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Ukraine News We Don’t Hear About (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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My neighbor was telling me about this. I was unaware of the dark history Ukraine has relative to human trafficking.

Progress was being made.

Fighting Human Trafficking in Ukraine

Human trafficking in Ukraine is a serious and overwhelming issue that has affected the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for human trafficking with over 260,000Ukrainian trafficking victims over the last 30 years. Despite this disheartening number, Ukraine’s government and some organizations are fighting human trafficking in Ukraine.

The History of Trafficking in Ukraine​

When Ukraine became a separate nation in 1991, the slave and human trafficking trade skyrocketed. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has worsened the issue as it has caused displacement for millions of individuals. These individuals are far more susceptible to ending up in the trafficking trade because of the vulnerable state they are in due to the turmoil between the two countries, according to the Library of Congress Law.

I hate to burst a bubble, but human trafficking doesn't just happen in the Ukraine, however that might serve the purpose du jour
Let's get our own shit together first...

Employees of a Texas-contracted facility meant to care for female foster children who are victims of sex trafficking were discovered to be trafficking the same children, according to a federal judge.

Seven children, ages 11 to 17, were victimized by nine alleged perpetrators, according to discussions held during an emergency court hearing called by U.S. District Judge Janis Jack on Thursday. The children remained in the facility for over a month after the abuse was first reported before they were removed.

The United States has more human trafficking and Neo-Nazis than Ukraine does. Would it be okay for Russia to invade America and indiscriminately bomb our cities?
I can’t think of a single argument that has been made to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine that can’t be used to justify an invasion of every country on earth.
You know your invasion of a sovereign country has a problem when your justification for doing so changes every day, and each justification somehow manages to be even dumber than the last.

Let's get our own shit together first...

Employees of a Texas-contracted facility meant to care for female foster children who are victims of sex trafficking were discovered to be trafficking the same children, according to a federal judge.

Seven children, ages 11 to 17, were victimized by nine alleged perpetrators, according to discussions held during an emergency court hearing called by U.S. District Judge Janis Jack on Thursday. The children remained in the facility for over a month after the abuse was first reported before they were removed.

Does this “getting our **** together first” also apply to our porous southern border? Fix our house first?

Y’all sounding Trump like this morning. 😊
Hey, Ukraine bad because there are criminals there. That must mean our country is the biggest shithole as we have tons of crimes, sex trafficking, pedophilia, murder, slavery, sex slaves, etc etc etc.

Holy stupid
Hey, Ukraine bad because there are criminals there. That must mean our country is the biggest shithole as we have tons of crimes, sex trafficking, pedophilia, murder, slavery, sex slaves, etc etc etc.

Holy stupid
Yep. And unfortunately we have a culture that produces inmates at an accelerated rate.

No daddy in the home is a major contributing factor.
ZeroHedge is a Russian trojan horse and OP's creator usually spams it. Query what his interests are and whether what he posts is actually what he himself thinks.

I don't know about you, but I can't imagine many innocently good explanations for responding to an unjust invasion by smearing the invaded country.

You know your invasion of a sovereign country has a problem when your justification for doing so changes every day, and each justification somehow manages to be even dumber than the last.

Alleged nazis are actually training anti-nazis? There's jumping the shark, and there's jumping the shark....
Yep. And unfortunately we have a culture that produces inmates at an accelerated rate.

No daddy in the home is a major contributing factor.

The biggest contributing factor is poverty.

You support a strong social welfare network, right?
The biggest contributing factor is poverty.

You support a strong social welfare network, right?
What would this support look like?
What would this support look like?

Universal healthcare, strong unemployment support, subsidized housing for the poor, job training programs, etc.

You know, things most of the developed world already have.
Universal healthcare, strong unemployment support, subsidized housing for the poor, job training programs, etc.

You know, things most of the developed world already have.
We can start by getting them to complete high school. Lack of education is ridiculously high for the incarcerated.
We can start by getting them to complete high school. Lack of education is ridiculously high for the incarcerated.

And again, another thing predominantly fed by poverty. Having to drop out in order to make an income to support themselves and their families is the number one cause of drop outs.
The United States has more human trafficking and Neo-Nazis than Ukraine does. Would it be okay for Russia to invade America and indiscriminately bomb our cities?

