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#Unfit (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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A new documentary telling us what we already know about the unbalanced man in the White House will be another straw added to the burden on the back of the proverbial camel.

“Trump is a sociopath. A sadist. A con artist. A racist. A misogynist. A sexist in general. And I think it is a problem,” says Frank, providing the most amusing understatement of this entire affair. Having initially probed Trump’s mind and found only arrogance, selfishness, greed, a hunger for power, and a total disinterest in his fellow man—or knowledge about the world, competing views, or any number of other subjects—#Unfit proceeds to expand its purview by explaining his corrosive tactics, such as gaslighting. Additional examples, such as a discussion about the Ash Experiment—in which lies told by the many convince the few to doubt the obvious facts they see—speak to Trump’s method of using deception to sow seeds of confusion and distrust.

#Unfit does not appear to hold back.

Top Psychologists Compare Trump to Hitler and Mussolini in New Documentary
Trump is a broken human being. Keep in mind that lots of people are broken, mainly through genetics, horrible upbringing, lack of love and a cornucopia of other sad and nasty things.
Most of us have some rather un-societal faults but as for Trump, he's the godfather of what a human should not be. Frankly, our species would not have survived if in our far-past had had many Trump-like individuals. I mean, could you imagine the people who lived 100,000 years ago (or even further) having people like Trump? No. The tribes would have disintegrated simply because when trouble was on the horizon, Trump people would have thought: I could stay here and help protect others and my tribe or should I run for the hills and screw everybody else?
Yeah..you know the answer to that. We probably wouldn't be here. We survived by helping each other.
I wonder how many votes this will change........like Trump’s sister’s audio, not like there are any shockers there.......
Trump is a broken human being. Keep in mind that lots of people are broken, mainly through genetics, horrible upbringing, lack of love and a cornucopia of other sad and nasty things.
Most of us have some rather un-societal faults but as for Trump, he's the godfather of what a human should not be. Frankly, our species would not have survived if in our far-past had had many Trump-like individuals. I mean, could you imagine the people who lived 100,000 years ago (or even further) having people like Trump? No. The tribes would have disintegrated simply because when trouble was on the horizon, Trump people would have thought: I could stay here and help protect others and my tribe or should I run for the hills and screw everybody else?
Yeah..you know the answer to that. We probably wouldn't be here. We survived by helping each other.

“Hooray for me, **** you!”
People around him all know...

Anthony Scaramucci on CNN today: "There are cabinet officials I'm close to who came to me in October in my office at Skybridge and said the guy can't manage anything. God forbid we go into a crisis...where the executive branch will be immobilized. ... It ended up being Covid-19."
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci says, "Mary Trump has done a service to the electorate by at least explaining, in a clinical way, the manifestation of the President's personality and why we're in such a bad state"
go and vote for Joe and Ho! my vote is for the winner! TRUMP Q 2024
I wonder how many votes this will change........like Trump’s sister’s audio, not like there are any shockers there.......

There are, apparently, still fence-sitters out there. Who they are and how dumb they must be is anyone's guess. But, I imagine many will try appealing to these guys and gals over the next 60-90 days.

As for the rest, it is always about turnout. Trump will use fear and lies this upcoming week to ensure the idiots in his base show up to vote. Likewise, these books, recordings and films are designed to remind the average Democrat of the importance of their vote.
proud to be a deplorable for TRUMP Q 2024
a vote for Joe and Ho will be a vote for China, Russia, BLM, Antifa and rino's Q 2024
proud to be a deplorable for TRUMP Q 2024

Don't flatter yourself, you'd have to up your game to be deplorable; you're just a Kool-Aid drinker. -sad
A vote for Nitwit and Heretic is a vote for more lies, daily insanity, more tax breaks for their rich cronies, more kowtowing to Putin, and nothing for the citizens.
A vote for Nitwit and Heretic is a vote for more lies, daily insanity, more tax breaks for their rich cronies, more kowtowing to Putin, and nothing for the citizens.

Has Trump even mentioned Navalny yet?

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