does Obama hate America?
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

Moderator's Warning:
Folks, I suggest people tone it down and focus on the topic. The aggression and baiting needs to stop. This isn't the basement and it isn't the place for you to give you personal critiques of other posters. Stick to the topic
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

Gee, you'd almost think that Obama is treating Russia as a geopolitical threat. I guess the 80's got their foreign policy back.

Hehehe.... touche!
Re: US sends heavy armour to Baltic states to 'deter' Russia

I am not sure about something...is this equipment being operated by Americans or Baltic States miltary personnel? Or is it neither and it is just sitting their 'in case'?

I believe its being operated by our forces, at the very least to train and familiarize the baltic states. Giving first class equipment over to a nation that isn't trained to use it would be unwise.

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