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UK Orders Background Checks on 3,000 Foreign Born Doctors after Psychiatrist Scandal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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London (CNN) — Up to 3,000 foreign doctors in the UK are having their backgrounds checked after it emerged that a fake psychiatrist with no qualifications was allowed to practice for over 22 years. Zholia Alemi was jailed for fraud in October after she changed an elderly client's will to make herself a beneficiary. She was also found to have stolen a number of the woman's watches and was sentenced to five years in prison.

One would have thought the UK would have done something after this story surfaced:

Four years ago a doctor's error led to Laura Gallazzi's baby being decapitated during delivery. Dr Vaishnavy Laxman, 43, should have given the 30-year old patient an emergency caesarean section as the premature infant was in a breech position, but instead tried to carry out a natural delivery. Dr Laxman, who qualified in India before coming to the UK in 2004, denied any wrongdoing at a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester



The Indian doctor in that case was cleared to practice medicine again only a few months ago. You'd think that Britain had suddenly confused their ankle with their elbow... No that would be Ireland:

The president of the High Court has expressed concern at how a doctor with "such sub-standard medical knowledge" - including mistaking an ankle for an elbow in an x-ray - could have been employed in three different hospitals. After the judge confirmed his striking off, Dr Hassan, who qualified in Sudan, said "for me it is meaningless".


One would have thought the UK would have done something after this story surfaced:

The Indian doctor in that case was cleared to practice medicine again only a few months ago. You'd think that Britain had suddenly confused their ankle with their elbow... No that would be Ireland:


Mistaking the x-ray of an elbow, for one of an ankle... I am in no way a medical doctor, but this is bull**** of the highest order right here.
Every doctor in Britain should have taken/passed either a British or a US medical certification examination to obtain their license to practice medicine in Britain.
Every doctor in Britain should have taken/passed either a British or a US medical certification examination to obtain their license to practice medicine in Britain.

Canadian, Western European, and Australian (among others) I expect are usually accepted fairly easily.
Every doctor in Britain should have taken/passed either a British or a US medical certification examination to obtain their license to practice medicine in Britain.
Why the hell US?

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Why the hell US?

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Because Canada, Europe, and Australia are backwater heck holes where universities teach medicine using books from the 1800s and advocate using herbs and divination instead of modern medical techniques
And leeches. Must not forget leeches.

To be fair, leeches are used in modern medicine. Maggots as well, although I do not know if I could ever accept maggots eating my dead flesh when I was still alive
To be fair, leeches are used in modern medicine. Maggots as well, although I do not know if I could ever accept maggots eating my dead flesh when I was still alive

I have read a number of cases of maggots used on gun shot and bayonet wounds in the Pacific Theater... If it is ugly, but it works... It isn't ugly. Better maggots than gangrene.
This story has been picked up and promoted on a variety of sites like storefront / breibart etc but the funny thing is the fake doctor is a New Zealander.

New Zealander Zholia Alemi falsely claimed to have a medical degree from Auckland university when she registered in the UK in the 1995. But she had actually dropped out of medical school in her first year.

OP tried to make this about eeebil brown migrants from "brown people land" but facts are yet again, not on his side.
Every doctor in Britain should have taken/passed either a British or a US medical certification examination to obtain their license to practice medicine in Britain.

Why would they need US certification to work in the UK?
To be fair, leeches are used in modern medicine. Maggots as well, although I do not know if I could ever accept maggots eating my dead flesh when I was still alive

It's called "Larval Therapy" It can be ticklish as they wriggle about under the sealed dressing, but they only eat dead tissue.
Because Canada, Europe, and Australia are backwater heck holes where universities teach medicine using books from the 1800s and advocate using herbs and divination instead of modern medical techniques

US medical degrees M.D./D.O. with a current USMLE certification are accepted almost everywhere in the world. However, no medical certifications are automatically accepted in the United States.

Brits, Canadians, and Aussies are required to pass the USMLE exams (United States Medical Licensing Exams) and become ECFMG certified before they can be licensed to practice medicine in the US.

Despite your sophomoric response, nations have different medical certification requirements.
Why would they need US certification to work in the UK?

I never said that. Read it again.

Those with US medical degrees M.D./D.O. and current USMLE certification possess "acceptable overseas qualifications" to practice medicine in the UK.

They must register and present these qualifications to the UK General Medical Council.
Every doctor in Britain should have taken/passed either a British or a US medical certification examination to obtain their license to practice medicine in Britain.

Foreign doctors weren't required to be tested for competence in the UK at one point in time, due to laws that were overly lenient.

The GMC said Alemi was allowed to join the UK's medical register under a section of the Medical Act which has not been in force since 2003.

The act meant medical school graduates from certain Commonwealth countries - like New Zealand - were allowed to join the register on the basis of the qualification they obtained at home.

