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Ukraine reveals what a broken country we are (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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They are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight oppression. We can't wear masks to protect our fellow citizens. We can't bear the price of gasoline going up. Putin attacks their democracy and Zelensky says "come and get me." Putin attacks our democracy and Trump says "come and get my opponent." Americans praise the oppressor.

Our patriots are aging nationalists who no longer trust democracy. Their patriots are fighting to save it.

Let Ukraine serve as an inspiration for us to reaffirm our faith in our founding principles and strive to live up to them in this changing world and reject the corrupt demagoguery that appeals to our base sense of grievance.
They are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight oppression. We can't wear masks to protect our fellow citizens. We can't bear the price of gasoline going up. Putin attacks their democracy and Zelensky says "come and get me." Putin attacks our democracy and Trump says "come and get my opponent." Americans praise the oppressor.

Our patriots are aging nationalists who no longer trust democracy. Their patriots are fighting to save it.

Let Ukraine serve as an inspiration for us to reaffirm our faith in our founding principles and strive to live up to them in this changing world and reject the corrupt demagoguery that appeals to our base sense of grievance.
Pointing fingers at your own serves what purpose?
They are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight oppression. We can't wear masks to protect our fellow citizens. We can't bear the price of gasoline going up. Putin attacks their democracy and Zelensky says "come and get me." Putin attacks our democracy and Trump says "come and get my opponent." Americans praise the oppressor.

Our patriots are aging nationalists who no longer trust democracy. Their patriots are fighting to save it.

Let Ukraine serve as an inspiration for us to reaffirm our faith in our founding principles and strive to live up to them in this changing world and reject the corrupt demagoguery that appeals to our base sense of grievance.

Many people in the West " no longer trust democracy" for very good reason. IE it's not a functioning denocracy but a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy and they might not see it in those terms but they understand the effect of that disenfranchisement in their lives.

Ukrainians haven't really had a democracy either and if they adopt the western model, which looks likely, which whilst better than authoriatarian rule, will lead many to the same conclusion as time passes.

40 odd years of neoliberal policies had to bring us somewhere and that somewhere is national division/meltdown.
America is falling, coming down like a massive oak tree. Democracy was more fragile than we expected.

All it took was four years of Trump to open the curtain on America, and what was behind it is frightening.
I can’t seem to drawn any parallel between the war in the Ukraine and the United States.

Probably because there isn’t one to be drawn.

But, never let a good crisis go to waste. 🙄
I can’t seem to drawn any parallel between the war in the Ukraine and the United States.

Probably because there isn’t one to be drawn.

But, never let a good crisis go to waste. 🙄

They're in the OP.

As a supporter of book bans and criminalizing teaching, you might not get it.
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I can’t seem to drawn any parallel between the war in the Ukraine and the United States.

Probably because there isn’t one to be drawn.

But, never let a good crisis go to waste. 🙄
I think one can. It is no stretch to say that the US is the leader among equals in NATO. Putin could have easily thought “The Americans will spend more time arguing about whose to blame for me grabbing the Ukraine than they will spend doing anything about it.”
I think one can. It is no stretch to say that the US is the leader among equals in NATO. Putin could have easily thought “The Americans will spend more time arguing about whose to blame for me grabbing the Ukraine than they will spend doing anything about it.”

Republicans are only too eager to generate that arguing. Putin has supported them heartily.
I think one can. It is no stretch to say that the US is the leader among equals in NATO. Putin could have easily thought “The Americans will spend more time arguing about whose to blame for me grabbing the Ukraine than they will spend doing anything about it.”
There you go again, making up hypotheticals when we know right wing media...Tucker, Bannon, and leadership with Trump, Pompeo etc., from the right wing, have literally praised Putin and literally agreed that Putin's side is the right side, Bannon agreeing that Ukraine isn't even a country, etc.

