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Ukraine's neo-nazi problems ....... again (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 16, 2018
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Political Leaning

Petro Poroshenko has met the country's elite troops – paratroopers – ahead of their redeployment to bolster the “partial” martial law state. One of the soldiers openly sported an insignia of a Waffen SS division.

The president stood for photos with the servicemen, who were to be redeployed to other, “dangerous” regions of the country to prop up the 30-day period of the so-called “partial” martial law that Poroshenko announced following the Kerch Strait incident. One of the troopers, standing just a few steps away from Ukraine's president proudly displayed the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf right on his chest.
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Poroshenko with a Ukraine air-assault division on its way to an eastern oblast bordering Russia.

Can't trust the criminal Putin regime to play nice. His troops are already in three Ukraine oblasts.
One of the troopers, standing just a few steps away from Ukraine's president proudly displayed the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf right on his chest.

I post my pics.

Show us your pic of the above. No typical Kremlin Photoshopped BS either.
I post my pics.

Show us your pic of the above. No typical Kremlin Photoshopped BS either.

Click on the link.

Check out the guy third left of Poroshenko on your own pic.
Click on the link. Check out the guy third left of Poroshenko on your own pic.

A skull patch? On an airborne assault paratrooper? :lamo

Obviously you don't know any biker chicks. I wish I had a dollar for every Marine I served with that had a skull tattoo or a skull somewhere on his gear.

You really need to stay far away from the RT conspiracy nonsense. It's warping your sense of perspective.

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