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US National Guard Decays (1 Viewer)



Just now I got to know the core of American Army's failure in Iraq. You all must be aware already that American soldiers in Iraq are highly demoralized after all. First, it was accredited to the heat, high rate of stress and so forth. But that's not really so. Just look, drug and alcohol addiction, desertion from dispositions, intentional mutilation, pederasty, undisguised looting and insubordination got typical these days of US contingent in Iraq. Can this be because of heat and stress? I guess no.

Today we got to know the genuine reason for moral degradation of US Army in the sands. According to some American non-government organizations, they have disclosed numerous adulterations by the Pentagon in military draft by contract basis. In accordance with this, over 1.100 Pentagon employees are under examination on indictment of draft rules infringement and over 60 employees of contracted draft service were discharged for forgery and hiding negative information on eventual contract applicants.

So, that naturally allowed the Pentagon to recruit the multitude of foul folk who were seeking for high-paid job but did not think the war to be lingering and so deadly. Of course, the conditions do not suit them but they cannot quit so they let themselves go. That's a pity. I think you will agree that US Army used to be the best but now turned into a crowd of scums of society. That's disgusting!
JackAbit said:
Just now I got to know the core of American Army's failure in Iraq. You all must be aware already that American soldiers in Iraq are highly demoralized after all. First, it was accredited to the heat, high rate of stress and so forth. But that's not really so. Just look, drug and alcohol addiction, desertion from dispositions, intentional mutilation, pederasty, undisguised looting and insubordination got typical these days of US contingent in Iraq. Can this be because of heat and stress? I guess no.

Today we got to know the genuine reason for moral degradation of US Army in the sands. According to some American non-government organizations, they have disclosed numerous adulterations by the Pentagon in military draft by contract basis. In accordance with this, over 1.100 Pentagon employees are under examination on indictment of draft rules infringement and over 60 employees of contracted draft service were discharged for forgery and hiding negative information on eventual contract applicants.

So, that naturally allowed the Pentagon to recruit the multitude of foul folk who were seeking for high-paid job but did not think the war to be lingering and so deadly. Of course, the conditions do not suit them but they cannot quit so they let themselves go. That's a pity. I think you will agree that US Army used to be the best but now turned into a crowd of scums of society. That's disgusting!

I find your post to be.....just.....wrong. Have you ever served in the military? Spent a year or more in Iraq? War does strange things to people.....my husband spent a total of 16 months in Iraq, and thankfully, he came back the same man he was when he left...for the most part, anyway. He still has flashbacks. I had concerns of him developing a drinking habit for awhile. No, it may not just be the heat or stress, but I can tell you that the stress is certainly a large factor.

I've known many men and women that have been sent to Iraq. Not a single one of them could be considered scum. Call them that if you like, but just remember, they're the ones that allow you to keep the freedom to say that.

And where are you getting this "high paid" idea from? Enlisted military members do not make very much money, and it takes a four year degree to become an officer of any rank, and a lot of time to become an officer that makes any substantial amount of money.

Where did you get any of this information from? Some sources and links would lend you a lot more credibility, especially considering the sorts of allegations you are making.
JackAbit said:
Just now I got to know the core of American Army's failure in Iraq. You all must be aware already that American soldiers in Iraq are highly demoralized after all. First, it was accredited to the heat, high rate of stress and so forth. But that's not really so. Just look, drug and alcohol addiction, desertion from dispositions, intentional mutilation, pederasty, undisguised looting and insubordination got typical these days of US contingent in Iraq. Can this be because of heat and stress? I guess no.

Today we got to know the genuine reason for moral degradation of US Army in the sands. According to some American non-government organizations, they have disclosed numerous adulterations by the Pentagon in military draft by contract basis. In accordance with this, over 1.100 Pentagon employees are under examination on indictment of draft rules infringement and over 60 employees of contracted draft service were discharged for forgery and hiding negative information on eventual contract applicants.

So, that naturally allowed the Pentagon to recruit the multitude of foul folk who were seeking for high-paid job but did not think the war to be lingering and so deadly. Of course, the conditions do not suit them but they cannot quit so they let themselves go. That's a pity. I think you will agree that US Army used to be the best but now turned into a crowd of scums of society. That's disgusting!

The US Army and the military in whole is still the best thanks to the brave husband of the above poster. How dare you call them scum.

Obviously you have never served or personally know anybody who has served in the military. Every branch of the military is full of honorable men and women. I'm just totally disgusted by your post.

Why don't you come see me and I'll debate this issue with you while my size 11 military issue combat boot is up you ass.
ANAV said:
The US Army and the military in whole is still the best thanks to the brave husband of the above poster. How dare you call them scum.

Obviously you have never served or personally know anybody who has served in the military. Every branch of the military is full of honorable men and women. I'm just totally disgusted by your post.

Why don't you come see me and I'll debate this issue with you while my size 11 military issue combat boot is up you ass.

LOL...I was in the military as well, it wasn't just my husband, but thank you for your kind words....I just got out in October, so I still have a pair of combat boots.....mine are only a size 7, but I'm sure they could do some damage if you need some help :lol:
Hey... We're Pulling out the Boots!!!!!
This makes me think of that Book that was written about my Brigade's mission in Iraq....

lol... say it with a really retarded redneck accent... it sounds cool...

Anyways, what are we doing with our boots?
Wait... what are we talking about here?
Let me go argue what this dude said...

JackABit said:
Just now I got to know the core of American Army's failure in Iraq. You all must be aware already that American soldiers in Iraq are highly demoralized after all. First, it was accredited to the heat, high rate of stress and so forth. But that's not really so. Just look, drug and alcohol addiction, desertion from dispositions, intentional mutilation, pederasty, undisguised looting and insubordination got typical these days of US contingent in Iraq. Can this be because of heat and stress? I guess no.
Okay, First, Show me a branch of the Military that DOESN'T have members with a Drinking Problem, its not doubt that Military Members have drinking problems. Do you not have anyone in your State with a drinking problem? Soldiers/Sailors/Airman/Marines/Etc are people too.. they aren't friggin' robots. Intentional Mutilation? Ive known of a few people who killed themselves, one in my brother's platoon, but that has happened with every war. Looting? Again, it happens in every war, there ain't nothing different about it here, same crap different time.

JackABit said:
Today we got to know the genuine reason for moral degradation of US Army in the sands. According to some American non-government organizations, they have disclosed numerous adulterations by the Pentagon in military draft by contract basis. In accordance with this, over 1.100 Pentagon employees are under examination on indictment of draft rules infringement and over 60 employees of contracted draft service were discharged for forgery and hiding negative information on eventual contract applicants.
Are you talking about the IRR callups? be more specific

JackABit said:
So, that naturally allowed the Pentagon to recruit the multitude of foul folk who were seeking for high-paid job but did not think the war to be lingering and so deadly. Of course, the conditions do not suit them but they cannot quit so they let themselves go. That's a pity. I think you will agree that US Army used to be the best but now turned into a crowd of scums of society. That's disgusting!
High paid? Enlisted Soldiers don't get paid that much, I was one, I should know.
Even the Comissioned Officers don't get paid all that much in comparison to what a typical Bachelor's Degree holder gets in most of the fields that Officers have them in. (History, Business, etc). Im speaking of Junior Officers, not Senior Ranking Officers. Also, how do they "let themselves go" exactly?

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