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Ukraine Captured A Batch Of Russia's Missiles And Fired Them Back At Its Troops, Report Says (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
I wish this war wasn't happening. I hope it ends soon.

The death and destruction is appalling.

I don't condone violence however, karma is a bitch.

This is literally a case of what comes around, goes around.

"Last night we sent the Ukrainian armed forces 24 Uragan missiles that were on their way here to fly over our cities," Golodov told CNN on Monday.
"We captured them intact, gave them to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at night, and now the Ukrainian army has fired missiles back at them," he added.

Given the "zero tolerance" warning, I think we're all required to say we don't condone this violence and don't call for more of it. I will be a little daring and suggest that I don't mind what these good Ukranian soldiers did, however.
"Last night we sent the Ukrainian armed forces 24 Uragan missiles that were on their way here to fly over our cities," Golodov told CNN on Monday.
"We captured them intact, gave them to the Armed Forces of Ukraine at night, and now the Ukrainian army has fired missiles back at them," he added.

Given the "zero tolerance" warning, I think we're all required to say we don't condone this violence and don't call for more of it. I will be a little daring and suggest that I don't mind what these good Ukranian soldiers did, however.
Given what their country is facing it would be irresponsible of them to not capture Russian weapons if they get the opportunity, and irresponsible to not use them once they have them.
This war , frankly, is going too bad for Putin. He is being made a fool of.
This makes him very very dangerous.
At this point I think he's hoping to negotiate his way out of this mess. Instead of controlling Ukraine he'd probably settle for an assurance of It's neutrality. Then he could tell his propaganda organs to announce that he had rooted out the fascists from the Ukrainian government and declare mission accomplished.
At this point I think he's hoping to negotiate his way out of this mess. Instead of controlling Ukraine he'd probably settle for an assurance of It's neutrality. Then he could tell his propaganda organs to announce that he had rooted out the fascists from the Ukrainian government and declare mission accomplished.

I hope so but I remain concerned he will instead escalate. Nukes on going into Belarus 🇧🇾. Don't say I didn't tell you.
This war , frankly, is going too bad for Putin. He is being made a fool of.
This makes him very very dangerous.
It also is making danger from him, not from the Ukraine, but from people inside Russia. He should fear the folks from FSB
It also is making danger from him, not from the Ukraine, but from people inside Russia. He should fear the folks from FSB

The people inside Russia 🇷🇺 are as stupid as our Trumpists. They belive Putin's propaganda just like the dom with here belive Trump.
I wish this war wasn't happening. I hope it ends soon.

The death and destruction is appalling.

I don't condone violence however, karma is a bitch.

This is literally a case of what comes around, goes around.

Russia's leadership convinced themselves they could have a short victorious war.

They apparently ****ed up in multiple ways on that, and are reaping the rewards of their failures in leadership.
Russia's leadership convinced themselves they could have a short victorious war.

They apparently ****ed up in multiple ways on that, and are reaping the rewards of their failures in leadership.
I’m not entirely convinced that is true. Military analysts assumed that the scale of buildup along Ukraine’s border meant that Russia intended for this to be a lightning war. But nothing about the way this war has been conducted even implies that. Russia is playing the long game and waging a war of attrition.
Russia's leadership convinced themselves they could have a short victorious war.

They apparently ****ed up in multiple ways on that, and are reaping the rewards of their failures in leadership.
I think the more relevant term is hoped, and I do think they prepared for other scenarios.
I think the more relevant term is hoped, and I do think they prepared for other scenarios.
Considering that Putin is purging his inner circle (scapegoating them ), that might not be the case. If the reports that he is also replacing the staff (i.e. the staff for cleaning, the cooks, and maintance people) are correct, he is also starting to get deeply paranoid
Considering that Putin is purging his inner circle (scapegoating them ), that might not be the case.
Well, its not necessarily Putin doing the planning, his yes men just tell him what he wants to hear, and this time it seems to have backfired.
If the reports that he is also replacing the staff (i.e. the staff for cleaning, the cooks, and maintance people) are correct, he is also starting to get deeply paranoid
He's a former KGB agent, he's always been this paranoid.
Considering that Putin is purging his inner circle (scapegoating them ), that might not be the case. If the reports that he is also replacing the staff (i.e. the staff for cleaning, the cooks, and maintance people) are correct, he is also starting to get deeply paranoid
He should be.

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