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US Marines (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
US Marines, are going about WAL MART super stores trying to enlist young
people to join up in the forces to fight in IRAQ who are poor.has the goverment of the USA not got any pride.

Desporation haha,i hope they go and tell them
go to ****.

I don't think that's anything new; the military has done that for as long as I can remember.

I don't see anything wrong with it. They have to recruit somewhere, so why not the places with the demographics most likely to join the military?
Kandahar said:
I don't think that's anything new; the military has done that for as long as I can remember.

I don't see anything wrong with it. They have to recruit somewhere, so why not the places with the demographics most likely to join the military?

Most rich folks don't see anything wrong with allowing a particular group of people in society to do the lions share of the dying for their interests. That's why, you don't see rich people joining the military, because they know this.
However, if I were to go back into the military, I would probably go into the Marines, because the Marines represent a challenge. I like to take up challenges. But I wouldn't be joining because I like to fight for the personal, private interests of the rich.
Most rich folks don't see anything wrong with allowing a particular group of people in society to do the lions share of the dying for their interests. That's why, you don't see rich people joining the military, because they know this.

thanks Timmy.
kind regards to U
Not a bad idea for the Marines... but what about poor Wal-Mart? How would they ever replace all those highly-paid employees? ;)

I wasn't gonna post in a pointless thread made basically so leftos can masturbate each other's damaged egos, but on a similar drift, I was wondering, Tahshah, what you think of Israeli conscription? I realize the demand for protection, but do you percieve that it's creating more of a drag socially or economically?
Misconceptions aplenty...

Contrary to what everyone thinks not everyone in the military ends up in Iraq or participates in the fighting if they do indeed end up in Iraq. The Marines, for instance, has over a hundred or so MOS's (military occupational specialties) that make up the self-sustaining force that is the Marines. What this translates to is that only a handful of MOS's can be considered a "combat" MOS, this is not to say that some non-combat MOS's don't end up seeing actual combat, but the primary fighting force for any organic military force is the infantry, and although the infantry is obviously the largest MOS in the Marine Corps, the other MOS's when combined with each other outnumber the infantry almost ten to one. Not a lot of "food services" Marines end up fighting any battles or firing a weapon on a regular basis for that matter.

Furthermore, anyone who decides to join the Marine Corps, or any other branch of the military, is doing so of their own accord, and has little, if anything, to do with the "ingenious" tactics of military recruiters.
iamjack said:
I was wondering Tashah, what you think of Israeli conscription? I realize the demand for protection, but do you percieve that it's creating more of a drag socially or economically?
Military conscription in Israel is mandatory for both males and females. There are exemptions... such as the ultra-Orthodox.

Unlike the vast footprint of the United States, Israel lacks strategic depth (geographical area) and cannot afford to trade land for time. Thus a certain level of force-size is necessary to be on active duty at all times which in turn, requires a conscription. This results in a personal investment.

I believe the pluses in this process far outnumber the drawbacks.

Walmart is the world's largest private employer. I can see why the Marines might think that would be a good place to do recruiting. Also, hats off to the Marines who will be celebrating their 130th birthday 11/10/05!
Is there actually a problem with this?. Thats why there called recruiters. They go around trying to recruit, is wall mart off limits for some reason.
I wasn't gonna post in a pointless thread made basically so leftos can masturbate each other's damaged egos

Does anyone else see whats wrong with posting this statement? Not only does it not portain anything to the topic and is a flame but he could've easily have asked Tashah about this in a pm or better yet have started a thread (though that would've doubtless have been swamped by nazi pigs)
FinnMacCool said:
Does anyone else see whats wrong with posting this statement? Not only does it not portain anything to the topic and is a flame but he could've easily have asked Tashah about this in a pm or better yet have started a thread (though that would've doubtless have been swamped by nazi pigs)

Question asked, question answered. Opinions made for all to hear. Sit booboo, sit. Good dog.

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