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Upcoming events in Asian countries (1 Viewer)



Hello everybody! I am doing a research on upcoming events for the Asian countries. Precisely I am looking for scheduled elections, upcoming sports tournaments, music concerts, summits (bilateral or multi-lateral) etc of major Asian countries ( China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.)

Can anyone help me out here? I mean is there any sites where I can get some of this information?
Hello everybody! I am doing a research on upcoming events for the Asian countries. Precisely I am looking for scheduled elections, upcoming sports tournaments, music concerts, summits (bilateral or multi-lateral) etc of major Asian countries ( China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.)

Can anyone help me out here? I mean is there any sites where I can get some of this information?

Late November there are elections for the five special municipalities in Taiwan (Taipei, Xinbei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung). It is generally considered another litmus test for the performance of the KMT administration led by President Ma Ying-Jeou and represents something like 60% of the country's population. It will be the last major election of national significance (unless there are some unexpected by-elections in the interim) between now and the 2010 presidential and legislative elections.
Does the Australian Federal Election count as significant?

There will be a federal election on August 21.
Late November there are elections for the five special municipalities in Taiwan (Taipei, Xinbei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung). It is generally considered another litmus test for the performance of the KMT administration led by President Ma Ying-Jeou and represents something like 60% of the country's population. It will be the last major election of national significance (unless there are some unexpected by-elections in the interim) between now and the 2010 presidential and legislative elections.

Sorry, that should be 2012...
I think you should count South Korea as significant. It's one of the four Asian Tigers and has the 13th largest economy to boot.
In November, there would be the G-20 Summit in Seoul.
Also, the famous Yeoungpoehae, a group formed by supporters of President Lee-Myung-Bak was scandalized over allegations of spying and other kinds of criminal acts
The US and South Korea held joint military drills
The South Korean economy grew 7.6% in the second quarter

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