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US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal (1 Viewer)

U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against Andrew McCabe, Fox News has learned, as the Justice Department rejects a last-ditch appeal from the former top FBI official and current CNN contributor.

McCabe -- the former deputy and acting director of the FBI -- appealed the decision of the U.S. attorney for Washington all the way up to Jeffrey Rosen, the deputy attorney general, but he rejected that request, according to a person familiar with the situation.

The potential charges relate to DOJ inspector general findings against him regarding misleading statements concerning a Hillary Clinton-related investigation.

A source close to McCabe’s legal team said they received an email from the Department of Justice which said, "The Department rejected your appeal of the United States Attorney’s Office’s decision in this matter. Any further inquiries should be directed to the United States Attorney’s Office."

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal | Fox News


And so it begins. The criminal charges are starting. Heads will roll. CNN looks pretty stupid for hiring him. McCabe should negotiate a plea deal and give evidence on Comey etc.
Thats the interesting part to this for me. I am curious if they are going to charge the smaller guys first to pressure them into immunity deals to go after their superiors or are they gonna go after all of them or is this just a token prosecution to appease the restless natives.

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Thats the interesting part to this for me. I am curious if they are going to charge the smaller guys first to pressure them into immunity deals to go after their superiors or are they gonna go after all of them or is this just a token prosecution to appease the restless natives.

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This is how things normally work. I guess we will see what happens.
He'll never see prison. The IG knows this will go nowhere. This is nothing more than ammo that Trump is hoping to be able to use during the election to support his "angry democrats" rhetoric.
He will see prison if he does not make a plea deal. This is out of the IGs hands now . The decision went to the deputy AG Rosen. The Government does not play unless they hold all the cards . They won't lose this one.
This is how things normally work. I guess we will see what happens.
The actions of the doj over the next 6 months will speak volumes about what their intentions are.

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Give me a SPECIFIC instance of Trump lying to a Federal agent.

Give us one specific instance where Trump has spoken directly to a Federal agent about anything?
He will see prison if he does not make a plea deal. This is out of the IGs hands now . The decision went to the deputy AG Rosen. The Government does not play unless they hold all the cards . They won't lose this one.

Hold your horses sonny. This hasn't even gotten by a grand jury yet, if ever.
It has not been disclosed yet

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Why not? Why they are they so reluctant to expound? Wouldn't you think that if they really had something that they would be talking it up?
It has not been disclosed yet

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Why not? If this is such a 'slam dunk' for them? What is there to hide now?
Why not? Why they are they so reluctant to expound? Wouldn't you think that if they really had something that they would be talking it up?
Why are you asking me? I do not work for the DOJ.

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IG agents? LOL! You're just making **** up because you don't know. So what about the FBI agents ? Which agents interviewed him in connection with a criminal or counter-intelligence investigation? And just what criminal or counter intelligence investigation exactly?

The allegation is that McCabe leaked that the Obama DOJ had tried to get him to stop an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Then, when asked about the leak under oath, lied. He apparently, though not under oath, blamed a couple of FBI field offices for the leak.

In other words, it sounds like he committed a-- what's the phrase?-- oh yes, a 'process crime' while covering up his leaking that the Obama Admin tried to-- what's that other phrase-- oh yes 'obstruct justice' by stopping a -- what is it again- I remember now 'a lawful investigation' into corruption of an organization co-run by the 2016 Democratic candidate for president so as to -- what did they call it again-- 'deceive the American voters' yes thats it--by withholding-- what's the term 'critical information' about the nature of Mrs. Clinton, when they went to the polls.
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Let’s cut to the chase. McCabe authorized the FBI investigation into Trump. Trump has repeatedly attacked McCabe on Twitter and urged that he be prosecuted. Then, somehow Trump’s Attorney General starts prosecuting McCabe.

This smells of using the tools of government to persecute people that Trump perceives as enemies — just as they do in totalitarian dictatorships.
Lets cut to the chase here. McCabe leaked the fact that the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation ONE WEEK before the election. It was leaked because McCabe was under scrutiny for his wife taking 600,000 from the Clintons for a campaign. McCabe was in charge of that investigation and he wanted to show he was hard on the Clintons to take heat of himself. When the FBI investigated the leak he lied under oath about it. Then when the IG investigated the leak he lied under oath again.

