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Ultimate Royal Family Thread (1 Viewer)

She paid for a piece in the NY Times about this and plagiarized the story from Stefanie Tong's Chasing Light: Finding Hope Through the Loss of Miscarriage.

I had no idea. Maybe I'll get the book from Amazon. I agree with you that if he ever gets well and gets real, he might send Meghan Markle packing.
I wouldn't waste a dime on Harry's book. I didn't; the excerpts are all out there for free. And it seems that midway through the project, his respected ghost writer (very florid prose from time to time that obviously could never have come from Harry himself as he is barely literate and probably wouldn't have made it out of high school if not for who he was) seems to have bailed midway and has remained close-lipped ever since.

I wouldn't waste a dime on Harry's book. I didn't; the excerpts are all out there for free. And it seems that midway through the project, his respected ghost writer (very florid prose from time to time that obviously could never have come from Harry himself as he is barely literate and probably wouldn't have made it out of high school if not for who he was) seems to have bailed midway and has remained close-lipped ever since.

Lol, what a head case.

Yeah, why buy the cow when one can milk the cow for free? YouTube will suffice. Thanks.
Josie, Markle is a known plagiarist. Chronic. Eleanor Roosevelt, e.e. cummings, Tong, the writer of The Boy on the Bench, etc. When she was child, her father used to tell her that a face without freckles was like a night without stars, and she copyrighted this. The source of the expression? Paula Joy Welter’s song "A Sky with No Blue" contains the line: "A girl without freckles is like a night without stars."
Josie, Markle is a known plagiarist. Chronic. Eleanor Roosevelt, e.e. cummings, Tong, the writer of The Boy on the Bench, etc. When she was child, her father used to tell her that a face without freckles was like a night without stars, and she copyrighted this. The source of the expression? Paula Joy Welter’s song "A Sky with No Blue" contains the line: "A girl without freckles is like a night without stars."

I wouldn't waste a dime on Harry's book. I didn't; the excerpts are all out there for free. And it seems that midway through the project, his respected ghost writer (very florid prose from time to time that obviously could never have come from Harry himself as he is barely literate and probably wouldn't have made it out of high school if not for who he was) seems to have bailed midway and has remained close-lipped ever since.

He's brutally honest to his own detriment. He didn't use that cream because it was titillating. He used it because someone suggested it and it brought back memories of his mother.
All this is just so tacky, so classless, but there are issues that are of constitutional importance, and that is the Line of Succession and whether the Invisikids should be included. If either were born of a surrogate, British law prohibits this. What's tragic to me is that if this turns out to be the case, Markle, who pretended that she wanted to "hit the ground running" as a royal when the Queen encouraged her to keep her career, could have had such Commonwealth impact in changing this law.

For those who are only very casually aware of all this, there are significant reasons for both curiosity and great suspicion surrounding the births of both children.
All this is just so tacky, so classless, but there are issues that are of constitutional importance, and that is the Line of Succession and whether the Invisikids should be included. If either were born of a surrogate, British law prohibits this. What's tragic to me is that if this turns out to be the case, Markle, who pretended that she wanted to "hit the ground running" as a royal when the Queen encouraged her to keep her career, could have had such Commonwealth impact in changing this law.

For those who are only very casually aware of all this, there are significant reasons for both curiosity and great suspicion surrounding the births of both children.

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
There are oddities about their birth certificates.

Yesterday the Sussexes announced that they are changing their children's surnames to "Sussex." This is a title, not a name, and while Markle can, I suppose, go to California court and change her name legally to "Princess Meghan" or whatever, Harry is not a citizen. I don't know that he can. Of course, I'm also not sure he even knows what his last name is (he demonstrated in court testimony that he is clueless about his own family's history). (It's Mountbatten-Windsor.)
I hope Harry and family can find happiness, it would seem they had none in England.
Frankly I don't give a dam about Royals. They all got lots of money.
Most likely Harry is doing well as he pleases to do. There just are no
imaginary happy thoughts with the bunch is my point.
I hope Harry and family can find happiness, it would seem they had none in England.
Frankly I don't give a dam about Royals. They all got lots of money.
Most likely Harry is doing well as he pleases to do. There just are no
imaginary happy thoughts with the bunch is my point.
Well, one of Harry's huge problems is money.
There are oddities about their birth certificates.

