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Ukraine's Fall From Hope (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 16, 2018
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Political Leaning
A balanced article looking at Ukraine's progress, or lack thereof, since the 2014 revolution.


Five years ago this month, a series of protests started on the Maidan, prompted by Yanukovych turning his back on an agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Almost four months and more than a hundred deaths later, Yanukovych fled to Russia, an act soon followed by Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea and proxy invasion of eastern Ukraine. Today, the war with Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine drags on, a bloody backdrop to Ukraine’s preparations for presidential and parliamentary elections next year.
The article wouldn't load for me. Old browwer and windows the likely cause. If the above paragraph is from the article, much is left out and omission is one secret of Media manipulation and control As I view the same circumstances:
"Five years ago this month, a series of CIA/NED organized protests started on the Maidan, prompted by Yanukovych turning his back on an agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Almost four months and more than a hundred deaths later, likely caused by protestors/snipers controlled by Parubiy, Yanukovych fled to Russia, an act soon followed by Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea, an area that did not accept the coup d'etat gov't, and proxy invasion of eastern Ukraine, another region that did not accept the coup d'etat gov't, a gov't installed with 13% approval by eligible voters. Today, the war with Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine drags on, a bloody backdrop to Ukraine’s preparations for presidential and parliamentary elections next year.
A balanced article looking at Ukraine's progress, or lack thereof, since the 2014 revolution.

It doesn't cover all areas of Ukrainian institutions and society. It sounds like it was written by someone who doesn't speak the language and just dropped by for an article and departed.

The greatest problem still facing Ukraine is official corruption. It's not as bad as under Soviet rule, but it stubbornly persists. I consider the Poroshenko administration very competent is resurrecting Ukraine's military capabilities, but politically corrupt. Poroshenko's main rival in the 2019 election, Yulia Tymoshenko, is also corrupt. From personal experience, the Mayor of Odesa, Ukraine, Gennadiy Trukhanov, has been identified as a member of the Ukrainian crime syndicate. He is a money launderer (via the Panama Papers) and reportedly has two Russian passports and a Greek passport. Think of Odesa as the Las Vegas of Ukraine (except it has gorgeous beaches). Trukhanov is as corrupt as the day is long.

Remember that Ukraine has been at war - kinetic, financial, cyber, diplomatic, propagandist - with Russia since the invasions of 2014. The Kremlin - a military juggernaut - is doing everything in its power to force Ukraine to fail. Despite such huge pressures, the IMF demands that Ukraine meet certain benchmarks (financial/economic/legal/societal) before tranches of loans are released. Ukraine has never missed meeting these benchmarks. Ukraine's territory of Crimea has been illegally annexed by Moscow, Moscow militarily occupies portions of two oblasts in eastern Ukraine, and Moscow is now choking (via the new Crimea Bridge choke-point) maritime international shipping bound for the Sea of Azov Ukraine ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk. This situation is similar to the US having its maritime ports of Los Angeles and San Diego blockaded by a hostile military foe.


Yesterday in Kyiv - Activists arriving at the home of Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov (corrupt) to demand his resignation over his failure to investigate violence against activists.

You would never see anything similar at the home of Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev (corrupt).
The article wouldn't load for me. Old browwer and windows the likely cause. If the above paragraph is from the article, much is left out and omission is one secret of Media manipulation and control As I view the same circumstances:
"Five years ago this month, a series of CIA/NED organized protests started on the Maidan, prompted by Yanukovych turning his back on an agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Almost four months and more than a hundred deaths later, likely caused by protestors/snipers controlled by Parubiy, Yanukovych fled to Russia, an act soon followed by Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea, an area that did not accept the coup d'etat gov't, and proxy invasion of eastern Ukraine, another region that did not accept the coup d'etat gov't, a gov't installed with 13% approval by eligible voters. Today, the war with Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine drags on, a bloody backdrop to Ukraine’s preparations for presidential and parliamentary elections next year.

Careful. The CIA gonna getcha!

Russia stole Crimea and continues to illegally occupy the eastern sectors.

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