They did not have to sit and pass the standard two-part medical test that foreign doctors normally have to pass before they can work in the UK - the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board exam (PLAB).

This story has been picked up and promoted on a variety of sites like storefront / breibart etc but the funny thing is the fake doctor is a New Zealander.

OP tried to make this about eeebil brown migrants from "brown people land" but facts are yet again, not on his side.

Prior to entering the UK and being allowed to set up shop with no qualifications, Alemi had been working in Pakistan. Her surname is Iranian, nationality is New Zealander.

I understand you're looking for any excuse to attack this thread, but even you realize that someone born in New Zealand is indeed a foreigner, if they move to the UK.
Prior to entering the UK and being allowed to set up shop with no qualifications, Alemi had been working in Pakistan. Her surname is Iranian, nationality is New Zealander.

I understand you're looking for any excuse to attack this thread, but even you realize that someone born in New Zealand is indeed a foreigner, if they move to the UK.

You keep failing.

She is no doctor, she doesn't have the correct qualification for what she practised in the UK but she actually has a B.A. in Human Biology. Second point is also that you gravitated to this story hoping she was a citizen of an Asian or African country but she's not.
You keep failing.

She is no doctor, she doesn't have the correct qualification for what she practised in the UK but she actually has a B.A. in Human Biology.

And? She flunked out of medical school in her first year. Why is it important to note that she has a BA in biology?

Second point is also that you gravitated to this story hoping she was a citizen of an Asian or African country but she's not.

That's conjecture on your behalf. The thread is about the UK order to conduct background checks on foreign doctors practicing medicine, regardless of where they're from. The fake psychiatrist is Persian, not Asian or African, and I was aware of this fact before submitting the OP.
I never said that. Read it again.

Those with US medical degrees M.D./D.O. and current USMLE certification possess "acceptable overseas qualifications" to practice medicine in the UK.

They must register and present these qualifications to the UK General Medical Council.

As did the New Zealander.
One would have thought the UK would have done something after this story surfaced:

The Indian doctor in that case was cleared to practice medicine again only a few months ago. You'd think that Britain had suddenly confused their ankle with their elbow... No that would be Ireland:


As my hubby and I are now in our senior years and my aunt much more so but I am her primary caretaker so keep up with all her doctors as I have to get her to various appointments, I just ran the composite list of all our doctors. Fifteen in all. Two were educated in the USA. So far we haven't had any excuse for a malpractice claim, but part of me says that just isn't right.
As my hubby and I are now in our senior years and my aunt much more so but I am her primary caretaker so keep up with all her doctors as I have to get her to various appointments, I just ran the composite list of all our doctors. Fifteen in all. Two were educated in the USA. So far we haven't had any excuse for a malpractice claim, but part of me says that just isn't right.

Part of the reason for why the US has so many foreign doctors is we just plain have a lot of foreign born citizens in general. The increase in population size (1/3 since 1980) has also added 100 million people to the country, all of whom need healthcare.

Meanwhile, STEM subjects aren't promoted in K-12 education with the same rigor as nonessential subjects like social justice and gender studies. That's why we have so many high school students applying to college with poor knowledge of STEM. This might explain why we seem to lack a sufficient amount of American born medical students.

My brother is 25, and had never had chicken pox as a child. He developed it earlier this year, and went to Kaiser, his primary care provider. The Indian doctor he saw was baffled by his skin rash, had absolutely no idea what it was, and called 3 other doctors into the room to have a look. No one could figure it out, until an older doctor, who happened to be American born came on duty, and immediately diagnosed him properly as just having chicken pox.
~ Why is it important to note that she has a BA in biology?

YOU made a claim which I have proven wrong, that's important.

~ That's conjecture on your behalf. ~

Ah, so 99% of your threads in this forum are not about immigrants and scary brown people who are going to take over Europe and wipe out white culture?
YOU made a claim which I have proven wrong, that's important.

Someone seeking to establish themselves as a licensed psychiatrist is either qualified, or unqualified. There are no kinda/sorta qualified psychiatrists.

Ah, so 99% of your threads in this forum are not about immigrants and scary brown people who are going to take over Europe and wipe out white culture?

This thread is about the need for the UK to conduct background checks on doctors who're already practicing medicine. I never bashed 'brown people' any where in this thread.
This thread is about the need for the UK to conduct background checks on doctors who're already practicing medicine.

No. That is your 'window dressing'.

Everyone who posts in the Europe forum understands what you are about.
Nice to see the acknowledgement over having bashed brown people in other threads. Even where that omission here is probably due to the misunderstanding of Persia not being in Asia.

Then again, what with Persians considering themselves to be the true Aryans, resulting confusion is perhaps understandable.

Ah, life can be so complicated. :lamo

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