What are the oddities with the birth certificates?

Yesterday the Sussexes announced that they are changing their children's surnames to "Sussex." This is a title, not a name, and while Markle can, I suppose, go to California court and change her name legally to "Princess Meghan" or whatever, Harry is not a citizen. I don't know that he can. Of course, I'm also not sure he even knows what his last name is (he demonstrated in court testimony that he is clueless about his own family's history). (It's Mountbatten-Windsor.)
The circumstances of both births have elements of mystery (unneccesarily so?). It was announced by the Sussexes that she had gone into labor with Archie when, in fact, she had already been delivered. Later, in an interview Harry commented that babies change so much in two weeks when the baby was only days old, and this certainly piqued interest, as did the husband of the OB/GYN claimed as the attending physician spoke to the media and said this wasn't so.

The OB/GYN who delivered Lilibet suddenly closed up shop, leaving women who were near-term without a doctor. This is certainly "interesting" because her husband is a fertility specialist. About Lilibet's birth certificate, I guess in California, you can put anything you please on a birth certificate, and so rather than his first and last name, Harry is listed by his title. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/NINTCHDBPICT000661489811.jpg

Disclaimer: Many people believe this birth certificate is a fake because there was no way under California law for the Sun or TMZ to obtain an authorized copy: https://statevitalrecords.org/California/authorized-copy-vs-informational-copy

So there has always been great speculation surrounding the births of both children. It's obvious that for whatever reason(s), Markle wore a moonbump while pregnant (or "pregnant") with Archie. Some of the moonbump photos and gifs are hilarious, I do have to say. Both children are in the Line of Succession, and UK law requires both babies to have been born "of the body." If a surrogate were used, the surrogate is listed as the mother on the birth certificate.

Not up to me to criticize British laws, only to point out that if Meghan Markle had ever meant for a single second to "hit the ground running" (when before the wedding, she was already securing trademarks and domains and etc.), she could have been such a powerful voice for changing this law.

Meanwhile, this is all very entertaining, especially with all the purported Invictus teaser for next year in Vancouver this week, which has been little more than another "Harry and Meghan show."
The circumstances of both births have elements of mystery (unneccesarily so?). It was announced by the Sussexes that she had gone into labor with Archie when, in fact, she had already been delivered. Later, in an interview Harry commented that babies change so much in two weeks when the baby was only days old, and this certainly piqued interest, as did the husband of the OB/GYN claimed as the attending physician spoke to the media and said this wasn't so.

The OB/GYN who delivered Lilibet suddenly closed up shop, leaving women who were near-term without a doctor. This is certainly "interesting" because her husband is a fertility specialist. About Lilibet's birth certificate, I guess in California, you can put anything you please on a birth certificate, and so rather than his first and last name, Harry is listed by his title. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/NINTCHDBPICT000661489811.jpg

Disclaimer: Many people believe this birth certificate is a fake because there was no way under California law for the Sun or TMZ to obtain an authorized copy: https://statevitalrecords.org/California/authorized-copy-vs-informational-copy

So there has always been great speculation surrounding the births of both children. It's obvious that for whatever reason(s), Markle wore a moonbump while pregnant (or "pregnant") with Archie. Some of the moonbump photos and gifs are hilarious, I do have to say. Both children are in the Line of Succession, and UK law requires both babies to have been born "of the body." If a surrogate were used, the surrogate is listed as the mother on the birth certificate.

Not up to me to criticize British laws, only to point out that if Meghan Markle had ever meant for a single second to "hit the ground running" (when before the wedding, she was already securing trademarks and domains and etc.), she could have been such a powerful voice for changing this law.

Meanwhile, this is all very entertaining, especially with all the purported Invictus teaser for next year in Vancouver this week, which has been little more than another "Harry and Meghan show."

