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Ukraine opens criminal probe into possible surveillance of ex-US ambassador (1 Viewer)

I haven't been able to find "favorable" ratings for Collins. Her approval rating is currently lower than Moscow's.

I couldn't find numbers for Collins either, but here are Mitch's:

RCP average:

Favorable: 29.0; Unfavorable: 46.7
What is it with all this optimism? Am I the only curmudgeon on the site? The stooges will ignore this completely. And there are a hell of a lot of them. That's the optimistic take. The pessimistic one is that they'll all chase some stupid new conspiracy theory about how Hillary and Obama are at the root of all this and out to get their poor picked on hero.
Little bits here & there influence elections. Pelosi with Ukraine/Impeachment managed to move popular opinion to remove Trump by 10-15 pts. And it has stuck, not receded. That alone may be enough to sink Trump in November. Anything that budges the Indies a few more points would seal the deal! How do we know this impeachment with all it's variances and unknowns doesn't move them a couple of points more?
Trump did not care about "getting" Biden. It was an investigation like Hillary had that he was after. He's not too bright and thinks "lock him up" would be just as good as "lock her up" was in 2016. Biden is as innocent as Hillary and that made no difference to his supporters or you most likely. Biden was the front runner for the nomination from the moment he announced to the present. Even a dunce like Trump can see he is a real threat.
Trump didn't even care about the investigation. He wanted the announcement on CNN. It was all P.R. ...
OMG!!! To be clean there would have been no reason to ask for investigation if Biden was not obviously corrupt and had not already admitted to taking $50k a month in just one of his operations.

Yet none of this happened in 2017 or 2018. If he is so "obviously corrupt" like you say why did Trump wait until he announced his candidacy? You would not know which law Biden broke would you?
Trump didn't even care about the investigation. He wanted the announcement on CNN. It was all P.R. ...

Yes he wanted to claim there was an ongoing investigation and chant "lock him up" at his rallies. He is not very imaginative about thinking of slogans and he thought it worked with Hillary.
As a matter of fact, during the Obama administration, several foreign heads of state had their cell phones spied on by American intelligence services, not just Merkel's. I remember that at one point a head of state (I don't recall who) was so outraged that an official visit to the White House got cancelled.

But that wasn't Obama, per se. That was standard SOP by US intelligence under all presidents from as soon as the NSA had developed the capability.
Little bits here & there influence elections. Pelosi with Ukraine/Impeachment managed to move popular opinion to remove Trump by 10-15 pts. And it has stuck, not receded. That alone may be enough to sink Trump in November. Anything that budges the Indies a few more points would seal the deal! How do we know this impeachment with all it's variances and unknowns doesn't move them a couple of points more?

I don't know about that Chomsky. I use the fivethirtyeight consolidated polls as my go-to metric, and Comrade Trump's* numbers look pretty stable.

Back when the Ukraine president said that there was no "quid pro quo" you liberals laughed and said.................yeah right!

Now that the same Ukraine president offers up a investigation that might favor your argument............he's your guy!

Your party all are such hypocrites.

Your inabilty to comprehend irony is no shock. You have a history of demonstrating stupidity based on your comments. Carry on. You're a good loyal soldier.
wrong of course, Trump and Biden were merely implementing long standing foreign policy: military aid for anti corruption. Get it now??

Except Biden was doing it openly with the blessings of the IMF, Europe and our own State Dept. For some strange reason Trump had his personal attorney and his thugs do the "anti-corruption" and told no one about it, in fact he went to great lengths to hide it. It makes you wonder why it had to be hidden unlike when Biden got the corrupt prosecutor fired and he made a big deal of it on video. It seems to me that only one of them was fighting corruption and it wasn't Trump.
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How do we know this impeachment with all it's variances and unknowns doesn't move them a couple of points more?

How can the Parnas interview not? It's all supported by emails, texts, notes, etc. Trump was in on it. Barr was in on it. Pence was in on it. The Executive Office is being run like a criminal organization, complete with numerous low level "mobsters" going to jail.
It makes you wonder why it had to be hidden unlike when Biden got the corrupt prosecutor fired and he made a big deal of it.

You know Trump, he likes to keep his biggest achievements out of the public spotlight.
She's been mealy mouthing bull**** for a while now, trying to please her constituents and Trump. Not gonna work.
Hopefully not. I used to respect her, and like her enough. She often sounded like a voice of reason back in the day. Now, I can't wait to put a Dem in her Senate seat.

You know, these Senate proceedings could blacken a few eyes. And if Collins goes, there's only two other seats that need to flip to give the tie-breaker to a Dem Veep. I considered the Senate out of reach, but now I'm not so sure. I didn't realize she was doing so poorly.
How can the Parnas interview not? It's all supported by emails, texts, notes, etc. Trump was in on it. Barr was in on it. Pence was in on it. The Executive Office is being run like a criminal organization, complete with numerous low level "mobsters" going to jail.

