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United Football League Season 2 (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
Perhaps Im probably the only one here who is actively paying attention to this league but many changes have went underway since last season.

1. NY Sentinels have become the Hartford (CT) Colonials

2. California Redwoods are now the Sacramento Mountain Lions

3. A fifth expansion team was brought to Omaha Nebraska called the Nighthawks

4. A sixth expansion team will be brought to Norfolk Virginia in the 2011 season

5. This season will start a month earlier (September) than last season but will still end in November.

United Football League (2009) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UFL | United Football League Team Scores, Game Tickets, Videos & News
I hope this league sticks around. Would love to see it become a respectable minor league system for the NFL. Having players that football fans have actually herd of definitely helps.
I hope this league sticks around. Would love to see it become a respectable minor league system for the NFL. Having players that football fans have actually herd of definitely helps.

I personally hope that it stays Independent as far as it can but who knows.
I thought it was a great success last season, I'm really looking forward to it again this year, but I can't say I follow it too closely. But I am impressed with some of the coaches/players that participate in it.

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