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UN sanctions on Syria. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The U.N. today (I believe) passed through a 15-0 vote of the security council for sanctions to be placed against Syria. I'll try to find an article.

So essentially no effective or usefull tool has been used against Syria. We all know how effective the UN is and there sanctions....:roll:
Calm2Chaos said:
So essentially no effective or usefull tool has been used against Syria. We all know how effective the UN is and there sanctions....:roll:

Well this will further isolate them from the international community this is in response to the assasination of the Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, this is actually a good thing if we hold the Syrians feet to the fire.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Well this will further isolate them from the international community this is in response to the assasination of the Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, this is actually a good thing if we hold the Syrians feet to the fire.

I don't think the syrians are all to worried about the international community. They will continue to flaunt and or disregard the rest of the world. They will do this until someone decides to take actual action against them. I just hope it's not us. I'm tired of trading my soldiers for those not willing to fight for themselves. This country will continue to aid and or perpetrate terrorist and there actions. And i really don't think sanctions are going to cut it. Seems the only thing they actually accomplish is to kill the innocent.
The sanctions were held up I believe, there were no votes from Russia, and China. The unanimous vote was for complete co-operation in to the assasination of Lebanon's former P.M, or was he president?:confused:
Deegan said:
The sanctions were held up I believe, there were no votes from Russia, and China. The unanimous vote was for complete co-operation in to the assasination of Lebanon's former P.M, or was he president?:confused:

"Russia opposes sanctions against Syria," Mikhail Kamynin said while accompanying Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on a trip to Israel, according to the Interfax, Itar-Tass and RIA Novosti news agencies. "Russia will be doing everything necessary to prevent attempts to impose sanctions against Syria."

The statement is the clearest signal yet that Moscow, a permanent U.N. Security Council member with veto power, will try to block sanctions against Syria over the February assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

U.N. investigator Detlev Mehlis's report has established a clear link between Syrian officials and their Lebanese allies in Hariri's killing. The government of Syrian President Bashar Assad has denied involvement.

The United States, France and Britain pushed for the adoption of a tough resolution against Syria that would threaten sanctions if Damascus fails to cooperate fully with the U.N. probe into Hariri's slaying."

Security Council divided over Syria sanctions for Hariri murder.

U.N. Council ministers brace for Syria sanctions vote

"Mehlis has said the plot to kill Hariri and 22 others in Beirut on February 14 was "organized by Syrian and Lebanese security officials." His report named President Bashar al-Assad’s brother and brother-in-law as possible suspects. Syria has vigorously denied the allegations"

Seems like this is another step on the road to eventually invading syria.

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