Just like his campaign members. Trump is only comfortable around thieves,liars and swindlers. It is impossible not to see. The Republicans are complicit and resigned to support whatever Trump does. That is scary.

He is a non stop liar. The events of the last few days show how much of a liar he is. I support impeaching him. He should be removed from office. How can this country trust anything he says?
But we knew this (lying) way back before the election, during his campaign. If I could see it, I expect most others could as well.

And I pretty much saw a Constitutional crisis (though not necessarily impeachment), the graft (though not to this degree), and the disastrous foreign affairs taking us to the edge of - or into war (cf Iran).

But I did not see the economy chugging along. I missed that completely. Between Trump and the long growth cycle under Obama, I figured we'd never make it past Trump's first term without a downturn. With the Dow crash at the end of '17, I though we were there. Then again last summer, as manufacturing and other indices came to a screeching halt. But here we are chugging along, despite being in a manufacturing recession and trade war! Pretty amazing! A solid decade of growth!
But we knew this (lying) way back before the election, during his campaign. If I could see it, I expect most others could as well.

And I pretty much saw a Constitutional crisis (though not necessarily impeachment), the graft (though not to this degree), and the disastrous foreign affairs taking us to the edge of - or into war (cf Iran).

But I did not see the economy chugging along. I missed that completely. Between Trump and the long growth cycle under Obama, I figured we'd never make it past Trump's first term without a downturn. With the Dow crash at the end of '17, I though we were there. Then again last summer, as manufacturing and other indices came to a screeching halt. But here we are chugging along, despite being in a manufacturing recession and trade war! Pretty amazing! A solid decade of growth!

The economic numbers can't be trusted. Deep state, you know. ;)
As with most of these "oh wow" stories there is so much less than supposed, and possibly MORE than imagined. Almost certainty these two guys were hapless members of the criminal crew for the Ladykillers, plotting and scheming "secret agents" who stumbled through the affair with more bravado and tall tales than real substance.

My bet, like so much about these characters, it is mostly email bragging and lurid fantasies. For all the contrived hype, in one respect its a nothing burger. HOWEVER for the Ukrainians and the US there is one aspect that could be very interesting: WHO was the Ukraine official that hired this clown crew and WHY did he/she loath the US ambassador so much.

THAT will be the real story...
Are you asking who bankrolled them? It was Dimitri Firtash. Unless you mean, who did Firtash front for? Then yes, that would be interesting to know.
Zelensky seems to be an honest, strong leader. Once Trump is gone (or maybe sooner), I expect Zelensky to come clean publically.
I very much agree. And it will be interesting as hell, to hear.
How can the Parnas interview not? It's all supported by emails, texts, notes, etc. Trump was in on it. Barr was in on it. Pence was in on it. The Executive Office is being run like a criminal organization, complete with numerous low level "mobsters" going to jail.
Yep. The documentation is stupefying. I called it, when Ukraine first broke. Not that it gives me any happiness. We've got a criminal organization running the government, sure as ****!

McConnel can't let Trump take a hit. Not in political terms. Not in legal or investigative terms. The whole thing can come tumbling down. The first guy I'd like to see rot in jail, after Trump, is Devin Nunes.
Are you asking who bankrolled them? It was Dimitri Firtash. Unless you mean, who did Firtash front for? Then yes, that would be interesting to know.

Yes...the Ukrainian official that wanted these clowns to get rid of the US ambassador was unnamed in the indictment. So one wonders where the chain ends in the Ukraine?

"Parnas efforts to remove the ambassador was conducted, at least in part, at the request of one or more Ukrainian officials". This effort pre-dates the Trump stuff, in the spring of 2018.

Were they Russian symps? Corrupt Oligarch's holding government positions? Very curious.
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Yes...the Ukrainian official that wanted these clowns to get rid of the US ambassador was unnamed in the indictment. So one wonders where the chain ends in the Ukraine?
Unless one of our three-letter-agencies opens a case, we may never know.
Yep. The documentation is stupefying. I called it, when Ukraine first broke. Not that it gives me any happiness. We've got a criminal organization running the government, sure as ****!

McConnel can't let Trump take a hit. Not in political terms. Not in legal or investigative terms. The whole thing can come tumbling down. The first guy I'd like to see rot in jail, after Trump, is Devin Nunes.

Oh yeah. Can't stand that crook Nunes.

Anybody notice how everyone ends up getting bitten in the ass by their own behavior? During the impeachment hearing, one of the phone calls to the Democrats, from which Schiff stated that Nunes himself may be implicated, came from Parnas and his attorney. Trump and his muscle don't realize you can't go around pissing off anybody and everybody and expect to get away with it. Screaming ****ing lunatics.

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