But here you are "imagining" it's due to healthy American political debate. Your posts have zero credibility.
I think one can. It is no stretch to say that the US is the leader among equals in NATO. Putin could have easily thought “The Americans will spend more time arguing about whose to blame for me grabbing the Ukraine than they will spend doing anything about it.”
Now I can believe that
They are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight oppression. We can't wear masks to protect our fellow citizens. We can't bear the price of gasoline going up. Putin attacks their democracy and Zelensky says "come and get me." Putin attacks our democracy and Trump says "come and get my opponent." Americans praise the oppressor.

Our patriots are aging nationalists who no longer trust democracy. Their patriots are fighting to save it.

Let Ukraine serve as an inspiration for us to reaffirm our faith in our founding principles and strive to live up to them in this changing world and reject the corrupt demagoguery that appeals to our base sense of grievance.
Is Ukraine angelic? Google "Babi Yar." Better yet, I'll make it easy, Mass Shootings at Babyn Yar (Babi Yar).

I'll tell you one thing, personally. My ancestors on the mother's side of my maternal grandmother fled Ukraine in 1896, after Jacob's "enlistment" in the Czar's army was extended for a five-year term. They fled to the U.S. by way of Halifax and then Montreal, Canada. Do you think the Ukrainians had no role in the Nazi or Russian atrocities?
They are willing to sacrifice their lives to fight oppression. We can't wear masks to protect our fellow citizens. We can't bear the price of gasoline going up. Putin attacks their democracy and Zelensky says "come and get me." Putin attacks our democracy and Trump says "come and get my opponent." Americans praise the oppressor.

Our patriots are aging nationalists who no longer trust democracy. Their patriots are fighting to save it.

Let Ukraine serve as an inspiration for us to reaffirm our faith in our founding principles and strive to live up to them in this changing world and reject the corrupt demagoguery that appeals to our base sense of grievance.
Yeah, it’s hard to take much seriously from someone that thinks kids should smoke pot in class
say what you will about it, it ain't in support of tyranny
Compare their president's response to an attack on their capitol to ours on January 6th.
Many people in the West " no longer trust democracy" for very good reason. IE it's not a functioning denocracy but a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy and they might not see it in those terms but they understand the effect of that disenfranchisement in their lives.

Ukrainians haven't really had a democracy either and if they adopt the western model, which looks likely, which whilst better than authoriatarian rule, will lead many to the same conclusion as time passes.

You pretty much had me hook line and sinker up to this point here. Yes.

40 odd years of neoliberal policies had to bring us somewhere and that somewhere is national division/meltdown.

Now here is where you go astray imo, its not "neoliberal policies" bringing us down, we dont have any of those really, what is "bringing us down" is Corporate Fascism and Citizens United, which has separated the legislature from the electorate (as you say above, not exactly in those terms), just as Einstein warned us would happen.

einstein quote.jpg
THEY are fighting a war against a real threat using effective means.

Only morons actually still think cloth masks were effective, work to prevent the spread of virus, and advocate for their use.
THEY are fighting a war against a real threat using effective means.

Only morons actually still think cloth masks were effective, work to prevent the spread of virus, and advocate for their use.

A powerful, overwrought opinion on cloth masks. Thanks for sharing. Very helpful.
You pretty much had me hook line and sinker up to this point here. Yes.

Now here is where you go astray imo, its not "neoliberal policies" bringing us down, we dont have any of those really, what is "bringing us down" is Corporate Fascism and Citizens United, which has separated the legislature from the electorate (as you say above, not exactly in those terms), just as Einstein warned us would happen.

View attachment 67376979

The rise of the corporate world has been going on since they appeared but it is noticeable, imo, that there rise has rocketed under the neoliberalisation of the global economy.

I think the fact that it has finally caught up with the white working class in the West is why we have seen this highly charged rejection of the plutocrats " democracy"
A powerful, overwrought opinion on cloth masks. Thanks for sharing. Very helpful.
Sorry the truth shits on the mindless rhetoric you have so eagerly swallowed. Hey...maybe you can see if Biden will give you a 'hero' medal for swallowing the mask rhetoric...you know...seeing as how you compare yourself swallowing the mask lies to people fighting a war for their lives.

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