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Ukraine Suspends Political Parties With Russian Links (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Viktor Medvedchuk and Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council has suspended 11 pro-Russian political parties while martial law is in place in the country. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy announced the decision in a video message early on March 20. The largest of the parties with links to Russia is the Opposition Platform For Life, which has 44 out of 450 seats in Ukraine’s parliament. The party is led by Viktor Medvedchuk, who has friendly ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is the godfather of Medvedchuk’s daughter. "The activities of those politicians aimed at division or collusion will not succeed, but will receive a harsh response," Zelenskiy said. The list of the Moscow-friendly parties also includes the Nashi (Ours) party led by Yevhen Murayev. British authorities had warned that Russia wanted to install Murayev as the leader of Ukraine. Moscow “is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine,” and Murayev “is being considered as a potential candidate,” the British Foreign Office said in January.
Zelenskiy said Ukraine's Justice Ministry has been instructed to implement the decision.

Good. Remove them from sensitive government offices and decision making bodies such as parliament.

Medvedchuk has made it no secret that he receives his marching orders from Moscow. Before the invasion, Medvedchuk was awaiting trial for conspiracy against Ukraine.

Ukraine went from sort of cautious of both Russia and the EU to being just fully opposed to Russia. Putin really ****ed this up.
Ukraine went from sort of cautious of both Russia and the EU to being just fully opposed to Russia. Putin really ****ed this up.

It's prudent to not allow the enemy inside the wire.

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