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US high presumption does the job for Yankees sooner or later. (1 Viewer)



Take for example, the policy of present US State Secretary, K. Rice. It's common knowledge she determines top priority task of American diplomacy as conducting foreign policy based on main declared values of US political system. And she does all possible in order to move international community closer to these values. Meanwhile Chinese one-party political system draws plenty of especially Muslim countries. Moreover, China doesn't suffer from such drawbacks as US compulsive concernment of human rights. That is why, maybe, it brings China and theocratic Iran together now. And it's very likely that Iraq as well as some Central Asian countries may also take a leaf out of their book. So I think series of counterrevolutions is quite possible in these American colonies now.
black said:
Take for example, the policy of present US State Secretary, K. Rice. It's common knowledge she determines top priority task of American diplomacy as conducting foreign policy based on main declared values of US political system. And she does all possible in order to move international community closer to these values. Meanwhile Chinese one-party political system draws plenty of especially Muslim countries. Moreover, China doesn't suffer from such drawbacks as US compulsive concernment of human rights. That is why, maybe, it brings China and theocratic Iran together now. And it's very likely that Iraq as well as some Central Asian countries may also take a leaf out of their book. So I think series of counterrevolutions is quite possible in these American colonies now.

So because the fact we chose to fight a war and ignore what the rest of the world thinks of us theres going to be counterrevolutions?? Well let me tell you something buddy. Where was the rest of the world when the Sudanneese were being slaughtered by the millions? Oh we wont send anything to really help..we'll just make idle threats that we never enforce and hope they'll work. Europe didn't do anything about the genocide except say how sad it is. Talk about hypocracy. Guess what..WW2 is over so you can help bear the humanitarian burdens of this world. And told tell me that sending money is enough for Europe..Europe turned a blind eye on a genocide in progress.
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