Wait --- people think Megham Markle was never pregnant?
Wait --- people think Megham Markle was never pregnant?
Many people do believe this. The Sussexes themselves are responsible for most of the mysteries. One persistent rumor is the use of a Toronto fertility clinic timed with her visit to Canada. Another is that her father confirmed the freezing of her eggs and their subsequent retrieval. Here is an example I've just Googled and found: https://history.airglee.com/meghan-markles-frozen-eggs-unveiling-the-surrogacy-rumors/

There are just so many oddities. Why the absolutely constant clutching of her belly and the coat-flicking? Why did Harry claim that he huffed all the nitrous oxide intended for his wife during Archie's birth? Why did he claim she was home only 2 hours after an epidural? Why did the named obstetrician's husband deny that his wife delivered Archie? Why did he tell the world that they ate fajitas/burger and fries on the way to Lilbet's birth? Why did Melissa Drake almost immediately close her practice?

Just for fun:

Many people do believe this. The Sussexes themselves are responsible for most of the mysteries. One persistent rumor is the use of a Toronto fertility clinic timed with her visit to Canada. Another is that her father confirmed the freezing of her eggs and their subsequent retrieval. Here is an example I've just Googled and found: https://history.airglee.com/meghan-markles-frozen-eggs-unveiling-the-surrogacy-rumors/

There are just so many oddities. Why the absolutely constant clutching of her belly and the coat-flicking? Why did Harry claim that he huffed all the nitrous oxide intended for his wife during Archie's birth? Why did he claim she was home only 2 hours after an epidural? Why did the named obstetrician's husband deny that his wife delivered Archie? Why did he tell the world that they ate fajitas/burger and fries on the way to Lilbet's birth? Why did Melissa Drake almost immediately close her practice?

Just for fun:

That sounds like a bunch of people who hate Meghan Markle making up stuff because they don't like her. I generally don't believe conspiracy theories.
That sounds like a bunch of people who hate Meghan Markle making up stuff because they don't like her. I generally don't believe conspiracy theories.
All I can say is, "Stay tuned." What's much more interesting is that Harry now appears to have seriously overstepped in Canada. I'm wondering if Parliament will now intervene.
Today I heard a blip on the news, something about Harry being willing to return to Royal duties. I'm wondering what that is all about.
Today I heard a blip on the news, something about Harry being willing to return to Royal duties. I'm wondering what that is all about.
This is Harry "manifesting"--still trying to get that half-in/half-out to which the late Queen said no. Rather than its usual gray-rocking silence, the Palace has already shut this down. https://archive.is/vf6hB#selection-2949.0-2983.173

There is no possibility of Harry returning to any royal role, probably not ever.

Sounds like suicide.

Sounds like suicide.
Yes, and many have quoted the poem "Richard Cory":

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44982/richard-cory
Judge Carl Nichols has ordered Prince Harry's visa to be submitted to the court. Most people say that Harry will skate because he's "special." I'm not going to speculate on the visa because nobody even knows what kind of visa it is, but the fact is that one way or another, Harry is a liar. He either lied on the visa, or he lied in his book about his (serious) drug use. Whichever, he's a liar.

Judge Carl Nichols has ordered Prince Harry's visa to be submitted to the court. Most people say that Harry will skate because he's "special." I'm not going to speculate on the visa because nobody even knows what kind of visa it is, but the fact is that one way or another, Harry is a liar. He either lied on the visa, or he lied in his book about his (serious) drug use. Whichever, he's a liar.

What a jerk of a King's son. He's shattered every good thought I ever had of him. Good informative thread.
What a crock, while they let gang members and drug dealers and human traffickers through the border in the thousands everyday with no vetting.
Yes, a crock...but part of this international soap opera. Seriously, you could take this unfolding drama to the sleaziest
D-list production company in Hollywood and would be laughed out the door because this is all just so insane. Only one element is this prince of the realm who has sold out his family for 30 pieces of silver and who is now trying to somehow get back what he has lost.

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