Yes it is

The global war in Neo Nazis and human trafficking demands that Russia can bomb, invade any country that engages in those activities, of course it will only happen to countries that Russia considers enemies and not those that are friendly

Ie Iraq vs Saudi Arabia
The United States has more human trafficking and Neo-Nazis than Ukraine does. Would it be okay for Russia to invade America and indiscriminately bomb our cities?
Makes you wonder if those who complain about Ukraine's trafficking will speak up against ours, at least to the neighbor.
My neighbor was telling me about this. I was unaware of the dark history Ukraine has relative to human trafficking.

Progress was being made.

Fighting Human Trafficking in Ukraine

Human trafficking in Ukraine is a serious and overwhelming issue that has affected the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for human trafficking with over 260,000Ukrainian trafficking victims over the last 30 years. Despite this disheartening number, Ukraine’s government and some organizations are fighting human trafficking in Ukraine.

The History of Trafficking in Ukraine​

When Ukraine became a separate nation in 1991, the slave and human trafficking trade skyrocketed. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has worsened the issue as it has caused displacement for millions of individuals. These individuals are far more susceptible to ending up in the trafficking trade because of the vulnerable state they are in due to the turmoil between the two countries, according to the Library of Congress Law.

More support for Putin I see. It's funny that, since Donald called Putin a "genius" and "savvy" the MAGA world has cozied up to Vlad. It's what you call blind allegence. And it only reaffirms the notion that MAGA is a dangerous cult.
More support for Putin I see. It's funny that, since Donald called Putin a "genius" and "savvy" the MAGA world has cozied up to Vlad. It's what you call blind allegence. And it only reaffirms the notion that MAGA is a dangerous cult.
What does Ukraine’s massive human trafficking problem have to do Putin?
My neighbor was telling me about this. I was unaware of the dark history Ukraine has relative to human trafficking.

Progress was being made.

Human trafficking in Ukraine is a serious and overwhelming issue that has affected the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for human trafficking with over 260,000Ukrainian trafficking victims over the last 30 years. Despite this disheartening number, Ukraine’s government and some organizations are fighting human trafficking in Ukraine.

The History of Trafficking in Ukraine​

Once again, you amaze me Vy. Your mind lives in the gutter regarding coming up with the negatives that are seen in life and to finish it off, the negatives are never evenly balanced to reality but always tilted to what you want to debase. No tienes perdon de dios.

Human trafficking in Ukraine, eh? and you had to come up with this OP at a time that Putin is killing innocent women and children there, right? The unforgivable death of those people is meaningless to you. What matters is that Ukraine is having human trafficking, which in your world is worse than Putin killing women and children on purpose. Wow, it shows how much you value human life.

The problem with your OP is that you are not giving the complete story about human trafficking. You are cherry picking and doing it to a country that is being slaughtered by a madman (your idol - Putin).

Human trafficking is a world-wide problem and not just in Ukraine. In fact, Belarus (a Russian country) is #1 in the world.

The 10 Worst Countries for Human Trafficking

(from your own link)

1. Belarus
2. Central African Republic (CAR)
3. China
4. Eritrea
5. Iran
6. North Korea
7. Russia
8. Sudan
9. Syria
10. Venezuela

Do you notice that Russia is #7? How come you did not mention that? And do you notice that most of the countries that are human traffickers are Communistic countries?

Yes, of course you did notice that..................you simply decided to ignore it.

Hey Vy, your grave is now deep enough. You can stop digging. It is time for you to go to sleep now.
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What does Ukraine’s massive human trafficking problem have to do Putin?
Massive human trafficking in Ukraine? Russia beats Ukraine in human trafficking by a mile. If Human trafficking is massive in Ukraine, it is colossal in Russia (your love)
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What does Ukraine’s massive human trafficking problem have to do Putin?
Let me guess... It's all run out of the basement of a Pizza Parlor in kiev....
Let me guess... It's all run out of the basement of a Pizza Parlor in kiev....
Actually, Ukraine is another strange bed fellow for the U.S. like Qatar. Why prop up leaders in countries with massive human rights violations? It’s disgusting. $$$

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