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Ukrainian Citizens Rally Against Occupation (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
Political Leaning
Russians took Kherson and Melitopol, now they have to run them. Good luck Ivan...

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Russians took Kherson and Melitopol, now they have to run them. Good luck Ivan...

As evidenced by the stalled Kyiv Convoy, I suspect Putin is outrunning his supply lines. In addition, I suspect the U.S. & NATO allies are injecting more arms into Ukraine than the publicly admit.

Putin is going to have great difficulties taking Ukraine, much less holding it. I believe he'll never hold Ukraine.
As evidenced by the stalled Kyiv Convoy, I suspect Putin is outrunning his supply lines. In addition, I suspect the U.S. & NATO allies are injecting more arms into Ukraine than the publicly admit.

Putin is going to have great difficulties taking Ukraine, much less holding it. I believe he'll never hold Ukraine.

Putin's supply situation vary's by the axis of advance. I sense that its better in the South.

However, every day that Ukrainians protest, every day they shame their fellow Slavs, every day they show soldiers that Putin was lying...is another drop in the anti-war bucket. Veterans have honored voices, and many antiwar movements depend on their voices.

This may take years...but, like Afghanistan, it will be very corrosive.
Putin is going to have great difficulties taking Ukraine, much less holding it. I believe he'll never hold Ukraine.

Russian soldiers were told Ukrainians would welcome them with flowers and parades.

It must be painfully obvious by now that they are extremely unwelcome. Their generals lied to them.

Most soldiers do not like fighting under a false pretext and dying for a dishonorable cause.
Russian soldiers were told Ukrainians would welcome them with flowers and parades.

It must be painfully obvious by now that they are extremely unwelcome. Their generals lied to them.

Most soldiers do not like fighting under a false pretext and dying for a dishonorable cause.

The soldiers may be aware they were lied too, but the Russian citizens are largely not aware.
The soldiers may be aware they were lied too, but the Russian citizens are largely not aware.

They are unaware because they allowed Putin to remove all independent sources of information.

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