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Ukraine Retakes Kyiv Suburb, as Talks Resume Under Shadow (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Ukraine Retakes Kyiv Suburb, as Talks Resume Under Shadow

Irpin may have been liberated, meaning the Russian siege on Kiev is weakened yet again. Not sure how Russia is expecting to win without being able to take the capital. Wasn't it supposed to fall in a day?

About the whole poisoning thing, big if true. Russians using poison but being really bad at it is on brand though.

Ukraine Retakes Kyiv Suburb, as Talks Resume Under Shadow

Irpin may have been liberated, meaning the Russian siege on Kiev is weakened yet again. Not sure how Russia is expecting to win without being able to take the capital. Wasn't it supposed to fall in a day?

About the whole poisoning thing, big if true. Russians using poison but being really bad at it is on brand though.
At this point, it seems like the Russian military couldn't take over a kindergarten class.
Irpin may have been liberated, meaning the Russian siege on Kiev is weakened yet again. Not sure how Russia is expecting to win without being able to take the capital. Wasn't it supposed to fall in a day?
US General Mark Hertling:

"Many news chyrons proclaiming 'Russia is reducing their forces in Kyiv.'

It may be better to state: 'Ukraine has and is continuing to reduce Russia’s forces near Kyiv.'"​


"Does “we’ll drastically reduce military operations around Kyiv” = “we’re getting our ass kicked, transitioned to a hasty defense”?"​

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