Now that you know he didn't care his leak may have help cost HRC the election in order to help himself do you still feel sorry for him? He was even given the opportunity to walk back his lie. He didn't do it he just double down on it. The Government went after PapaD, Flynn , Cohen and Stone for the same crime. I didn't hear you whinning slective political prosecution then. Don't be a hypocrite.
Give us one specific instance where Trump has spoken directly to a Federal agent about anything?
He gave interrogatories to them and answered dozens of questions for them under oath. That is answering multiple questions from Federal prosecutors under oath.
Hold your horses sonny. This hasn't even gotten by a grand jury yet, if ever.
Care to make a wager on whether McCabe get indicted or not sonny? The grand jury will indict a ham sandwich.
He learned it from Obama and Hillary.
Oh please, comparing Obama and Hillary lying to Trump is like comparing amateurs on miniature golf courses to Tiger Woods. Trump is the king of lies. When asked what lies Obama told, the pat answer is "he said I could keep my health care." Why is this what they say? Because they can't find any more. While Trump has 11,000 lies so far as prez.
I'm just reading the report. The exact words of the IG was "lack of candor", not lying, about an alleged unauthorized press leak. Which he disagrees with. That's a departmental policy violation. What criminal statute did he violate? Why can't you tell me that? Could it be because no one knows yet? If so why not?

Seeing that there is no indictment, and the grand jury was quickly summoned back to order after being off for weeks, and then just as abruptly released, one has to wonder if they don’t see this as thin gruel too.

The politics of it is obvious.

Trump wants a show trial.

He wants something that could serves as counter to any impeachment hearings that may be going on, particularly once he loses his attempts to keep people from testifying.

And since at least some of this revolves around the Clinton e-mail server, it’s a chance to revisit all the old right wing chestnuts yet again.
Oh please, comparing Obama and Hillary lying to Trump is like comparing amateurs on miniature golf courses to Tiger Woods. Trump is the king of lies. When asked what lies Obama told, the pat answer is "he said I could keep my health care." Why is this what they say? Because they can't find any more. While Trump has 11,000 lies so far as prez.
I'll close Getmo on the 1st day of my Presidency.
Seeing that there is no indictment, and the grand jury was quickly summoned back to order after being off for weeks, and then just as abruptly released, one has to wonder if they don’t see this as thin gruel too.

The politics of it is obvious.

Trump wants a show trial.

He wants something that could serves as counter to any impeachment hearings that may be going on, particularly once he loses his attempts to keep people from testifying.

And since at least some of this revolves around the Clinton e-mail server, it’s a chance to revisit all the old right wing chestnuts yet again.

Why would an IG (appointed by Obama) recommend to a district attorney (appointed by Trump), that he prosecute an FBI agent who lied about leaking that the Obama Admin had tried to obstruct justice?
Is it really all just political?
Lets cut to the chase here. McCabe leaked the fact that the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation ONE WEEK before the election. It was leaked because McCabe was under scrutiny for his wife taking 600,000 from the Clintons for a campaign. McCabe was in charge of that investigation and he wanted to show he was hard on the Clintons to take heat of himself. When the FBI investigated the leak he lied under oath about it. Then when the IG investigated the leak he lied under oath again.

Now that you know he didn't care his leak may have help cost HRC the election in order to help himself do you still feel sorry for him? He was even given the opportunity to walk back his lie. He didn't do it he just double down on it. The Government went after PapaD, Flynn , Cohen and Stone for the same crime. I didn't hear you whinning slective political prosecution then. Don't be a hypocrite.

Wow. I've seen you tell lies on here, and a lot of them. That one takes the cake.

The Clintons didn't donate anything to Mrs. McCabe's campaign.

Disgusting. Just because your crush Trump lies all the time doesn't mean you need to also.
I'll close Getmo on the 1st day of my Presidency.
That wasn't a lie. He tried to do it but the Congress stopped him. But I do understand your desperation to find something that Obama said that didn't happen, in order to build a false equivalence in the face of Trump's endless lying about matters he knows is false.
Wow. I've seen you tell lies on here, and a lot of them. That one takes the cake.

The Clintons didn't donate anything to Mrs. McCabe's campaign.

Disgusting. Just because your crush Trump lies all the time doesn't mean you need to also.

You are correct! Video: Trump’s False Donations Claim

So, at this point SLC lies more than Obama. SLC tried to draw a false equivalence between Trump's habitual lying and Obama and Clinton.

On the topic, the people who were crowing about a witch hunt against Trump are engaging in a witch hunt against McCabe. They're using the power of government to punish critics far worse than Nixon tried. Trump needs to go.

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